
楼主 |
发表于 2016-4-30 07:15:40
Now, chant with me.
En, en, en.
Hen, hen, hen; Here is a hen.
Ten, ten, ten; Now, we have ten.
T: Now, look at these two letters, can you try to read?
e · d → ed
r · ed → red b · ed → bed
Let’s read!
Ed, ed, ed.
Red, red, red; I love red.
Bed, bed, bed; I love the red, red bed.
e · ll → ell
w· ell → well b · ell → bell f · ell → fell
Ell, ell, ell.
Bell, bell, bell; the big bell fell.
Well, well, well; the bell fell into the well.
T: Here are some new words, can you try to read them?
tell ted pen sell beg get less bend pest neck
T: Then listen to me and try to write the correct letters.
l_ g j _t _ _ _ b_ _ _ s_ _ _
(最后,通过listen and write的方式进一步巩固复习这节课所学,并以此检查学生的掌握情况。)