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《英语(新目标)》九年级Unit 1 How do you study for a test? 阅读与写作测试

发表于 2008-3-8 07:31:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Language Goal

Talking about how to stydy
Using verb + by with gerund


Look at the picturesWhich ones are good ways to study? Which do you find most effective? (看下图,哪些是学习的好方法?你认为哪条最有效?

                                                 Introduction to What's the Best Way to Study?

Do you have a good memory? Can you remember the names of old friends and things that you learned in school years ago? What about phone numbers and important dates? One way you can remember things better is by building a memory palace

How do you build a memory palace? Well, first think of a buildingIt can be one that you know wellsuch as your home or schoolIt can also be an imaginary place with many roomsWhen you want to remember somethingput it in a certain place in a certain roomYou could put all the names of people you know in one room and words in English in another roomOnce you get good at putting each new word some place in the roomyou can practice remembering it

One person who use this method of remembering things was the Portuguese teacher Matteo Ricci (1552—1610)An early visitor to Chinahe once surprised a large group of people by asking each person to say his name and the names of his ancestorsAfter the dinnerRicci could easily repeatin the correct ordermore than a thousand names

Ricci's own memory palace was very largeIt was made up of countless imaginarybuildings in his head. In each one there were many rooms and in the rooms were many different places for him to keep new ideas and wordsRicci remembered things by running from room to room, until he "saw" the information that he needed

Try building a memory palaceBegin by thinking of a small place you know wellEach dayadd something newSoon you will have a palace!





Exercise I Answer the questions.(回答问题。)
1What is a memory palace?

2Who was Matteo Ricci?
3When did Ricci live?

4How did Ricci impress a large group of people?

5Do you find remembering new English words difficult? How do you memorize them?

Exercise II Match the sentences to complete what is being said.(连线配对,完成句子。)

1I try to learn by surfing the Internet and looking for websites with English games and activities
AFor exampleshe put the word "telephone" on the telephone
2A few years ago my teacher suggested I could learn by writing to a foreign pen pal
BIt was a great idea because I like learning about different cultures
3. My mother took small pieces of paper and wrote the names of all the things around the house on them
CI find that the rhythm helps me remember the words better
4I like music and I learn English by listening to English songs
DEven just reading the news in English is a great help


Reading II
How About an English Movie?
JaneHiBenHow are you?
BenHow am I? Do you really want to know? I'm worried! I have my big English test next weekI'm just not ready for it

JaneOh? What's the problem?

BenOhI have lots of problemsI forget a lot of new words and I can't always understand when people talk to me

JaneThat's quite common and it's very frustratingI can't always understand new words in magazines but I try to learn by studying the picturesHow do you study?
BenI start by reading my textbookI try to remember new words by writing them down on flashcardsThen I study them at home
JaneA flashcard vocabulary list is a good ideaDo you ask the teacher or other students questions when you don’t understand?
BenNoI don'tI'm a little shy in class

JaneYou have to be more outgoingWhy don't you join the English Club? You can meet others people and improve your English by speaking moreAnd they don't just have a meeting by standing around talking in English ---- they practice English by playing games and sports

BenOKmaybe I'll start by joining an English clubI know that there is one that meets on Saturday afternoonsDo you think I could also improve my English by going to more English movies?

JaneYesI doIt's a great idea! It's a lot of fun to see new moviesYou can hear people speak and understand by looking at what is going onA movie also makes you try to understand things quickly
BenOKI'll give it a tryThanks for talking to meJaneI feel much better now
JaneNo problemBenLet me know how you did on your test
BenHeylet's go watch a movie one of these days
JaneOKbut only if you pay for my ticket!

Exercise I  Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).(判断下列陈述的正误,T表正确,F表错误。)

1Ben probably speaks English better than Jane

2Ben keeps vocabulary lists

3Jane thinks joining an English Club will help Ben

4Ben is not worried about his test

5Jane has invited Ben to a movie to improve their English

Exercise II Ben is posting an online journal entry after talking to JaneFill in the blanks to complete the entryusing the information from the passage.(与简交谈过后,本正在贴网上日志。利用文中的信息填空并完成日志。)

Posted by Ben25—09—2005 2100

1 was worried about my English
next week but then I talked to my friendJaneI told her about my
listShe wondered if I asked the
and other students for helpI told her I didn't because 1 was
She said I should join an English
so I could meet other people and improve my English by
moreI mentioned going to an English
togetherShe thought it was a good idea but only if I paid for her

Exercise III Rearrange the sentences to form a correct dialogNumber them (1—11) Then work with a partner and practice the dialog(1—11句子重新排序,构成正确的对话。然后与同伴一起,练习对话。)


—— JaneNoI haven't

—— JaneOhI love English classI don't worry about marks1 just try to learn more

—— JaneThanks for inviting me to the movie

—— JaneWhat? What's the matter? Did you forget your money?

—— JaneYour flashlight? What do you need a flashlight for?

—— BenYou're welcomeYou haven't seen it yethave you'?

