
楼主 |
发表于 2014-12-9 10:40:11
(B. Read and write Let’s check Let’s wrap it up)
1. 能够完成Read and write部分的练习,并能理解、朗读课文内容。
2. 能够掌握句子在发音上的停顿技巧。
3. 能够独立完成Let’s check和Let’s wrap it up部分的练习。
突破方法:反复朗读,对话表演,反 复练习,突破难点。
Step 1: Warm-up
1. 师生进行日常对话练习:
T: What does your father/mother do? S: He/She is a/an …
T: Where does your father/mother work? S: He/She works …
T: How does your father/mother go to work? S: He/She goes to work...
T: What are your hobbies? S: I like...
T: What are you going to be? S: I want to be a/an..
2. 学生列举五种职业写在书本第52页上,与搭档讨论并进行比较:How many different jobs are there in both lists?
Step 2: Presentation
Read and write
1. 教师问:What are you going to be? 学生自由回答。教师问:What’s your hobby?学生自由回答。教师继续问:What subject do you like best? 学生自由回答。教师根据学生的回答向学生提供相关的择业建议,如:If you like Chinese, you can be a Chinese teacher. 并把择业建议板书在黑板上。如:
If you can type quickly, you can be a secretary
If you like science, you can be a scientist.
If you like sports, you can be a coach, a sports reporter, or a PE teacher.
If you like singing, you can be a singer.
If you like English, you can be an English teacher.…
2. 教师将学生分成二个大组,阅读Read and write部分的课文,每个组合作完成Read and write部分后面的Choose a title for the text和Fill in the table练习。要求在文中画出回答问题的相关信息和不懂得单词、句子。十分钟后开展小组汇报,组与组之间针对不同意见的问题阐述自己的观点。教师核对答案并答疑。
3. 教师播放Read and write部分的录音,学生一边听录音一边跟读句子,然后分小组朗读课文。
4. 教师出示与Real world Camp相关的图片,与学生进行对话。
T: At the Real World Camp, children can try to do different jobs. Do you want to go to the camp?Ss: Yes.T: Good! Fill in this form.
学生自主完成书本53页the Real World Camp的表格,学生之间以问答形式进行练习。
5. 教师引导学生观看Tips for pronunciation部分的句子,看一看Zip说的话,猜—猜此部分的重点是什么。然后反复播放此部分录音,学生一边跟读,一边做手势(可点头或打拍子),注意停顿的模仿。请几位学生上台大声朗读,其他学生当小评委,提建议。
Step 3: Practice |