

导读 晋文公之事是中国历史上著名的一段故事,讲述了晋国公爵因为犯了。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识






After being deposed from his position as the Duke of Jin, Jin Wengong became a fugitive and left his homeland, feeling discouraged and despondent. One day, he saw a group of fish swimming in the sea, one of which seemed unusually active. Curious, Jin Wengong asked the boatman what kind of fish it was. The boatman replied that it was a Kun fish. When Jin Wengong asked if this fish could transform into anything, the boatman said that Kun fish could transform into birds and fly into the sky. Jin Wengong was amazed and wondered to himself, 'As a human being, having lost the trust and respect of my country, can I also transform into a higher being like this Kun fish?'

Therefore, Jin Wengong decided to give up his past glory and power, and began to re-examine his behavior and thoughts, hoping to become a better and more noble person. He started learning various knowledge and skills such as agriculture, handicrafts, medicine, and music, constantly improving his own literacy and ability. Eventually, his changes and progress were recognized and appreciated by the State of Jin, and he regained his position and trust as the Duke.