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发表于 2010-4-19 13:32:00
Connelly, F. Michael ( 1992 ).Teacher as a Cuiculum Maker. In Philip W. Jackson( Ed. )Handbook of Research on Curriculum: A Project of the AmericanEducational Research Association.New York:MacmillanPublishing Company. pp. 363-401.
6.Elliot, John (1994). The teacher's Role in CurriculumDevelopment: an Unresolved Issue in English Attempts atCurriculum Reform. Curriculum Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 43-69.
7.Haberman, Martin (1992). The Role of the ClassroomTeacher as a Curriculum Leader. NASSP Bulletin, Vol. 76, No.547, pp.11-19.
8.Hargreaves, Andy (1991) . Curriculum Reform and theTeacher. The Curriculum Journal, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp.249-258.