Verse 1:
少年出家 谱写传奇
Shàonián chūjiā pǔxiě chuánqí
A young man becomes a monk and writes a legend
燃烧信仰 点燃心灵
Ránshāo xìnyǎng diǎnrán xīnlíng
Burning with belief, igniting the soul
披荆斩棘 直上云霄
Pī jīng zhǎn jí zhí shàng yúnxiāo
Cutting through thorns and brambles, straight to the top
少林英雄 青春无悔
Shàolín yīngxióng qīngchūn wú huǐ
Shaolin hero, no regrets in youth
刀光剑影 义薄云天
Dāo guāng jiàn yǐng yì bó yúntiān
Sword and blade, justice high as the sky
燃尽生命 灵魂永存
Rán jìn shēngmìng línghún yǒngcún
Burning up life, spirit eternal
Verse 2:
练武修行 铸就豪情
Liàn wǔ xiūxíng zhù jiù háoqíng
Training in martial arts, forging a heroic spirit
心境平和 力敌群雄
Xīnjìng pínghé lì dí qúnxióng
Calm state of mind, able to take on the world
红尘险阻 奋勇前行
Hóngchén xiǎn zǔ fèn yǒng qián xíng
Obstacles on the path, courageously moving forward
少林英雄 青春无悔
Shàolín yīngxióng qīngchūn wú huǐ
Shaolin hero, no regrets in youth
刀光剑影 义薄云天
Dāo guāng jiàn yǐng yì bó yúntiān
Sword and blade, justice high as the sky
燃尽生命 灵魂永存
Rán jìn shēngmìng línghún yǒngcún
Burning up life, spirit eternal
天地为证 忠诚不渝
Tiān dì wèi zhèng zhōngchéng bù yú
Heaven and earth as witnesses, unwavering loyalty
忍辱负重 铸就英雄
Rěn rǔ fù zhòng zhù jiù yīngxióng
Enduring humiliation and bearing weight, forging a hero
少林英雄 青春无悔
Shàolín yīngxióng qīngchūn wú huǐ
Shaolin hero, no regrets in youth
刀光剑影 义薄云天
Dāo guāng jiàn yǐng yì bó yúntiān
Sword and blade, justice high as the sky
燃尽生命 灵魂永存
Rán jìn shēngmìng línghún yǒngcún
Burning up life, spirit eternal
少林英雄 青春无悔
Shàolín yīngxióng qīngchūn wú huǐ
Shaolin hero, no regrets in youth