- Teachers are the guiding lights who help us navigate the journey of life. 教师是指引我们人生旅程的明灯。
- Teaching is not just a profession, it's a calling. 教学不仅仅是一种职业,它是一种使命。
- A good teacher is like a candle, it consumes itself to light the way for others. 一位好的教师就像一支蜡烛,它燃烧自己为他人照亮道路。
- Teachers plant the seeds of knowledge that will grow forever. 教师种下知识的种子,将会永远生长。
- The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don't tell you what to see. 最好的教师是那些指引你去寻找的人,而不是告诉你该看什么。
- A teacher's influence can never be erased. 一位教师的影响永远不会被抹去。
- Teachers inspire greatness in their students. 教师激发学生内在的伟大。
- Teaching is the art of assisting discovery. 教学是帮助学生发现的艺术。
- Teachers are the heart of the educational system. 教师是教育体系的核心。
- A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind, and touches a heart. 一位教师牵起手,打开心扉,触及心灵。