楼主 |
发表于 2010-8-22 10:19:00
| 第___1__周到第__2___周
| 教学内容
| Review: Is this your dictionary? No, it’s not. It’s Tony’s dictionary.
What does she do? She’s a doctor.
Sounds and words: sun cut fun mother son month
| 教学目的
| Key : farmer factory worker aunt uncle cousin calendar dictionary diary
Sounds and words: sun cut fun mother son month
| 教学重点
| The Key words and the sentences of Review
| 教具
| Pictures Cards dice paper tokens Color Chalk etc.
| 教法
| Conversation Song activity game etc.
| 备注
| 三会:island
| 二会:
| 一会:
| 其它:magazine newspaper planner
| 第__3___周到第__4___周
| 教学内容
| Target: Do you have any envelopes? Yes, I do . Do you have any stamps? N o, I don’t. Does Jenny have any stamps? Yes, she does.
Sounds and words: pet cat carrot bat rabbit parrot
| 教学目的
| Key: staples scissors stamps envelopes paper clips paper tape glue
Sounds and words: pet cat carrot bat rabbit parrot
| 教学重点
| The Key Words
The master sentences of Target.
| 教具
| Pictures Cards coins paper tokens Color Chalk etc.
| 教法
| Conversation Chant activity Charades song game etc.
| 备注
| 三会:rubber band hang glider
| 二会:
| 一会:
| 其它:stickers postcards
| 第___5_周到第_6___周
| 教学内容
| Target: What do we have? We have some sugar. Do we have any salt ? No, we don’t. We need some salt. Do we have any tofu? No, we don’t. We need some tofu, too.
Sounds and words: toys noise boys soy sauce boiling coins
| 教学目的
| Key: juice rice salt sugar meat vegetables tofu fruit
Sounds and words: toys noise boys soy sauce boiling coins
| 教学重点
| The Key Words
The master sentences of Target.
| 教具
| Pictures Cards paper tokens Color Chalk books etc.
| 教法
| Conversation game Song activity shadow quiz stick figures etc.
| 备注
| 第__8_周到第__9__周
| 教学内容
| Target: Is this your dictionary? No, it’s not. It’s Tony’s dictionary.
What does she do? She’s a doctor. Do you have any envelopes? Yes, I do. Do you have any stamps? N o, I don’t. Does Jenny have any stamps? Yes, she does. What do we have? We have some sugar. Do we have any salt? No, we don’t. We need some salt. Do we have any tofu? No, we don’t. We need some tofu, too.
| 教学目的
| Key: review all the new words
| 教学重点
| The Key Words
The master sentences of Target.
| 教具
| Pictures Cards dice paper tokens objects etc.
| 教法
| Conversation Song activity Class survey game
| 备注
| 第__10_周
| 教学内容
| Target: What’s the weather like in spring? It’s rainy in spring. Is it rainy in fall ? No, it’s not. It’s windy. What’s the weather like today? It’s sunny and hot.
Sounds and words: snail smell pencil tail bell hole
| 教学目的
| Key: spring summer fall winter sunny rainy windy cloudy
Sounds and words: snail smell pencil tail bell hole
| 教学重点
| The Key Words
The master sentences of Target.
| 教具
| Pictures Cards clock paper tokens Color Chalk et
| 教法
| Conversation Song Activity Command Game
| 备注
| 三会:look at leaves
| 二会:
| 一会:
| 其它:有关天气的单词
| 第__11__周到第__12___周
| 教学内容
| Target: When’s winter holiday? It’s in January and February . Is January after February/ No, January is before February.
Additional: We can…
Sounds and words: yell year yacht yawn yogurt yesterday
| 教学目的
| Key: January February March April May June before after
Sounds and words: yell year yacht yawn yogurt yesterday
| 教学重点
| The Key Words
The master sentences of Target.
| 教具
| Pictures Cards objects paper tokens Color Chalk etc.
| 教法
| Conversation Song activity Ball Game
| 备注
| 三会:winter holiday ice-skating
| 二会:
| 一会:
| 其它:有关节日的日期
| 第__13___周到第__14___周
| 教学内容
| Target: When’s your birthday? My birthday’s October.20th. Today is my birthday.
Sounds and words: station cone train queen button bone
| 教学目的
| Key: January February March April May June July August September October November December
Sounds and words: station cone train queen button bone
| 教学重点
| The Key Words
The master sentences of Target.
| 教具
| Pictures Cards objects etc.
| 教法
| Conversation Song activity command game chant activity etc.
| 备注
| 第__15___周到第_16____周
| 教学内容
| Target: Your bedroom was messy this morning. Is it tidy now? Yes, it is. My books were on the floor this morning. They are on the desk now.
Additional: Let’s clean.
Sounds and words: mouse cow south mouth house loud
| 教学目的
| Key: warm wet clean tidy cool dry dirty messy
Sounds and words: mouse cow south mouth house loud
| 教学重点
| The Key Words
The master sentences of Target.
| 教具
| Pictures Cards dice Color paper etc.
| 教法
| Conversation Song activity Category song game etc.
| 备注
| 三会:garbage nice
| 二会:
| 一会:
| 其它:学习一些反义词
| 第_17____周到第__18___周
| 教学内容
| Target: Did you study yesterday? No, I didn’t. I did. What did you do yesterday? I planted trees yesterday.
Sounds and words: helped listened painted used carried acted
| 教学目的
| Key: planted watched washed cooked listened helped painted called
Sounds and words: helped listened painted used carried acted
| 教学重点
| The Key Words
The master sentences of Target.
| 教具
| Pictures Cards photos Color Chalk etc.
| 教法
| Conversation song game stick figures etc.
| 备注
| 三会:Planted Day
| 二会:
| 一会:
| 其它:归纳一些动词的过去形式
| 教学时间
| 第_19____周到第__20___周
| 教学内容
| Target: Did you study yesterday? No, I didn’t. I did. What did you do yesterday? I planted trees yesterday.
What did you do yesterday? I play basketball. What did you do the day before yesterday? I play basketball, of course.
Sounds and words: toad goat row road boat slow
| 教学目的
| Key: used studied played visited practiced talked jumped cleaned
Sounds and words: toad goat row road boat slow
| 教学重点
| The Key Words
The master sentences of Target.
| 教具
| Pictures Cards photos Color Chalk etc.
| 教法
| Conversation shadow quiz stick figures etc.
| 备注
| 三会:
| 二会:parade trumpet
| 一会:
| 其它:归纳一些动词的过去形式
| 教学时间
| 第_21_周
| 教学内容
| Target: Your bedroom was messy this morning. Is it tidy now? Yes, it is. My books were on the floor this morning. They are on the desk now.
What did you do yesterday? I play basketball. What did you do the day before yesterday? I play basketball, of course.
| 教学目的
| Review the words and sentences.
| 教学重点
| The Key Words
The master sentences of Target.
| 教具
| Pictures Cards photos Color Chalk etc.
| 教法
| TPR game song stick figures etc.
| 备注
| 三会:
| 二会:
| 一会:
| 其它:归纳一些动词的过去形式以及各个时态的使用区别