

导读 感情卑微是指一个人在感情上缺乏自信和主动性,经常被他人所左右。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识




In English:

Feeling inferior in relationships refers to a person lacking confidence and initiative in emotional matters, often being influenced and controlled by others, and even losing oneself in the relationship. This state may stem from personal insecurity, low self-esteem, or psychological dependence on others, or it may be caused by excessive self-sacrifice, excessive accommodation of others, or a lack of self-protection ability.

In a relationship, a person who feels inferior in emotions tends to behave too obediently, dare not express their own needs and opinions, and may even tolerate unhealthy behaviors and attitudes in order to maintain the relationship. This behavior not only harms one's emotional health but also may lead the other party to think that their behavior is acceptable and tolerable.

People who feel inferior in emotions need to learn how to protect their emotional health and dignity, establish their emotional bottom line and boundaries, learn to express their needs and opinions, and also learn to accept and respect others' needs and opinions. Only in this way can a healthy, equal, and respectful emotional relationship be established.