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BOOK 7 Module 8 Unit 1《Looking at photos》教案

发表于 2014-11-13 23:36:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
BOOK 7 Module 8 Unit 1《Looking at photos》详案
1、 Free talk
师:Hello, Boys and girls!(生打招呼)Today, I am your new teacher. I want to know something about you. What’s your hobby? Please tell me.Who can? (做举手状)
What about you? (问4个学生)
师:Oh, you have a good habit.(评价)
师:Wow, you have so many habits. Today we have two groups ---You are Group A and you are Group B. (师拿起黑板评价图片)Here are some pictures about good habits. If you do a good job, you can get the pictures, if you do better, you can get more and more.
1、师:Just now, I knew something about you. Now, do you want to know
something about Miss long? Let’s guess. (点击课件出示游戏规则)
If you think it’s true, you can say “Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.”
If you think it’s false, you can say “No, No, No.”Please follow me. (Yeah…No…) Are you ready? Let’s go!
师:Swimming is good for our health. I like swimming. (点击课件) I swim four days a week. I swim on Mon./Tue./Web./Thu. So I often swim.
(点击教学“often”,教后师在黑板上书写“often ”)

点击课件出示Amy和Lingling 看照片图,说:Look at the picture. Who are they ?
生:They’re Lingling and Amy. (师贴Lingling和Amy的头像)
师:Today we are going to know something about Amy’s and Lingling’s habits. Now, you can watch the video with this question.(点击课件)What are they looking at?
师:Now, who can tell me what are they looking at? (生答后师评价)Today we are going to learn M8.U1. Looking at photos.(生齐读课题)
3、找出文中带often 的句子。
①师:Let’s, read the dialogue again and find the sentences with “often” and use “——” under line the sentences.
(生说句子,师点击课件出示,同时并贴卡片Do you often …?)
play with dolls , read stories, clean the room, not very often.
师:“not very often” it means “sometimes”.
师:clean↑clean↓, ea /i:/  ea, ea(生/i:/) 师:/i:/ 生:ea, ea
      C-L-E-A-N →clean. 指着tea和sea 让学生齐读。
师:This time, Let’s watch the video again with the four questions.点击课件,出示四个问题,师读问题。Let’s begin.(播放录像)
Now, underline the sentences with your partner, I will give you one minute. (再点击回到4个问题。)
师板书Not really 的同时板出No, I don’t.还要说:Not really, it means “No, I don’t.” 板书Yes, of course的同时还要板出Yes, I do.同时引导学生说:Yes, of course, it means “Yes, I do.”

1、操练“Do you often …?”
①.师点击课件出示图片(watch TV),同时问:“Please look at the picture .
What is she doing ?(生答)
Do you often...? (生答:Yes , I do .)
问学生得到“Yes , I do .”的答案后点击课件让生齐读。
师评价:You can use new sentences.
②.师点击出示第二幅图(eat fast food)。
师:Look at the picture . The boy is ---(生:eating fast food )
(问个别)Do you often eat fast food ? (生答)
在问到否定的答案后师说:Me too .
Because the fast food is not good for our health .说完评价,然后A组问B组答,然后再倒过来,B组问A组答。
师:Please look at the picture ,read it together .(生齐读六幅图)(师找一学生示范):I often clean my room , do you often clean your room ?(生答后) Change , you ask , I answer .(接着点击课件,然后面对全班同学说: You can practise like this with your partner , then perform .
(叫三组学生上台表演,师评价时可用:How about them ?或Group x can watch and listen carefully .或Group × can sit up straight .)
师:This time , listen , point and repeat . Now , boys and girls , show me  your finger ,(拿课本做示范) Point to the dialogue . Read after the tape . Are you ready ?  Let’s begin .
②. 师:Now, Group A is Amy , Group B is Lingling. Let’s read the dialogue together .  Amy , say “hello” to Lingling . Do you want to …Ready ? Go!
读完师评价:Group × can speak loudly and fluently !
①. 师点击课件:Please look at the screen . Role play . You can practise the dialogue in your group , then come to the front and perform . Understand ? Ok? Let’s do it !
②.生操练完后师拍手示意学生坐好:Group × is more active , I like Group × , so you can get the pictures. Boys and girls , please face to face . Ready ? Go !Group A is Amy , Group B is Lingling, who can try ?表演完后师:Who is better ?生评价:I think Group × is better . They can perform very well.                       
第二次:This time,Group A is Lingling,Group B is Amy,who can try?

师:According to the dialogue,we know Amy likes reading books,she often reads books。What about you? What do you like doing? Do you often ……?
(问完两个学生,接着问全班)Do you often……?Do you often play with
dolls? Oh, no, then oh—(师唱歌)
What do you like doing?
What do you often do?
What does he do?
What do you do?
Can you tell me now?

Great!So what do you like doing? What do you often do? Now,it’s time for writing ,You can see a paper on you desk .You can write something like this.
师:Who would like to show your writing?

五.Emotional Education
师:I will show you some pictures about good habits, let’s enjoy them. (点击课件)
You can see these people are very happy,because they have good habits.
Good habits are good for us.

师:Homework for today. You can choose  A  or  B . If  you like writing,you can write something about your friends’ habits.
If you like reading,you can read the books about habits
1.师:In this class,we have learnt some new sentences. Please look at the blackboard. Group A ask Group B answer.
师:Now, Let’s see who is the winter today?

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