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发表于 2008-3-6 11:06:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
温州实验小学  林 丽  六年(5)班 Wenzhouness are great

一。Warm up

1.listen to some music.tell me who is the singer?

super star.---she.


show the pic of zhoujielun

he is joy. he is _____.cool,active and cool.

what can he do very well.

he can do homework very well.

he can sing very well.

he is good at singing.

2.teach good at .

he is good at ...

3,show the photo of yaoming

what's he like ?

he is (   )

he is _____.smart active...

he is good at_____.

4.show other famous people .discuss ,what's he/she like? what's he/she good at?

a.he is liuxiang .  he is good at running.

b.su buqing. he is good at math.

c.zhuchen. he is good at chess.

d.zhu qinan. he is good at shooting.

e.jiang lifu.  he is good at math.

check the answers.

who is from wenzhou ?

zhu qinan is from wenzhou.

.... is  Wenzhounese.

zhuchen/su buqing /jianglifu is wenzhnese.

say other wenzhounese.

5 .comptation.

lets find out.

let's show.

who is he.


  6. let's find out.

show a map of wenzhou and pics of people.

...is from..wenzhou,

for ex.

su buqing is from pingyang wenzhou .

xia zuanze is from ruian wenzhou.

zhu qinan is from lucheng wenzhou.

jiang lifu is from cangnan wenzhou.

zhu chen is from lucheng wenzhou.

7.Let's show.

one two stop.choose a photo.

zhu qinan. a.how old is zhu qinan?choose the right answer.

thirty  thiry- five  twenty-three.

he is twenty-three.

su buqing. b.who is Mr. su's student?

gu chaohao.  jiang lifu.

gu chaohao is mr su's stu.

xia xuanze.  c,how many champions(冠军)did he get?

eight   nine    twelve.

he has got twelve champions

zhu chen. where is zhu chen now?

wenzhou   The U.S.A  Qatar(卡塔尔)

she is in Qatar. she is wenzhounese,but she is not in wenzhou now,she is in Qatar.

8.wenzhounese are great.

show the famous place.

sydney, new york.paris,

I have a friend ,he is wenzhounese,but he is not in wenzhou now.

he is wenzhounese.he is tall and smart.he goes to sydney at 12.now he is a teacher in a university. he is good at teaching.

where's he from ?

what's he like?

what's he good at?

he is wenzhounese.he is active and smart.he likes study very much.he goes to paris on his birthday.july 10th now ,he is a stu in paris university.he is good at math.

where's he from ?

what's he like?

what's he good at?

9.let's see some wenzhounese around us.

my____is wenzhounese.

she/he is ______________.

She /he  is good at _______.

make an ex.just as classmate,english teacher...

ss group work,say something about wenzhounese around you.

10.who is he ?

try to guess.

zhu qinan   li xuesheng.

show the pics about him.

show a form.

Name  li xuesheng

age; 37

from: henan.

he is a new wenzhounese.

new wenzhounese are great.

11. I have got an album.try to stick the pic,try to match.

group work.

make a book album.


make a album of wenzhounese you know.

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