12月15日这个日期在英语中可以用December 15th或者December fifteenth来表示。这一天在西方国家并没有特别的意义,但在中国却是一个重要的纪念日。这是因为在1936年的这一天,中国红军长征胜利结束。长征是中国共产党和红军为了逃避国民党军队的围攻而进行的一次艰苦卓绝的战役。长征途中,红军士兵们经历了数千里的艰苦跋涉,饱受饥饿、寒冷和病痛的折磨,但他们最终战胜了困苦和敌人,到达了陕北的延安。长征的胜利不仅使中国共产党和红军得以延续,也为中国革命的胜利奠定了基础。
In English, December 15th or December fifteenth can be used to represent the date of December 15th. This day does not have any special significance in Western countries, but it is an important commemoration in China. This is because on this day in 1936, the Chinese Red Army won victory in the Long March. The Long March was a difficult and arduous battle fought by the Communist Party of China and the Red Army to escape the encirclement of the Nationalist Army. Along the way, Red Army soldiers endured thousands of miles of hardship, suffering from hunger, cold, and illness. But they ultimately overcame adversity and the enemy, reaching Yan'an in northern Shaanxi. The victory of the Long March not only allowed the Communist Party of China and the Red Army to continue, but also laid the foundation for the success of the Chinese revolution.