—— BenNoI forgot my flashlight

—— BenHiJaneNice to see you!

—— BenI brought my vocabulary list1 wanted to take notes

—— BenWell1 worry about marksOh no!

—— BenGreat! You knowthis is a really good ideaI like English movies better than English class!

JaneRelaxBenJust enjoy the movie!

Reading III
See Me After Class!

Ms ZhangHelloBenThanks for coming to see me after classI'm sure you're very busy with basketball practice these days
BenOhnoI don't have any basketball todayIs this about my English test?
Ms ZhangYesBenI finished marking all the tests last night
BenI'm sorryI really triedbut I must not very good in EnglishMaybe it's because I'm so shy
Ms ZhangBen! You have it all wrongI didn't call you in to complain about your testI wanted to congratulate you
BenCongratulate me? Why? I don't understand
Ms ZhangHerelook you got the highest mark in the class.
BenReally? That's amazing
Ms ZhangI thought soBenyou've really improved this semesterI'm very pleased1 also want to know what you are doing to help yourself improveI want to share your secrets with all my students
BenWellI had some help from my friendJane. She began by telling me to relax more and just enjoy English
Ms ZhangBut you must have done some work too
BenOhyesI keep a vocabulary list by writing flashcards for all the new words I findAlso I remember more by re-reading my textbooks every night when I get home from schoo1
Ms ZhangBut you think fun is the key?
BenYesI find that I understand new words better when I read English comic books and watch moviesWhen I have fun, I don't worryAnd when I don't worry, I learnIt's easy
Ms ZhangThat's greatSo do you think I should show English movies in class? Would the students really learn?
BenYesI think they wouldAnd it would be a great treat sometimesLearning by playing English games would be good too
Ms ZhangWellthanksBen. Keep up the good work and 1 will remember what you told me!



Exercise I Check [√] the correct answers(在正确的答案上打[√])

1Ben's teacher is

aangry with him

bpleased with him

csorry he missed the test

dmeeting his mother

2Ben is nervous because

ahe is shy

bhe knows he should have worked harder

che is scared of Ms Zhang

dhe thinks he failed the test

3Ben explains

ahe is studying in new ways

bhe is doing what he has always done

che does not know how to study

dJane wrote his test

4Ben's way of studying English includes

astudying in his free time

bonly going to movies

chaving fun while learning

dreading on the bus

5Besides studying EnglishBen also

amakes movies

bplays volleyball

cplays basketball

dwrites comic books

Exercise II Answer these questions using the‘verb + by with gerund’pattern(动词 + by + 动名词的结构,回答下列问题。)
1How can you improve your English listening skills?

2What can you do to improve your pronunciation of English words?

3How can you become a better reader?

4What can you do if you want to improve your writing skills?
5What can you do to remember new vocabulary better?

Exercise II Your class is compiling a list of study suggestionsList five study tips that have helped you the most(你们班正在汇编学习好方法,列出五条对你帮助最大的小贴士。)

Putting it all Forgather
Asking for Help
Danny's grades aren't very goodHis class is having a test soon and he has written to three of his friends to ask for study adviceHere are their replies

HiDannyyou sound worriedYesI'm going to study all weekend for the testI start by re-reading all my notesThen I practice by putting all the key ideas onto flashcardsI also read other books on the subjects I'm studyingnot just the school textbooksTo make sure I really understand everything I've studiedI test myself by having my sister ask me questionsGood luck 0n the test!


HelloDannyAre you worried about the test? I study by asking the teacher and other students everything I don't understand1 write down the important information and memorize it by reading it aloudI also find that I concentrate better by taking a short break in between studyingWhy don't you come over on Sunday? We can revise our homework together




Dear Danny1 was surprised tO get your emailI pass tests by getting a partner to study withI always pick someone better than me! I've learned a lot by studying in small groups tooWhy don't you learn from your mistakes? I do! I study by re-reading all my mistakes and trying to understand what my problem was each timeCallme!


Exercise I  Read the statementsDecide if AmyBillor Carla said them.(读下列陈述,判断艾米、比尔和卡拉各说了哪些话?
1—— I read a lot
2—— I remember things better when I read out loud
3—— I try to understand why I got an answer wrong
4—— I like studying with other people
5—— I read different kinds of books to understand the subject better
6—— I always ask questions when I don’t understand something
7—— I get a family member to test me on what I’ve studied
8—— I write down important ideas on flashcards
9—— I find it difficult to concentrate if I study all day
10—— I study with someone who is better in the subject

Exercise II Write a short speech based on the following situation.(根据以下情景,写一段话。)
       You go to Danny's house to study togetherBut when you get therethe TV and radio are both onhe has some pizza in a box on the table as well as a catDanny won't stop text messaging and talking on his cell phoneHow would you get him to concentrate on studying?
HiDannyLet's start by turning off your phone...


Additional Practice

Find the words in the puzzle.(在字谜中找出单词。)
mistakes vocabulary

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