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发表于 2015-6-25 11:18:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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(    ) 1. 当你上学迟到了,你会说:
A. I’m Jim.        B. I’m sorry.        C. I’m nine.
(    ) 2. 当别人问你近处的某样东西是什么,你会说:
A. What’s this?        B. What’s it?        C. It’s a desk.
(    ) 3. 当外面刮起了大风,妈妈会对你说:
A. Open the window.        B. Don’t open the window.        C. Open the door.
(    ) 4. 上课了,老师请同学们坐下,同学们会说:
A. Stand up, please.        B. Sit down, please.        C. Thank you.
(    ) 5. 当你看见有人在图书馆里奔跑,你会说:
A. Don’t talk.        B. Don’t sleep.        C. Don’t run.
(    ) 6. 别人提醒你在课堂不要上说话,你会说:
A. Don’t talk in class.        B. I’m sorry.        C. Talk in class.
(    ) 7. 看见别人吃你的冰激凌,你会说:
A. I’m sorry.        B. Don’t eat my ice cream.        C. Don’t eat my cake.
(    ) 8. 你在睡觉,别人不让你睡,你会说:
A. Don’t sleep.        B. I want to sleep.        C. Don’t shout.
(    ) 9. 你的朋友问远处的那把尺是你的吗,你回答道:
A. Is that your ruler?        B. Yes, it is.        C. No, it isn’t.
(    ) 10. 你告诉别人这不是他的铅笔盒,你会说:
A. This isn’t my pencil case.        B. This isn’t your pencil case.        C. Is this your pencil case?
(    ) 11. 别人问你的午餐盒在哪里,你会回答:
A. Where’s your lunch box?        B. It’s over there.        C. It’s under the desk.
(    ) 12. 你告诉别人你的橡皮在门旁边,你会说:
A. My rubber is beside the door.        B. My ruler is beside the door.
C. Your rubber is behind the door.       
(    ) 13. 当别人问你的英语书在哪里,你不会说:
A. It’s under the door.        B. It’s under the desk.        C. It’s in the schoolbag.
(    ) 14. 当别人告诉你不在这里,他会说:
A. It’s here.        B. It’s not over there.        C. It’s not here.
(    ) 15. 你告诉别人有一只鸟在树上,你会说:
A. The bird is in the tree.        B. The bird is on the tree.        C. The bird is under the tree.
(    ) 16. 当你找不到你的铅笔,你会说:
A. Where’s my pencil?        B. Where’s my pen?        C. Is this your pen?
(    ) 17. 别人问你的年龄,你会回答:
A. I’m fine.        B. I’m nice.        C. I’m nine.
(    ) 18. 你面前有一个很漂亮的蛋糕,你会说:
A. What nice cake!        B. How nice a cake!        C. What a nice cake!
(    ) 19. 别人祝你生日快乐,你会说:
A. Thank you.        B. Happy birthday.        C. Happy birthday to you.
(    ) 20. 你到朋友家做客,朋友请你进去,你会说:
A. May I come in?        B. Come in, please.        C. Thank you.
(    ) 21. 你告诉别人你的年龄,你问别人,你不可以说:
A. What about you?        B. How old are you?        C. How are you?
(    ) 22. 你上课就要迟到了,老师在校门口看见你,他会说:
A. Wake up.        B. Hurry up.        C. Get up.
(    ) 23. 你想知道几点了,你不可以说:
A. What’s the time?        B. What time is it?        C. What’s time?
(    ) 24. 别人告诉你12点,可以吃午饭了,他会说:
A. Time for lunch.        B. It’s time for lunch.        C. It’s time to lunch.
(    ) 25. 妈妈告诉你上课不要迟到了,你会说:
A. Don’t be late for class.        B. OK.        C. Don’t be late for school.
(    ) 26. 你去参观农民的农场,农民伯伯会说:
A. Welcome to my home.        B. Welcome to my farm.        C. Thank you.
(    ) 27. 你想知道远处的那些是不是梨子,你会说:
A. Are there pears?        B. Is that a pear?        C. Are those pears?
(    ) 28. 别人想知道近处的某些东西是什么,你会回答:
A. What are these?        B. What are those?        C. They’re cows.
(    ) 29. 你想知道树下的那是什么,你怎么问:
A. What’s that under the tree?        B. What are those under the tree?        C. What’s that in the tree?
(    ) 30. 别人问你这是不是一只鸭子,你会回答:
A. Is this a duck?        B. No, it’s a duck.        C. Yes, it’s a duck.
(    ) 31. 你想知道那个女人是谁,你可以问:
A. Who’s that woman?        B. Who’s this woman?        C. Who’s that girl?
(    ) 32. 你们想告诉别人你们是双胞胎姐妹,你们会说:
A. We’re twin brothers.        B. We’re twin sisters.        C. We’re twins.
(    ) 33. 别人想知道你的姓名,你不会说:
A. I’m ten.        B. I’m Mike.        C. My name is Mike.
(    ) 34. 你想告诉别人这是你的表姐,你会说:
A. This is my sister.        B. This is my cousin.        C. This is my friend.
(    ) 35. 你想告诉别人自己很高,你会说:
A. I’m very tall.        B. I’m not very tall.        C. I’m not big.

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