

导读 英雄联盟(League of Legends)是一款非常受欢。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识

英雄联盟(League of Legends)是一款非常受欢迎的电子竞技游戏。在游戏中,有许多特殊的术语和缩写词,这些术语和缩写词被广泛使用,以便玩家之间进行更有效的沟通。以下是英雄联盟的术语大全英文版:

1. ADC - Attack Damage Carry(攻击力输出)

2. AP - Ability Power(技能威力)

3. CS - Creep Score(小兵分数)

4. SS - Summoner Spell(召唤师技能)

5. AFK - Away From Keyboard(离开键盘)

6. CC - Crowd Control(控制技能)

7. Gank - Surprise attack from an unseen enemy(偷袭)

8. Jungle - Neutral territory between lanes(野区)

9. Baron - Baron Nashor, powerful neutral monster that provides a team-wide buff when killed(男爵)

10. Dragon - Neutral monster that provides a team-wide buff when killed(小龙)

11. Top - Top lane(上单)

12. Mid - Middle lane(中单)

13. Bot - Bottom lane(下路)

14. Roam - Moving around the map to gank or help teammates(偏移)

15. Ult - Ultimate ability(大招)

16. BM - Bad Manners(不良行为)

17. KS - Kill Steal(抢人头)

18. OP - Overpowered(过于强势)

19. GG - Good Game(好游戏)

20. HP - Health Points(生命值)
