Unit Three Look at me 第二课时 一、教学内容:Part A Let’s learn Let’s do 二、教学目标: 1 能听、说、认读单词ear,eye,nose,mouth,face及句子 ook at me! This is my face.2、能够根据节奏说唱歌谣。 3、培养学生的表演能力和运用语言的能力。 4、教育学生要珍爱生命,关心自己及他人的身体健康,养成爱劳动 的好习惯。 三、教学重点:掌握三会单词和三会句子。 四、难点 : 辨认单词eye和ear的发音 五、教学准备:单词卡片,多媒体课件。 六、教学过程: Warm-up 播放A Let’s play <How are you >歌曲 师生齐唱,营造和谐的英语学习氛围。 分组:red team 和 blue team教师拿出红蓝两张彩纸。 T: What colour do you see? Ss: I see red,I see blue. T: You are red team,You are blue team,We have PK.I f you are better,You got one point.OK? Revision 1、老师问学生答。(老师先示范) T:First I ask You answer. Hello,How are you? S1:I’m fine,thank you. T  et’s go to school. S1:OK. 要求:声音响亮,发音准确,语言流利。 红队和蓝队各找两人表演对话,给表现好的小队加1分。创造比赛的学习气氛,为下面的学习创设积极的氛围。 Presatasion 2、T:Which one is better?OK,red team,you’ve got one point. Next one,blue team,come on.Today we ‘ll learn Unit three Look at me Part A Let’s learn let’s do .At first watch a cartoon. 播放 Let’s learn的动画。 T:What can you see?引导学生回答所要学习的内容,可以用英语说,也可以用汉语说。You can say in English or Chinese . T:OK,please look at me,This is my face.教师用手势引导开始学习。 教读face,并板书,look at me,This is my face. 3、T:Next one ,we guess a riddle. PPT:一座山,两个洞;会吹气,会吸风。 给猜对的小队加一分。 T:Yes,listen,nose ,教读,看图片。开火车读,纠正学生的发音,歌谣操练:Face,face,Touch your face.板书,操练句型Look at me,This is my----. 4、T:Go on,we guess a riddle.东一片,西一片,到老不相见。 先听音,后学习,引导学生学习ear ,开火车读,及时纠正学生的发音。高低音变化读。歌谣操练:ear,ear,Thouch your ear. 5、采用同样的方法学习嘴巴,红红两片,可开可闭。注意mouth的发音,这是难点,反复示范,教读。歌谣操练mouth,mouth,Open your mouth,游戏Listen and do. Open your mouth,Close your mouth. 6、T:the last one ,Guess,What’s it?采用嘴巴的方法学习眼睛。Eye,eye,I am eye.歌谣操练。游戏Listen and do.Open your eyes,Close your eyes. Practice 7、打开课本,听音跟读,T:Open your books,show me your finger, 要求:Look,Listen and point,repeat.看,听,指,跟读。 8、自由朗读,指明学生读,给读的好的小组加分。 9、播放Let’s do听听做做。 10、活动,表演介绍自己的五官,每组两人。给表现好的小队加分。 11、连线Let’s learn内容 小结:齐读今天学习的内容,Boy s and girls,we hear with ears,see with eyes,smell with nose,drink or eat with mouth,if there’s something wrong with your nose ,mouth,eyes,ears and face, You need to see a doctor,In order to keep your heath,you’ll love your face,eye,ear,mouth,nose. 板书设计: Unit 3 Look at me 红旗队 Look at me, nose 蓝旗队 正 This is my face 正 ear mouth eye