
楼主 |
发表于 2019-4-21 01:12:58
教师先自我介绍:I’m 160 cm tall. How tall are you? 引导一个学生回答,并将两个数据放入星星中由第三个学生进行比较回答 A is _____than B.
I’m tall tall taller than you.
Step 2. Preview
做游戏,Guess, what’s my favourite animal?让学生描述他们喜欢的动物,引导他们这么说:It’s my favourite animal. It’s …cm tall. Its tail is …cm long. It likes to eat…..It can….Guess, what’s this?
Step 3. Presentation
1、 设置情境:教师带领学生去海洋馆(多媒体出示)
Teacher: Today I will take you to the Ocean Museum.. Do you know, what’s the biggest animal in the world? 引出单词whale.。
Teacher: The left whale is sperm whale, the right one is killer whale.
Teacher: How heavy is the sperm whale? 课件展示,引出重量单位ton。
Ask: How long is it? How long is its tail? 教师可通过longer/shorter来帮助学生猜。
课件展示sperm whale的牙齿,ask: How many teeth? How long is its tooth?
再通过课件展示很多动物或蔬菜,ask: What’s its favourite food?让学生来进行选择,从而引出单词squid, lobsters和small shark。
Then ask: What can it do? (It can swim/dive.)
老师通过课件图片介绍killer whale。
如:Which is longer, sperm whale or killer whale?
How long is sperm whale/killer whale?
Which is heavier, sperm whale or killer whale?
How many teeth does the sperm whale/killer whale have?
What can the sperm whale/killer whale do? Etc
2、 完成短文后的练习,分组讨论,说说两头鲸鱼的不同。
3、 火眼金睛
Step 4. Consolidation
1、活动:顺风耳、千里眼(多媒体出示 非洲象和亚洲象)
Height Weight Teeth Food Teeth Tail
2、Story time
(1) 听录音排列图片。
(2) 讨论问题:Why do they need Bear to be the goalkeeper?
(3) 读一读,演一演。 |