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发表于 2016-2-8 09:51:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
To Catch the Moon
Little Sam:  Look ,Dad. There is a moon in the river. How bright it is!
Dad:       Yes. It’s beautiful .
Little Sam:  Give me a pail, and I will catch the moon.
Dad:       Oh, no. The moon is in the sky . Look! The river is like a big mirror. That is why you can see moon in it.
Little Sam:  I see.
1.      What can Sam see in the river?                                 
2.      Can he catch the moon?                                       
3.      Why can’t Sam catch the moon in the river?                       

The Fox and the Grapes
A fox is looking for food. He is very hungry. Now he is stopping up. He sees a lot of fine grapes at the top of the wall.
“How nice they are! I want to eat them.” The fox jumps and jumps, but the wall is too high. He can’t get the grapes. The fox does away and says, “ I don’t like those grapes. They are not good to eat.”
1. The fox is playing near the wall.                     (    )
2. There are many nice grapes at the top of the wall.       (    )
3. The fox doesn’t like those grapes.                    (    )
4. The fox goes away because the grapes are not good to eat. (    )
1. The fox is looking for       . A: grapes  B: fruits  C: food
2. The fox wants to eat them, so he       .
A: runs and runs  B: jumps and jumps   C: goes away
3. The wall is too       for the fox to get the grapes.
A: high   B: low   C: far
4: The fox goes away because          .
A: the grapes are not good    B: he can’t get them
C: he isn’t hungry   

