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小学英语(PEP)三年级上册Colours 教学设计(Period1)

发表于 2014-11-30 09:43:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

本课时是人教版三年级上册第二单元A部分的第一课时,是一节对话课。课文通过Miss White等人见面打招呼并相互认识的情景,提供了学生要学习的核心句型Good morning. 和This is … ,并通过两个老师不同的称呼,让学生了解Mr.和Miss的用法。

针对学生已有的知识水平,在授课时可采用以旧带新的方式引导学生学习,并重新整合语言知识点,调整教材的顺序,把本课的内容和Part B Let’s talk的部分内容进行整合,作为第一课时的内容。

对后续学习的效果预期:通过本课的学习,学生能够正确理解对话大意,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话,并能在具体语境中得体地运用Good morning. 向他人表达问候,用This is … 去介绍他人。同时,学完本课将为继续学好本单元其他课时的内容做好铺垫。


本课的教学对象为小学三年级的学生。他们刚刚开始正式学习英语,对英语的兴趣和学习热情极高,善于模仿,乐于表演。通过前面第一单元的学习,学生已经初步学会用Hello或Hi向别人问好和打招呼,并能初步用I’m … 介绍自己。这些都是学生学习本课内容的基础。在本节课中,学生将继续学习运用Good morning. 向他人表达问候,用This is … 去介绍他人。根据学生的认知特点和已有的知识储备,本课可以尝试运用以旧带新的方式引导学生进行学习。为了取得较好的教学效果,本课将通过创设符合学生生活的情景,设计生动有趣的语言交流任务,激活学生原有的相关知识储备,使学生正确理解和运用新语言。另外,由于三年级学生已有的单词积累较少,抽象思维能力较弱,在学习中可能出现理解上的障碍,难以准确把握单词和句子的确切含义,需要老师充分利用形象、具体的教学方法进行及时引导与点拨。




3.能够在情景中运用Good morning.问候他人,并能够运用句型This is … 介绍他人。



能够理解并运用Good morning. 问候他人,并能够在具体语境中正确运用句型This is …介绍他人。


句型This is … 的得体运用,以及Mr.和Miss的用法区别。



(1)教师和学生互致问候后,播放《儿童英语》一年级下册第二课的歌曲 In the Class ,让孩子们初步感知歌词中Good morning. 的意义,并引导学生一边跟唱一边根据歌曲的韵律配上相应的动作:Good morning, boys and girl. Good morning, Mr. Park. Stand up, boys. Stand up, girls. Sit down, sit down, please.(TPR)

(2)听完歌曲后,引导学生说出歌曲中的人物Mr. Park,接着呈现学生熟悉的本班几个老师的照片,引导学生正确说出各个老师的称呼,激活学生已有的图式,初步体会Mr.和Miss的区别。

(3)和学生一起玩游戏Sharp eyes,既调动学生的学习热情,又加深了学生对本课难点Mr.和Miss的理解。


T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, Miss Luo.

T: Dear kids, before the class, I have a nice song for you. Let’s sing together first. And then please try to tell me who is in the song! (播放歌曲In the Class,师生齐唱。)

T: Now can you tell me who is in the song?

Ss: Boys/girls …

T: And who is he?

Ss: Mr. Park.(引导学生通过看图说出人物的称呼:Mr. Park)

T: Yes, This is Mr. Park. He is a teacher. Let’s say hello to Mr. Park.

Ss: Hello, Mr. Park.

T: Well, kids! I will show you more teachers. Look at this man! Who is he?

Ss: Mr. Zhou.

T: You are right! This is Mr. Zhou, our math teacher. And look at this woman! Who is she?

Ss: Miss Luo.

T: Yes, it’s me. I am Miss Luo. And this is Miss Xu / Mr. Xian / Miss Yuan. … (继续呈现本班其他几位老师的照片,引导学生说出各个老师的称呼,体会男老师和女老师称呼上的区别。)

Ss: Miss Xu / Mr. Xian / Miss Yuan. …

T: Now, Let’s play a game: Sharp eyes. You should look at the pictures and say Mr. or Miss as quickly as you can. OK? Let’s start!

