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译林版英语七年级下学期教学设计与反思《Finding your way》

发表于 2014-10-26 14:28:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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Unit 4   Finding your way
Welcome to the unit
Language functions and focus
1)Learn about directions.
2)To read and learn about different kinds of transportation and talk about how to travel conveniently.
3)To obtain details about locations.
1)Recognize key vocabulary about directions and locations.
2)Identify specific information about directions and locations from a group of buildings.
1)To describe directions and transportation.
2)Develop confidence in expressing.
Study skills
1)Develop a recording system of grammatical items and structures.
2)Expand grammar-learning strategies for effective learning.
Overview of the lesson
1)This lesson is from FUN WITH ENGLISH. It is for Grade 7.In this lesson, Students explore different places, and learn about directions locations and transportation.
2)We should love our hometown and ask friends to visit our hometown. Let them know how to find it in a map and how to get here fast and easily.
Teaching procedure
1)Lead in the key subject
Tell the Ss my English name by showing them a guessing card. In the card, they will see the following words one by one, “Teacher”, “Anhui”, “Guangxi”, and “Plane”. While showing the card, I tell them, ”I am a teacher. I am from Anhui, which is in the east of China. I arrived in Guangxi two days ago. As we know, Guangxi is in the south of China. The journey is very long, so I came here by plane.” From the red letters, they know that my name is Tina. Greet with them freely.
In fact, I revise some old words about locations and transportation. At the same time I mention the new words about directions and let them hear how to say sentences on the means of transport.

2)Do activities around the subject
Show the students a map of China. Ask several students to come to the front and point out my hometown and their hometown in the map. As a result, the students will have the basic understanding of locations in a map.
After a student clicks on the button of Nanning, they will see a picture of South Lake Park, a famous park in Nanning. And they will also see two lovely dogs Eddie and Hobo. They are on a spring outing. Explain the meaning of “a spring outing”. Show the students what happens to the two dogs in South Lake Park.
Students see an animation about the comic strips in this part. They learn about Eddie and Hobo’s spring outing. Explain the new word ”follow” in English.
Students read this part and discuss any difficulty in it to make sure they understand it well.
Students practise this conversation in pairs for a while and then act it out in front. When they are acting, they may take a map, a backpack or something else they need in a spring outing.
In the comic strips, we know that Eddie and Hobo go to the wrong way, so they don’t have a good time. If we want to enjoy ourselves during the spring outing, it is smart to know the directions.
Teach the students how to say directions in English.
Show them a map of Beijing Sunshine Town, ask the students to help Class 1 Grade 7 students in Beijing Sunshine Town find directions. They find the zoo, the Sunnyside Garden and the Lake Park.
Give the students more buildings and let them talk about the positions one by one.

3)Explore our thoughts
Give the students an empty block. The students arrange these buildings according to their own blocks.
E.g. This is my school. A hospital is north of my school. A hotel is south-west of my school…
Then some students come to the computer and pull the icons of the buildings to the right place. The student who is arranging the block introduces his/her block in English at the same time.

4)Expand our thoughts
Tell the students that maybe I’ll visit them tomorrow according to their introductions. I like traveling very much.
Some students tell me that they like traveling too. I suggest them to travel to some interesting places. Give them six cards, on which there are some tourist instructions. They make conversations like this:
A: Let’s go to ….
B: OK. We can go by plane/by train….
A: Shall we/ Why not/Why don’t we go to…?
B: OK. We can go …

5)Combine the key subject and our lives
Ask the students to write an invitation letter to my students and ask them to visit Nanning – this beautiful and green city.
Show them an example.

6)Value this class
Ask the students if they learn something in this class. Do they have any suggestions or ideas? Welcome them to email me at
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-26 14:29:13 | 只看该作者


Students’ activities

The teacher’s activities


Lead in the key subject.

the background of the unit which covers several icons of the learning steps

Guess the teacher's English name. Read and revise the words about some places and direction.

Help the students guess my name.
Ask the students to read the words that we’ve learnt before.

Greet with the students freely.
Let the students revise some old words and get ready to learn the new ones.

activities around the subject.

a map of China.
a picture of South Lake Park in Nanning.
a map of Beijing Sunshine Town

Several students come to the front and point out my hometown and their hometown in the map.
Students see an animation about the comic strips and learn the new     words in this part. Students find the zoo, the Sunnyside Garden and the Lake Park. Talk about the positions of other buildings.