I Can See You
   John has a parrot. It is a nice bird. Everyday John says to it, “Hello! I can see you!” Soon the bird can say “Hello! I can see you!”
One day John is at school. A thief comes into John’s room. He wants to steal something.  A voice comes, “Hello! I can see you!” The thief puts the things on the floor and runs away.
1. John is a policeman.                               (    )
2. John has some birds.                               (    )
3. The thief wants to take some things away from the room.  (    )
4. The bird can say some Chinese.                      (    )
5. The thief sees John and goes away.                    (    )
1. John’s bird is very      .  A: ugly   B: big   C: nice
2. The bird can say,         .
    A: Look! A thief.    B: Bye-bye.   C: Hello! I can see you!
3. One day a         comes into John’s room.
    A: policeman       B: thief       C: farmer
1.              drives away the thief at last.  
A: The bird       B: The policeman    C: John
          (2) A  New Son
Old man:     May I sit here?
Young man:   No , you  can’t.  The seat is for my sister.
Old man:     Where is your sister?
Young man:   Eh…yes. She is my sister.
Old man:     Really? Then I am glad to see you, my new son.
Young man:   What do you mean?
Old man:     She is my daughter.
1. The young man is the old man’s son.         (    )
2. The beautiful girl is the young man’s sister.        (    )
3. The girl is the old man’s daughter.               (    )
4. The young man wants to help the old man.        (    )
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-2-8 09:51:50 | 只看该作者
I’ll Show You the Way
A driver:    Hello, sir. I want to go to the Moon Hotel. Do you know it?
An old man:  Yes ,let me get on, I’ll show you the way.( They drive about ten miles, and come to a small house.)
An old man:  Stop here!
A driver:     But this isn’t a hotel.
An old man:  No, this is my house. And now I’ll show you the way to the Moon Hotel. Go back nine miles. Then you’ll see the Moon Hotel on the left.
1.        Where does the driver want to go?                                         
2.        Where does the old man take him?                                             
3.        Why doesn’t the old man stop the driver when they pass the hotel?
4.        How many miles does the driver go to the Moon Hotel altogether?
The Dog’s Dirty Feet
It’s a rainy day. A woman with a dog gets on a bus. It’s a big dog and its feet are not clean.
The conductor doesn’t want the dog to sit on the chair. But the woman says to the conductor,”Oh,I pay for my dog. Can he sit here like the other people?”
The conductor looks at the dog and says, ”Yes, Madam ,but like the other people, he must not put his feet on the chair.”
1. It’s a       day.   A: sunny  B; fine   C: rainny  D: cloudy
2. A woman with a       dog gets on the bus.
   A: big   B: small   C: short   D: thin
3. The dog wants to sit on the          .
   A: floor   B: chair   C: desk   D: table
4. The woman pays for her        in the bus.
   A: friend   B: cat    C: dog    D: son
Two Goats
Two goats starts at the same moment from opposite ends to cross a rude bridge that was no wide enough for them to cross at a time.
Meeting at the middle of the bridge,neither would give the way to the other. They locked horns,and fought for the right of way, until both fell into the torrent below and were drowned.
1. Three goats wants to cross the bridge.       (    )
rude     不平的
wide     广阔的
drown    淹死
horn      角
torrent    急流
opposite   对立的
2. The bridge was very wide.                (    )
3. The goats didn’t give the way to the other.   (    )
4. They were drowned at last.               (    )
1. The goats          the bridge.
A: was crossing   B: have crossed   C: were crossing
2. The bridge was        .  A: wide  B: rude   C: smooth
3. They fought      their horns.  A: in   B: with  C: use
4. The goats were fighting at the      of the bridge.
A: middle     B: front     C: back
Saying Goodbye
Many people are waiting for the train. Some are reading the newspaper and some are saying goodbye to their friends.
Mr. Wang,Mr.Li and Mr Chen are talking so happily that they don’t know the train is going to leave. The guard says to them,”Hurry up! The train is going to leave.” The three men hear the guard. Two of them jump onto the train quickly before it moves. Mr. Wang is left behind. He looks very sad. The guard says to him,” Don’t feel bad. The next train will come in ten minutes.” “ I know,” Mr. Wang says,”It is my train . My friends only come to say goodbye to me.”
1. Mr. Wang ,Mr. Li and Mr. Chen are talking at the station.    (    )
2. There are only three men at the station.                   (    )
3. Mr. Wang jumps onto the train.                      (    )
4. Mr. Chen and Mr. Li are Mr. Wang’s friends.           (    )
5. Mr. Chen and Mr. Li really want to jump onto the train.   (    )
1.         people are waiting for the train.
A: Three    B: Many    C: Some
2. Some people are         .   A: reading the books
B: cleaning the train        C: saying goodbye to their friends
3. Mr. Wang , Mr. Li and Mr. Chen are           .
A: eating    B: talking    C: playing
4.          should jump onto the train.
A: Mr.Li       B: Mr. Chen   C: Mr. Wang


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-2-8 09:52:11 | 只看该作者
Your Head Isn’t the Right Size
The assistant:  Can I help you, sir?
A man:       Yes, I would liked to buy a hat, please.
The assistant:  Of course. How about this one?
A man:       This one is too big. Would you mind bringing me a few more hats, please?
The assistant:  Not at all.
A man:       Let me try this one. No, I’m afraid it’s too wide. What about that one? No, I’m afraid it is wide enough. None of the hats is the right size.
The assistant:   The hats are all right, sir. But I’m afraid your head isn’t the right size.
1. The man wants to buy a          .A: hat  B: coat  C: a pair of shoes
2. The shop has         hats.  A: one      B: two    C: many
3.         brings him some hats, but none of them is fit.
  A: The assistant  B: The doctor  C: The customer
4. The assistant says to the man “        “.
  A: The hats aren’t the right size.  B: Your head isn’t the size.
  C: We have no hat.
How many letters?
Father:  How many letters are there in the English Alphabet?
Son:    I don’t know.
Father:  You don’t know? You are in the school  for one year and you don’t know how many letters there are in the Alphabet?
Son:    No. But let me ask you a question, Dad. You often go to the post office, please tell me how many letters there are in the post office?
1. There are twenty-six letters in the English Alphabet.     (    )
2. The son doesn’t study English well.                  (    )
3. The son can’t answer his father’s question.            (    )
4. The father works in the post office.                  (    )
5. There are twenty-six letters in the post office.          (    )
Tom, Sam, Jim and Jack
Tom, Sam, Jim and Jack live in a building of four floors. They live on different floors. They have different jobs—an engineer, a worker, a teacher and a doctor. Tom lives above Sam, but blow Jim. Jack lives on the third floor. The doctor lives above the teacher, but below the worker. The engineer lives on the ground floor. What are their jobs? Which floor does each of them live on?

