楼主 |
发表于 2015-2-20 14:19:58
1. It’s useless trying to agree with Shylock.
2. Give Shylock what he wants.
3. Don’t be sad for me
Shylock: cruel, greedy, selfish, cold-blooded, hate Antonio
1. Antonio is my enemy, and I hate him.
2. I would still take my pound of flesh.
3. Give me my pound of flesh.
4. I desire my pound of flesh.
5. Why must I have mercy on him?
Bassanio: With a simple mind, with a clear sense of right and wrong, devoted to
his friend
1. I offer ten times the money that Antonio has borrowed.
2. Please change the law a little so that we may save Antonio
Portia: clever, calm, full of mercy, well-educated
1. Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky . It blesses those who give it and those who receive it.
2. But he has not promised to give you any of his blood.
3. You must cut one pound of flesh, no more , no less.
4. And not one drop of blood must fall.
Step4. Free talk (group work)
• Among these persons, who do you like best and why ?
• Which quality do you think is the most important to a person ? Give your reasons.
• Which is more important, money or friends?
Step 5 Summary
Today we’ve learned something about Shakespeare and his works. We know the main idea of the Merchant of Venice and how the play develops. Besides, we grasp the characteristics of each character.
Step 6 Homework
1. Read the passage again and again.
2. Retell the text in your own words.
Step 7 The design of writing on the blackboard
Antonio: ready to help others,
was devoted to his friends,
dare to point out the others’ wrong deeds
Shylock: cruel, greedy, selfish, cold-blooded, hate Antonio
Bassanio: With a simple mind, , devoted to his friend
with a clear sense of right and wrong
Portia: clever, calm, full of mercy, well-educated
(一)、新课程要求教师是学生学习的促进者、学习能力的培养者、学生人生道路的引路人。因此,在本教学设计中,总体教学设计采用任务型教学,贯穿在导入—呈现—阅读—讨论各个环节中,着重培养学生的自主、合作、探究的学习方式。另外,教学设计中设计一个Free talk内容,通过group work. pair work以team work自主合作学习方式,目的在于让学生在教学参与过程中,让教师与学生分享彼此的思考、经验和知识,交流彼此的情感、体验和观念,达到共识、共享、共进,实现教学相长和共同发展。从而让学生正确处理“宽恕与报复”和“爱情与金钱”的关系,确立正确的人生价值观 。
(三)、教学过程中要注重学科中渗透与融合。由于本单元的教学内容和高中语文教材的内容相吻合。因而在教学导入部分结合学生已有的知识快速地展示莎士比亚喜剧与悲剧等作品。这样就可以激发学生学习兴趣,让学生尽快地融入到课堂教学中来。 |