

导读 今天我有一个有趣的故事想要和大家分享。这是一个关于一只聪明的。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识











Today, I have an interesting story to share with you. This is a story about a clever bird.

One day, a little bird was singing on a tree. Suddenly, it saw a big piece of cheese on the windowsill. The bird thought the cheese looked very delicious, so it decided to fly down and taste it.

However, when the bird tasted the cheese, it found its feet trapped in a trap. This was a trap to catch small animals, and the cheese was just bait.

The bird struggled to get out of the trap, but it couldn't free its feet. Just when it was about to give up, it saw a mouse.

The mouse saw the bird trapped in the trap and asked, 'Do you need help?' The bird replied, 'Yes, please help me free my feet from the trap.' The mouse thought for a moment and then bit off the rope on the trap, and the bird was saved.

The bird was very grateful for the mouse's help, and it decided to sing a song for the mouse. So, it started singing, but halfway through, it suddenly stopped.

The mouse asked, 'Why did you stop?'

The bird replied, 'I forgot the lyrics.'

This story tells us that even the smartest person or animal sometimes forgets things. But, if we help each other, we can overcome our difficulties, and in the hardest times, we need to support and help each other.