1.      What does Sam do ?                                       
2.      Which floor does Jim live on?                                
3.      What does Jack do ?                                       
4.      Which floor does Tom live on?                                
My Father’s Old Coat
Teacher:  Children, name the material we often use to make things, please.
Student:  Glass, gold, metal  ,paper, plastic, silver, wood and wool.
Teacher:  Very good, sit down, please. And what do we get from sheep?
Student:  Wool.
Teacher:  You’re quite right. Tom what do we make from wool?
Tom:     I’m sorry. I don’t know.
Teacher:  Well, what is your coat made of?
Tom:     My coat is made of my father’s old coat.
1.      Write down the names of the materials we often use to make things, please.                                               
2.      What shall we get from sheep?                                 
3.      Can Tom answer the teacher’s question?                          
4.      Is Tom’s coat new?                                          
5.      What is our coats made of?                                    
A  Barking Dog
Dad:  My dear, let’s go out for a walk.
Son:  Great. ( On their way, a dog is barking nearby.)
Son:  Oh, help! A dog is over there.
Dad:  Don’t be afraid, Tom. Don’t you know the proverb(谚语)”A barking(咆哮的) dog does not bite?”  
Son:  Yes. I know the proverb ,you know the proverb, but the dog know the proverb?
1.      What did the son see?                                       
2.      Is the father afraid of the dog?                                 
3.      Does the dog know the proverb?                              
4.      What’s the proverb in Chinese?                                

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-2-8 09:52:28 | 只看该作者
A  Riddle
    Hello! I’m a word . I have three letters. My first letter is in “soon” but
not in “room” , my second is in “rose” and also in “rise” , my third is not
in “pencil” but in “paper”, my whole is a place where there is a lot of water.
I am the twin sister of the word “see”. Who am I?
1.The word is a kind of animal.          (    )
2.The first letter is “m”.                (    )
3.The second letter is “e”.                       (    )
4.The third letter is “ r”.                                  (    )
1. The word is a place where there is a lot of         .
    A: water       B: tea    C: milk
2. How many letters are in this word?
   A: One.        B: Two.    C: Three.
3.What’s this word?   It’s “       ”.
   A: rose        B:sea      C: see   D: glass
4.Is the second letter in “rose”or in “snow”?         .
   A: Yes,it is.   B: No,it isn’t.  C: It’s in “rose”. D: It’s in “snow”.
An Old Woman and a Boy
    An old woman wants to go to New York to see her son. She gets up
early and gets to the station at nine o’clock in the morning .When does the
train come and leave? She is very worried. She stops a boy and asks him.
    The boy looks at the woman and says,”tu: tu: tu: ”. The old woman
sits in a chair and thinks and thinks. Then she says,”Oh, I see.”
station  车站
train    火车
worried 担心
stop    停止
1. The woman is young.            (    )
2. The boy does not tell her the time.  (    )
3. The woman gets up early.           (    )   
4. The train comes in thr afternoon.     (    )
5. The woman knows the time at last.   (    )
1. The woman gets to the station at      in the morning.
2. The train comes at        in the afternoon.
3. The train leaves at       in the afternoon.
    A: 1:58      B: 9:00    C: 2:02

