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发表于 2010-3-4 17:57:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

浙江省奉化市实验小学 南雅莉

角色: Z—Zoom  P1—Peach  W—Watermelon  O—Orange  S—Strawberry  G—Grapes  P2—Pear  A—Assistant

道具准备:Zoom 的头饰和梨、西瓜、橘子、草莓、葡萄、桃的头饰各一个

形式:此短剧是在学习完本单元 Part B Let's talk 后, 对本单元进行一个复习巩固。

Z: Oh, I'm hungry.(忽然看见一家水果店,迫不及待地走进去)So many fruits.

W: (看见有顾客进店,机灵地打起了招呼)Hello, I'm Watermelon. Look! I'm big and green. I'm juicy. Do you like watermelons?

Z: (非常肯定地点点头,并拿起了一个)Oh, yes, I do.

G: (不甘落后地推销自己)Look at me. My name is Grape. I’m purple and sweet. Do you like grapes?

Z: Yes, I do.

O: (同样急切地推销自己)What about oranges? I’m yummy.

Z: (遗憾地摇头)Oh, sorry. I don't like oranges.

O: (无可奈何地挠挠头)Oh.

Z: (喜出望外地)Can I have an strawberry?

S: (同样非常开心地)Certainly. I'm beautiful and juicy.

Z: (愉快地拿起一只)Yummy!

S: Have some more?

Z: No, thank you.

Z: (在梨和桃子之间停下来)What's this?

P1: I'm Peach. I'm pink and yellow.

Z: ( 若有所思地点点头又拿起梨问) What's this?

P2: I'm Pear. I'm yellow and green. Do you like pears?

Z: Sorry, I don't like pears.

P1: What about peaches?

Z: Oh, I like you very much.

Z: Now I have so many fruits. (走到收银台)

A: How many fruits do you have? (开始数起来) One, two, three, four. You have four fruits. That's 10 yuan.

Z: (把钱付给收银员)Here you are.

A: Thank you.

Z: Thanks. Goodbye!

A: Bye!

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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-4 17:58:00 | 只看该作者

浙江省奉化市实验小学 南雅莉

角色:Z1—Zoom  Z2—Zip


形式:此短剧可在学习完 Part A 和 Part B 部分的 Let's learn 后,引出句型 Where is my...? 和反问 On /under /in the...? 时使用。

Z1: Hello, Zip. How are you?

Z2: Hi, Zoom. I'm fine, thanks.

Z1: Let's play a game. Ok?

Z2: Great!

Z1: (拿出一支铅笔)Look! This is your pencil. Now please close your eyes. Guess, where is your pencil? One, two, three. OK, now you can open your eyes.

Z2: (做到处寻找状, 走到桌前边找边自言自语) Where is my pencil? On the desk? No! In the desk? No! Under the desk? No! (着急地说) Where is my pencil?

Z1: (指指书)

Z2: Where is my pencil?(拿起书)Under the book? No! Where is my pencil? Let me see.(翻翻书)In the book? Oh, yeah, it's in the book.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2010-3-4 17:58:00 | 只看该作者

浙江省奉化市实验小学 南雅莉

角色:N—Narrator  B—Baby Giraffe  E—Elephant  M—Mother Giraffe  D—Deer


形式:以故事的形式巩固本单元所学的单词 giraffe, deer, elephant, small, big, long, short 和 tall。

B:(哭着出场)Mom! Where are you?

(Baby Giraffe 边哭边找,忽然看见前面有一只大象,他很快跑了上去)

B: Oh, Mom! Here you are!

E: (和蔼地)Sorry, dear. I'm not your mom. I'm Elephant. You are a giraffe.

B: But you are tall. My mom is tall, too.

E: But she has small ears and long legs. Look! I have big ears. So I'm not your mom.

B: I'm sorry. Goodbye, Elephant.

B: (非常伤心地离开,继续找,一边走,一边念叨) small ears, long legs ...

(这时前面走来一只梅花鹿,Baby Giraffe赶快迎上前去)

B: Oh, my dear mom, I found you.

D: I'm sorry, I'm not your mom. I'm Deer. You are a giraffe.

B: But you have four long legs and two small ears.

D: Your mom has a long neck. look! I have a short neck. Your mom is tall, but I'm short. So I'm not your mom.

B: I see. Goodbye, Deer!

(Baby Giraffe 只好继续找,这时他听到一声亲切的呼唤。)

M:Oh, my dear! Baby Giraffe!

B: Oh, my God! Small ears, long legs, a long neck, a tall giraffe!

(Baby Giraffe 马上意识到了是妈妈在喊自己了,他一下扑进了妈妈的怀抱。)

B: Oh, my dear mom, I found you.

M: (一边给 Baby Giraffe 擦眼泪) My dear baby.

使用道具 举报

作文网友  发表于 2010-3-17 11:50:00


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