Help the students find some cities in the map of China.
Explain the comic strips to them. Teach the students how to say different directions in English.
3. Ask the students to help Class 1 Grade 7 students in Beijing Sunshine Town find some places.

The students will have the basic understanding of locations in a map.
Students act this conversation out in front.
Students know how to say the positions of some buildings.

Explore our thoughts

an empty block

The students arrange these buildings according to their own blocks.

Give the students an empty block and ask them come to the computer and pull the icons of the buildings to the right places.

The students introduce their blocks in English.

Expand our thoughts


The students make conversations in groups.

Suggest them to travel to some interesting places. Give them six cards, on which there are some tourist instructions.

The students form groups freely and make their own conversations.

Combine the key subject and our lives

an invitation letter

Talk about how to write the letter.

Ask the students to write an invitation letter to ask my students to visit Nanning

Students learn how to describe their hometown, including its position, its transportation.

Value this lesson

my email address

Students talk about this lesson in groups.

Ask the students if they have learnt something in this lesson.

Welcome them to email me at


the picture of the Sunshine Town

Students tell me about their sunshine.

Tell them try to be others’ sunshine and bring happiness to others.

Help the students care for their family members and their friends.


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-10-26 14:29:59 | 只看该作者
我的这节《Finding your way》的主要目的是学习描述方向和方位,并让学生们在日常的生活中灵活运用。由于网络教学并没有发展成熟,还有很多问题亟待解决,以下是我在授课过程中发现的一些问题和我的解决方法:
在这种新型的教学环境中我的教学方法与以往也有很大的不同, “学习者为中心”、“自主学习”的原则始终贯穿于教学过程中。课上有多种多样的活动形式:问答、自由对话、角色扮演、配对小组活动及网上论坛等,围绕着 Finding your way的主题,在教学中融入了贴近生活的丰富多彩的内容,如:当地的旅游景点、网络游戏中的虚拟社区。调动起了学习者的学习兴趣,使他们有表达自己观点的欲望,敢于站出来且大声说出来。这样,既使得教学内容更加丰富,为学生创造出了更自我的学习氛围,也为解决第二个问题做了铺垫。
在牛津英语的教学中,我一直采用直观教具、游戏、全身性的反应活动来引起学生对语言本身的兴趣,帮助他们加深理解和记忆。如::在《Finding your way》中教建筑物、方向、方位时有许多的单词,如果靠单纯记忆的话,会显得很枯燥,印象也不深刻,而采用直观教具、照片和视频,不仅使学生记忆深刻,也使课堂气氛活跃,学生乐意接受。如:描述自己的家,在课堂上采用互动的学习模式,让大家相互介绍,有时,会闹出一些笑话,大家一起讨论纠正,这样学生会感到很快乐,同时,也觉得印象特别深刻。
当然,教学中难免会出现乏味不能引起学生兴趣的内容,因此我采用了设疑启智的方法,培养学生的发散性思维,使他们积极的主动地学习。我在这节课的每一教学步骤中都设置了信息沟,层层递进,再加上适量灵活性的思考题,让学生从同一来源的材料或信息中探求不同答案,培养学生积极求异的思维能力。我给予每一位学生参与的机会,如:在课堂上呈现一段视频,观看之前问学生们“What happened to Eddie and Hobo?”这时学生就会参照所给画面猜测,积极发言,发散思维。课文教学中,我也注意到要涉及一些新颖别致,能唤起学生共鸣的问题,让学生在独立思维的基础上,进行集体讨论,集思广益。如谈论旅游计划。Where do you want to go? How will you go there? Why do you have that plan? 让学生们根据自己收集的有效信息给出答案。也可以用所学知识,让学生们自由的求异发散,编写新的内容,如在本课的主体内容教完后,屏幕上出现一些key words让学生自己编写内容,来策划自己的暑假旅游,这样使学生相互启发,相互交流,从而以创新意识灵活运用语言知识,让学生凭自己的能力摸索着解决新问题,掌握新知识,从而使学生的创新实践能力得到了真正提高。

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