A  Foolish  Dog
A dog has large piece of meat in his mouth. When he is walking on
a small bridge, he looks down and sees himself  in the water. He thinks it is another dog. That dog has also a large piece of meat in his mouth. He says to himself,”I want to get his meat. Then I can have two pieces of meat.” He opens his mouth to bark the dog in the water ,and his meat falls into water.
meat     肉
walk     走
bark    吠声
fall     落下
bridge   桥
1.The dog has a small piece of meat.     (    )
2.He wants to get two pieces of meat.    (    )
3.He finds another dog in the water.     (    )
4.The dog is standing on the grass.      (    )
5.He has no meat at last.              (    )
1.There is a       of meat in the dog’s mouth.
   A: piece      B: bottle    C: glass   D: cup
2.The dog looks down and sees         in the water.
   A: yourself   B: myself   C: himself  D:herself
3.He opens his mouth to          .
   A: laugh    B:cry   C:eat   D:dark
The Tiger’s Dinner
Tiger:  Good afternoon.  Mrs Goat. Let me eat you.
Goat:  Don’t eat me, Mr Tiger. I’m old. That deer is younger than me.
(The goat runs away.)
Tiger:  Miss Deer, Miss Deer, Let me eat you.
Deer:   Oh, no. Many birds are standing over there. (The deer runs away.)
Tiger:   Birds, I will eat you. You are my dinner.
Birds:   (The birds fly away.) You are bad. We can fly, can you?
Tiger:   No, I can’t . But where is my dinner?
1. The tiger is      .  A: full  B: hungry  C: scared
2.The tiger doesn’t eat the goat, because there is a       over there.
   A: deer   B: bird   C: rabbit
3.Can the bird fly?  A: No, they can  B: Yes ,they can. C: No, they can’t.
4.The tiger can’t fly. He      at last.
   A: eat dinner    B: eat the goat   C: doesn’t have dinner

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-2-8 09:52:43 | 只看该作者
Class ___________   Name ___________
1. ________ your sister __________(young) than you?  Yes, she __________.
2. Whose pencil-box is __________(big), _______ (your) or hers?  Hers __________.
3. ________ Nancy sing __________ (well) than Helen?  Yes, she _____.
4. ________the girls get up_______(early) than the boys?  No, they ______.
5. _________ he three centimeters _________ (short) than me ?
6. His hair _______ (look) longer than _______. (I)
1. 我不擅长数学,他英语不好。
I _________ __________ good at Maths, and he __________ __________ well in English.
2. Tom比你跑得快吗?不是的,他和我跑得一样快。
______ Tom _______ ________ than you?  No, he _______. He_______ as_______ as________.
3. 你和你的叔叔一样高吗?是的。
_________ you as _________as your uncle?  Yes, I ________.
4. 看,Tom跑的和Mike一样慢吗?
Look! _______ Tom ______ as _______ as Mike?
5. Ben 看起来比Bill年轻。
Ben ________ _________ than Bill.
6. 比起Tom来,Jerry在英语上做得更好,但是Tom更擅长打篮球。
Jerry ________ __________ in English than Tom, but Tom _______ _________ at __________ basketball than Jerry.
7. 杨玲和南希谁起床起的早? 两人一样早。
Who _______ up _________, Yangling ______ Nancy?
Yangling _________ up _________ ________ _________ Nancy.
8. 你有没有兄弟姐妹?
_______ you have _______ brothers _______ sisters?
1. Is Mike good at PE?(改为近义句)
_______ Mike ______ ________ _______ PE?
2. I run faster than Ben. (对划线部分提问)
______ ________ faster than Ben?
3. He does well in English.(改为否定句)
He ________ _________ well in English.
4. His uncle gets up at six o’clock. (对划线部分提问)
__________ __________ __________ his uncle _________ up?
5. Tom does well in Art.(改为否定句)
Tom _______ ________ ________ _________ Art.
6. Lily is good at running.(改为否定句)
Lily _______ ________ ________ _______ _________

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发表于 2016-2-26 20:29:46 | 只看该作者

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