

导读 反义疑问句是一种常用的语法结构,通常用于表达一种肯定或否定的。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识


1. 肯定陈述句 + 否定疑问句


- You like pizza, don't you? (你喜欢比萨饼,对吗?)

- He's a good student, isn't he? (他是个好学生,对吗?)

2. 否定陈述句 + 肯定疑问句


- You don't like broccoli, do you? (你不喜欢西兰花,对吗?)

- They aren't coming to the party, are they? (他们不来参加聚会,对吗?)

3. 特殊疑问句 + 反义疑问句


- He knows how to swim, doesn't he? (他会游泳,对吗?)

- You haven't seen the movie yet, have you? (你还没有看过那部电影,对吗?)


English translation:

A tag question is a commonly used grammar structure that is used to express a positive or negative meaning and ask if someone agrees. In English, a tag question consists of two parts: a statement and a brief question. The statement is usually in the form of a positive or negative, while the question is the opposite. Here are some common tag questions and their usage and examples:

1. Positive statement + Negative question

This structure is usually used to express a positive meaning and ask if someone agrees. For example:

- You like pizza, don't you?

- He's a good student, isn't he?

2. Negative statement + Positive question

This structure is usually used to express a negative meaning and ask if someone agrees. For example:

- You don't like broccoli, do you?

- They aren't coming to the party, are they?

3. Special question + Tag question

This structure is usually used to express a positive or negative meaning and ask if someone agrees. For example:

- He knows how to swim, doesn't he?

- You haven't seen the movie yet, have you?

In summary, tag questions are a commonly used grammar structure that is very useful in everyday life and English communication. If you can master the usage and examples of tag questions, you will be able to have more fluent English conversations and communications.

