

导读 时间节点是指一段时间中的特定时间点或事件。在英文中,我们可以。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识


1. At a specific time:在特定的时间

例如:I have a meeting at 2 PM.

2. On a specific date:在特定日期

例如:My birthday is on July 4th.

3. During a specific period of time:在特定时间段内

例如:I will be on vacation during the month of August.

4. Before/after a specific event:在特定事件之前/之后

例如:We need to finish the project before the deadline.

5. At regular intervals:按照固定的间隔

例如:I go to the gym every morning at 6 AM.

6. In the past/future:在过去/未来

例如:I studied abroad in Europe in the past.