Ss: Mr. / Miss / Miss / Mr … (学生快看快说)


(1)从歌曲的歌词入手,创设情景,利用图片等直观教具帮助学生理解Good morning. 的意思,引导学生用Good morning. 相互问候。

(玩完Sharp eyes游戏之后)

T: You all did a good job, kids! Just now, the students say good morning to Mr. Park. Can we also say good morning to our teachers now? Well, look! I have a clock. What time is it now?

Ss: It’s 8 o’clock.

T: Yes. And we can see the sun outside. It is in the morning now, so we can say good morning to our teachers, too. Now, can you say good morning to your friends?

S1: Good morning, Lily.

S2: Good morning, Alice.


(2)在学生相互问候之后,老师介绍自己的两个好朋友,让学生初步感知本课重点句型This is … 的语用功能。

T: Well done, boys and girls. You are so polite. And I think you will make more friends. Today, I want to introduce my good friends to you. They are teachers, too. (教师呈现好朋友的图片)

T: Look! Who is she? And this man, who is he? Let me tell you! This is Miss Yin. She’s an English teacher, too. And this is Mr. Xie. He’s a Chinese teacher. They are all my good friends.

(教师板书:This is …)

T: Now, please follow me to read: This is Miss Yin. This is Mr. Xie.


(3)接着呈现课本Miss White 的照片,引出本课的对话语篇。让学生听对话捕捉对话中的人物,让听更有目的性。

T: Yes, Miss Li and Mr. Xie are my good friends, How about Miss White? Miss White has two new friends, too. Who are they? Listen to their dialogue. And you will know it. Now, let’s listen together!



(1)第一次播放课文对话动画,让学生整体感知对话内容,并提出问题:Who are Miss White’s friends? 学生观看动画,并回答问题。(Look, Listen and Answer)



T: Now, boys and girls, who are Miss White’s friends?

S1: Mr. Jones.

S2: Miss Green.

T: You are right. Mr. Jones and Miss Green are Miss White’s new friends. Now, I have a question for you: Does Mr. Jones Know Miss Green before? Please watch the video again and try to answer this question.

(2)学生带着问题第二次观看对话动画,思考并回答两个问题。(Watch again and think)



T: Well, boys and girls. Does Mr. Jones Know Miss Green before?

Ss: No.

T: How do you know that?

Ss: Because Miss White says: Mr. Jones. This is Miss Green.(引导学生看图思考,回答问题。)

T: That’s right. And what does Mr. Jones say to Miss Green?

Ss: Good morning, Miss Green. (板书句子)

T: You are so clever. And what does Miss Green say to Mr. Jones?

Ss: Good morning.(板书句子)

T: Great! You’ve got the right answer. Now, let’s listen to their dialogue again. This time, please follow the computer and read loudly. Let’s see which student can read better!

(3)第三次播放对话音频,玩“模仿录音小高手”游戏,让学生模仿录音的语音语调。(Listen and Imitate)


Ss: Mr. Jones, this is Miss Green.

Good morning, Miss Green.

Good morning. (学生模仿录音的语音语调,有感情地跟读。)

T: You can read very well. Now, let’s see who can read the sentences better! Please read one by one.



T:You all did a good job!

(4)点击课文配套光盘中不同的角色进行角色扮演,消去人物的声音由学生进行配音。把全班分成两大组,通过PK的形式,看看谁配音说得好。鼓励尽可能多的学生上台练习,并进行评价。(Best Voice Acting)


T: Now, Let’s play Best Voice Acting and have a competition between Mr. Group and Miss Group. Who would like to be Miss White, Who would like to be Mr. Jones and who would like to be Miss Green?

Ss: I want to be Miss White/ Mr. Jones/ Miss Green.

T: OK. Let’s begin now.

