

导读 《十二月花名歌》是一首著名的儿童诗歌,原文是英文,由美国诗人。绿色圃中小学教育网百科专栏,提供全方位全领域的生活知识

《十二月花名歌》是一首著名的儿童诗歌,原文是英文,由美国诗人詹姆斯·惠特科姆·莱利(James Whitcomb Riley)创作。这首诗歌描绘了美丽的冬季景色,以及十二月份的花卉和它们各自的名字。


When down the stair at morning time

Aloft from the lilac-tree

Tommy came, to school below,

He saw with wonder and delight

Gay creatures of the sky

On the airy branches light.

One was the robin that dear little bird

To whom our hearts are so near;

He sang, 'O the snow, the beautiful snow,

How the flakes beneath me whirl!

How the stormy winds do blow!

How the bells ring out their peal,

As the old year dies away,

And the New Year's born to-day!'

The children all came, dressed for the day,

And hurried, and scampered away,

And Tommy was left in the porch alone,

As the children are happy and gay.

They went to their seats with merry din,

And Tommy heard it all;

But he was thinking of snow and of birds,

And the loud bells' merry call.

So he took his slate and his books in hand,

And with his heart so light,

He said, 'I'll make a snowbird,

So pretty and pure and white.'

And while he worked, the school bell rang,

And he ran to his seat with a smile;

But Tommy was thinking of snowbirds,

And the playground's snowy pile.





