人民教育出版社 | | | | Listening (20 marks)
(A) Some boys and girls are talking about five people they know.Listen and match the names to the pictures.(10 marks)
(B) Sam and Meiling are talking about themselves.Listen and complete the chart for each person.(10 marks)
Build:of average build but tall
Used to:be scared of the dark
Character:wild and outgoing,the
most popular girl in school, funny
Used to:9
Grammar (10 marks) (A) Two friends are talking about their fathers.Read and complete the dialogue.(5 marks)
A:What's your father 1
B:He's cool.He's not 2
strict as my mother,that's for sure!
A:Yes,fathers usually aren't. What does he 3
B:Well,he's tall like me and he has short gray hair, now that he's old! Of course he 4
use to have gray hair.When he was 5
,it was black.
(B) The following passage is about Su Peng's stay in the UK.Choose the best word for each blank.(5 marks)
Su Peng is a student.He's from China but he studies in the UK.When he first arrived 1_______________ England he found it very difficult to 2
English even though he'd had many years of English lessons at school in China.He was quite sad for the first semester because he didn't understand the university lectures and he didn't have many friends.He 3
to have a lot of friends in China that he went out with in the evenings.In England,he was bored in the evenings.
After a few months,Su Peng found English easier and began to make new friends.He is good 4
basketball so he joined the University's basketball club.Every
one says that Su Peng wins the games,but he is modest and says that it is not just him,but teamwork.
He has become a good cook since arriving in England."I don't like fast food," he explains,"and eating out is much too expensive,so my mom sent me letters telling me how to cook food I like from home." Su Peng is studying to be a doctor,but now he thinks he might do something different.He could become a chef 5
Vocabulary (10 marks)
The Exam Doctor prescribes:
Build a spidergram with at least 20 words.(10 marks)
Reading (25 marks) (A) Read the text about Yang Liwei,the Space Hero (航天英雄) and make notes in the chart.(10 marks)
History was made on 15 October 2003 when Yang Liwei went into space in the Shenzhou 5 rocket.becoming China's first astronaut.
Yang Liwei was born on 21 June 1965 in Suizhong County in Liaoning Province to a teacher mother and an accountant father.His years at school did not reveal what was to come—his grades were average.However, he did well in science.He was athletic and loved to swim and skate, and he showed particular talent in track and field events.
Yang joined the People's Liberation Army at the age of 18,graduating from an aviation college in 1987 with a bachelor's degree to become a fighter pilot.He was chosen as an astronaut in 1998 and studied hard to prepare for his journey into space.During his space flight, he was able to talk to his wife,with whom he has a son.
Following his landing on 16 October 2003,Yang received the title "space Hero" from the former Chinese President Jiang Zemin in November 2003.
| Yang Liwei
| Occupation
| Date of birth
| Place of birth
| Mother's job
| Father's job
| Poor/Average/Good
| Schoolwork
| Best school subject
| Hobbies & interests
| Children
| Title received
(B) The following text is about the importance of our appearance (外观,外表).Read it and answer the questions.(15 marks)
How important is our appearance to us? According to some surveys,it is more important and more dangerous to our health than we would like to think.Every period in history has had its own ideas of what is and what is not beautiful.In the 19th century in the West,being beautiful used to mean having a very small waist (腰).Women wore very tight clothes which caused numerous health,problems related to breathing and eating difficulties,and even broken bones! At the same time in China,women with small feet used to be thought of as beautiful,so their feet were tied to stop them growing.This caused terrible pare.
But.we are still hurting ourselves today,and all because of what society sees as beauty.Our biggest influence is from the media (such as TV,movies and magazines).Every day we see"beautiful" people (mostly women and young girls) on TV and in magazines.making these kinds of looks seem real and normal.These looks are difficult for people to copy.Today's media ideal of thinness for women is possible for less than 59/6 of women today.And the effects on health are just as serious as they were in the past.More young girls are trying lots of different diets (节食方式),many seeing themselves as too fat when they are of normal weight or even below average (平均的) weight.In one American survey,81%of ten-year-old girls said that they had dieted at least once,in a Swedish study 25%of seven—year-old girls had dieted and similar studies in Japan showed that 41%of elementary school girls—as young as six years old—said that they thought they were too fat.
This need to look like the women in magazines has led to illnesses called eating disorders (进食失调/饮食紊乱).Young girls—and boys—of today should reject the standards set by the media.Doing so will allow them to feel good about themselves for who they are.
1. Match the information in the table according to the text.
(4 marks)
2. In which country,according to the surveys,is dieting among girls most common?
(A) Japan
(B) Sweden
(2 marks)
3. The text says we receive our idea of beauty today from
. (2 marks)
(A) the mass media
(B) ourselves
(C) our family
4. The idea of beauty is a modern invention.
(2 marks)
(A) True
(B) False
5. Choose the best title for this text.
(2 marks)
(A) What is beauty?
(B) It hurts to be beautiful.
(C) Beauty in the 19th Century.
6. Finish the sentence in your own words.
(3 marks)
The pictures of,"beautiful" people in magazines today can be harmful because
Writing (15 marks) (A) Write notes to complete the table with information about yourself.(5 marks)
3.Phone number:
7.Things You used to do:
8.Things you do now:
(B) You want to make some friends around the world.You have your parents' permission (允许) to write to a new e-mail friend introducing yourself.Use some of the information in (A) but write in full sentences.You should never give out (给出) your address (地址)or phone number over the Internet (网络)! (10 marks)
I got your details from"Make friends.corn"and would like us to be friends.First let me tell you about myself...
Your new friend
Integrated Skills (20 marks) (A) Bob, Sue,Ming,Sun Bo and Meimei are at a school reunion (聚会) talking about their past and present.Listen to their conversations and complete the chart.(10 marks)
| Past
| Present
| Bob
| Sue
| Ming
| Sun Bo
| Meimei
(B) In groups,prepare a survey to find out what your classmates used to be like and whether they have changed.Conduct (进行) the survey and report the results to the class.(10 marks)
| Used to
| Yes
| No
| Change
| Sun Ying
| be afraid of the dark
| Yes
| Yes, not afraid now
Exam Skills The Exam Doctor prescribes:
Study Tips
◆Decide which day is the least busy so you can set aside some time for revision.
◆Do you learn better in the morning,afternoon,evening or at night? Revise at that time.
◆Set aside at least one hour a week for revision.
◆Use the contents table of your textbook to help you schedule your revision load.
◆Schedule repeat revision ---- go back over the same topic a few times on different days so you are sure you know it.
◆Don't just read ---- write it down.Make simple notes in a way that is easy to remember.
◆Create a filing system for your cards so you can find them easily when you need them.
Schedule Your Revision
Plan the next 10 weeks of revision here and stick to (坚持) your timetable.