Ss: …… (学生选择其中一个角色并开始配音。)

(5)学生配音表演结束后,教师再次播放对话音频,打乱对话的句子顺序,让学生完成课文句子排序练习。(Listen and Number)


T: Now, I want you to listen to the dialogue again, and number the sentences. Let’s see who can make a right order.

Ss: ……(学生听音并给句子标上正确的序号。)

T: Now, Let’s check the answer. Who can show your answer?



①在课文对话的基础上,适当融入Part B中的Let’s talk 部分内容编写剧本,把学生分成若干个三人小组进行角色分配。






Ss: It’s in the morning now.

Miss White: Hello. Mr. Jones, this is Miss Green.

Ss: This is Miss Green. This is Miss Green.(全体学生朗诵。)

Mr. Jones: Good morning, Miss Green.

Ss: Good morning. Good morning.(全体学生朗诵。)

Miss Green: Good morning, Mr. Jones.

Ss: Good morning. Good morning.(全体学生朗诵。)

Miss Green: Nice to meet you.

Mr. Jones: Nice to meet you, too.


T: Now, it’s time for Reader’s theatre. Who would like to act with me first?

Ss: Let me try! ... (请两个学生先和老师一起示范)

T:Thank you so much. Now, please practice with your partner. Then let’s act it out.


T: Thank you for your good performances. You can speak well and act well.


(1)创设不同情景,让学生自编对话。(Make new dialogues)

情景一:星期六的早上,你在公园里和好朋友Lucy一起玩,正好遇上去公园晨练的老师Miss Li。你主动介绍她们两人认识。

情景二:上午放学后,爸爸来接你,正好Mr. Hu 也正好走出校门。你主动向爸爸介绍Mr. Hu。

【设计意图】这部分是有意义的对话操练(Meaningful Practice),通过创设贴近学生生活实际的情景,让学生充分运用刚学习的新句型进行对话,有成效地进行语言实践,体会对话的含义和用途。

T: Boys and girls, you can read the dialogue very well now. This time, let’s make new dialogues. Look at the pictures and the situations carefully and then choose one picture you like to make a new dialogue. Now, please work with your partners. Go!

S1: I like picture 1/2.

S2: Ok. Let’s make a new dialogue.


(2)学生表演对话及老师评价。(Show time)


T: Boys and girls. It’s show time now. Which group would like to show your dialogue?

Ss: Let’s try! …(学生积极走上讲台表演对话)学生对话例子:

S1: Dad, this is Mr. Hu.

S2: Good morning, Mr. Hu.

S3: Good morning.

S2: I want to go home now, Goodbye, Mr. Hu.

S3: Goodbye.

T: Excellent! You all did a good job. Which group speaks more loudly, more fluently, and act better!


Ss: group 1 is better. They say loudly, and they act very well.


T: So group 2 is the best group in the show time, because they can speak loudly, and act with many body language. And most importantly, they can use more sentences to make a good dialogue. Let’s clap hands for them.



T: Well, boys and girls, today we know two new teachers in this book. Who are they?

Ss: Miss Green and Mr. Jones.

T: Yes, and we also get to know how to introduce a new friend to others. What can you say?

Ss: We can use the sentence: This is…

T: That’s right. And I hope you can use “Good morning” to greet our teachers, your friends. Try to be polite to everyone!

T: Today, you all did very well. Let's see which group makes more friends. So today's winner is Mr. Group. Congratulations!

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-11-30 09:43:24 | 只看该作者
T: Boys and girls. That's all for today. And your homework is to draw your favorite teacher, and introduce your teacher to your family like this:
This is ______________.
T: And next class, you can also show your picture to your classmates. Please try your best to do it! See you tomorrow.
整个板书以本课对话的重点句型为主体,并加上人物图片,使板书更加生动。同时,通过在黑板上呈现时钟和太阳等图片,创设情景,帮助学生更好地理解Good morning的意义。结合教学难点内容,全班分成Mr. group 和Miss group两大组进行比赛。学生每答对一个问题,就可以交到一个新朋友(一个人物头像),最后看哪组交到的朋友最多。同时,利用板书还可以用此来进行整节课的小结。

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