

导读 Once upon a time, there was an。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识

Once upon a time, there was an old man named Yu Gong who lived with his family at the foot of two massive mountains. He found it difficult to travel from one side to the other because the mountains blocked his path. One day, he decided to move the mountains so that his family and everyone else could travel easily. His neighbors laughed at him, but Yu Gong was determined to move the mountains.

Yu Gong and his family started digging and carrying away the dirt and rocks from the mountains. A wise man came to see him and said, 'You are too old and weak to move these mountains. You will never succeed.' Yu Gong replied, 'I may be old and weak, but I have a strong will. I will continue to move these mountains until they are gone.'

Years went by, and Yu Gong worked tirelessly with his family to move the mountains. The gods were impressed by his determination and decided to help him. They sent two strong gods to lift the mountains up and put them in the sea.

Yu Gong's persistence paid off, and the mountains were gone. He had shown that with determination and hard work, even the impossible could be achieved.