
楼主 |
发表于 2016-5-16 19:36:12
Step 4.Learn the text.课文学习
(1) Watch and listen.
T : Boys and girls, you know head, hand, leg, foot and so on, so open your books and turn to page56,watch and listen.
Ss : 认真看仔细听课文录音。
(2) Listen and repeat
T : Listen again, and repeat it loudly.
Ss : 跟读课文。
(3) Listen, point, and read after me.
T : Now, boys and girls ,use your finger to point your book,and read after me.
Ss : 学生边听边指边跟读。
Step 5. Consolidation and extension. 巩固,拓展和延伸
T : Good job! Now, boys and girls, look at me, I have many beautiful pictures, please try to retell the text.老师出示故事卡,引导学生看图片中的关键部位,从而顺利地复述课文内容。
(2)Group work 描述物品
T : Maybe, you have a dog, rabbit, tiger, so, let’s try to describe them.
T : look,this is a tiger. Maybe it’s five years old. This is his head. This is his arm…..
(3) Show time 学生展示汇报
(设计意图:小组练习,展示,汇报不仅给学生提供了使用英语,展示所学知识的舞台,还培养了学生的综合语言运用能力,让他们体验到用英语解决问题成功后的喜悦,知道学英语就能用,并且培养了学生的综合实践能力。) |