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上教版(三起) 三年级英语上册教学设计Module 2 Unit 5 教案

发表于 2014-11-20 13:47:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Module 2 Unit 5 教案1
句型:Who is he/ she?
词汇:father, mother, brother, sister, me.
1 通过一个有趣的找词游戏引出本单元的话题familly.
2 呈现家谱图,引出look and learn 中家庭成员的称谓,帮助学生学习词汇。
3 通过Listen and say 的情境对话,帮助学生学习本单元的核心句型Who is he/ she? He is/ She is…
Pre-task preparations
  T: Hello,…How are you today?
  SI: I'm fine. Thank you. How are you today,
    T.I'm great, thank you.
2.找词游戏。在黑板上写出或用多媒体呈现下 面这句话:
While-task procedures
1.出示本单元Look and learn的家谱图,引导学生识记表示家庭成员称谓的单词。
  T. (show the family tree in "Look and learn”) This is a family tree. And this is the Browns.
  T: (point to Peter Brown in the picture) Look at this boy. Who is he?
  Ss: Peter Brown.
  T. (point to the father in the picture) Who is he?
    He is Peter's father. Father, father.
  Ss: Father, father.
  T: (point to the mother in the picture) Who is she? She is Peter's mother. Mother, mother.
    Ss: Mother, mother.
    T: (point to the boy on the right in the picture) Who is he? He is Peter's brother. Brother, brother.
    Ss: Brother, brother.
    T: (point to the girl in the picture) Who is she? She is Peter's sister. Sister, sister.
  Ss: Sister, sister.
2 出示Unit 2的Look and Learn中Kitty-家的图片,然后将这个图片借助多媒体变成一
  棵family tree,然后让学生操练家庭成员的称谓。

3 播Listen and say的录音,学生逐句跟读,初步感知新授句型Who is he/she? He's/She's
  my _.
4.让学生两人一组上台表演,一个学生拿出事先 准备好的全家福照片,另一个通过询问了解对方的家庭成员,在真实的语境中综合运用
  Listen and say所学的语言。
  S1: Who is he?
  S2: He's my father.
SI: Who is she?
S2: She's my mother
S1: She is beautiful.
S2: Thank you.
Post-task activities
1.与学生做一个快速反应游戏,事先将本班学生的家人照片扫描到电脑里,然后教师用多 媒体逐一呈现并提问,让相关学生自动站起来回答屏幕上显示的是谁,操练新授句型。
T. (show the picture of man) He is tall. Who
is he?
S1: He's my father.
T: (show the picture of a woman) She is thin Who is she?
S2: She's my mother.
2.学生以小组(五人一组)为单位进行表演比赛,如:A同学(第一小组)一家人一起去公园,在路上碰到B同学(第二小组)一家人 去超市购物,互相打招呼并介绍家庭成员。
哪一组的表演得最自然、口语最流利,哪一组  就获胜。
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2014-11-20 13:47:48 | 只看该作者
Module 2 Unit 5 教案2
句型:Hi, I’m…
1 通过歌曲等活动帮助学生复习Look and learn 中所学的家庭成员的称谓。
2 通过Say and act栏目的角色扮演来帮助学生复习和进一步运用Unit 4的句型This is…
3 让学生用自己的全家福照片介绍家庭成员,巩固和熟练运用本单元所学词汇和句型。
Pre-task preparations
1.播放事先准备好的有关family的歌曲,让学生先听后跟唱,以活跃课堂气氛并复习第一课时学过的家庭成员的称谓,如father,mother,brother, sister等。
中的人是谁,从而复习Listen and say学过的问句Who is he/she?及答句He's/She's…。
  T. (show the picture of a little boy) Who is he?
  SI: He's…
T: (show the picture of a little girD Who is
S1: She's _
T: No. Try again, please. Who is she?
SI: She's _
T: Yes.
While-task procedures
1.让学生看Say and act的图片,指着图中Peter的家人提问,帮助学生复习已学过的词汇和句型。
  T: (point to Mrs Brown) Who is she?
  Ss: She's Mrs Brown./She's Peter's mother.
  T: Yes. She's Peter's mother.
播放Say and act的录音,让学生逐句模仿跟读。 然后请几名男生扮演Peter,上来介绍Peter家人。请几名女生扮演Sally介绍家人。
SI: Hi, I'm Peter Brown. (point to Mr Brown)  This is my father. (point to Mrs Brown)This is my mother。
当学生能模仿Say and act介绍后,教师可针对Peter Brown加以解释:Brown是Peter的姓。如果时间允许,可以结合Culture corner讲解中外姓名的位置。
2.教师拿出自己家人的照片,模仿Say and act的场景介绍家庭成员,然后让学生也模仿介绍家庭成员。教师可以适当拓展一些句子。
  T: (hold a family photo and point to the different people in it) This is me.
This is my father. He's tall.
This is my mother. She's beautiful
3.把挂图贴在黑板上,让学生两人一组上台表演,一人假设自己是Ask and answerE6J全家福 照片里的男孩或女孩,另—人向其询问照片上
  Gl: Look! This is my family.
  B1: (point to the man in the photo) Who is he?
  Gl: He is my father.
  B1: (point to the woman in the photo) Who is she?
  G1: She is my mother.
  Bl: (point to the boy in the photo) Who is the boy?
  Gl: He is my brother. (point to the girl in the
photo) This is me
4.让学生给Ask and answer的全家福里的一家人起任意名字,然后用Say and act里的句型
T: (show the picture in "Ask and answer') This is a family picture of the Greens.
(point to the man) This is Mr Green. He's tall.
(point to the woman) This is Mrs Green.
She's beautiful.(point to the girl) This is Lily. She's lovely.
S1: (point to the boy) This is Ted. He's Lily's brother.
Post-task activities
T. (point to the thumb) Who is he?
He's my father.(point to the forefinger) Who is she?
She's my mother.
用多媒体播放歌曲The finger family并呈现动画图片,要求孛生和同桌用所学句型询问和
S1.(point to the index finger) This is…
  SI: Hello, Hello…
  S2&S3: Hello…How are you?
  S1: I'm fine. Thank you. (show a family photo
    to Sl&S2) Look! This is my family.
  S2: Who is he?
  Sl: He's my father.
  S3: He's tall.
  SI:Thank you.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2014-11-20 13:49:08 | 只看该作者
Module 2 unit 5 教案3
字母:I, J
1 帮助学生学习字母I, 和J
2 帮助学生理解Culture corner所呈现的文化内容。
3 帮助学生巩固已经学过的句型。
Pre-task preparations
While-task procedures
1.逐一出示与本单元话题相关的单词卡片(family, father, brother, me, sister),让学生在各个卡片中找出自己认识的字母。教师先示范:
  T:  (show the flashcard of the word family, point to the letters and this is "f". This is “a”.
  T: (show the flashcard of the word father and ask a student to find the letters he has learnt.
  S1: (point to the letters) This is "f". This is "a". This is "h". This is "e".
  T: Very good.
  T: (show the flashcard of the word sister) This is "Ii". Ii.Ii.
  Ss: Ii.Ii.
  T. (show the picture of the ice-cream and point to the letter f in the word ice-cream ) This is
   “Ii". Ii,Ii.Ice-cream, ice-cream.
  Ss:Ii,Ii.Ice-cream, ice-cream.
最后,播放Learn the letters栏目的儿歌录音,让学生跟着录音诵读儿歌。
2.用多媒体呈现Look and learn布朗一家的图 片,让学生看每个人物下面括号里的姓名并
找出共同点,引出英文名的排列顺序是“名+ 姓”。
3.用多媒体显示Unit 2的Look and learn中两张全家福图片,让学生注意上面汉语姓名的排
的汉语和英语的姓名牌作为示范。Alice的汉语姓名牌上写:Wang Yuanyuan Alice的英语姓名牌上写:Alice Wang
T: Hello, everyone. (point to the Chinese name card) Look here. My Chinese name is Wang Yuanyuan.
T: (point to Alice) This is Alice. Alice is her English name. What's her Chinese name?
Look here. Wang Yuanyuan.
Ss: Wang Yuanyuan.
T: Wang Yuanyuan is her Chinese name.
(point to Ben) This is Ben. Ben is his English name. What's his Chinese name?
Ss: Li Wei.
T: Right. (point to Kitty) This is Kitty. What's her English name?
Ss: Kitty.

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