内容提要:Everyone knows that there are many ways of learning English ,for example: learning about word stress ; sentence stress ; listening , listening ,listening ; don‘t listen ; improve your vocabulary with 5words a day ; 30 minutes a day better than 3.5 hours a week and so on. But the best way of learning a language is by using it. The most important rule for learning English is “Don’t be afraid of making any mistakes , everyone makes mistakes.”
在学习之前,布置了三个思考题:学习宾语从句之前,我们准备了什么?旅行之前,我们准备了什么?进入社会之前,我们准备了什么?看起来这三个问题与我们要学习的英语内容毫无关系,一旦我们做起来就会发现这些与要学习的TRAVEL,HAVE A GOOD TIME !密切相连,因为这两个单元主要学习THE OBJECT CLAUSE.于是问题由此展开:预习什么,怎么预习,用什么资源预习等等牵涉到了认知策略、调控策略和资源策略等等。
1.He says that he wants to speak to the headmaster. 宾语从句中,从句为陈述句,连词为that, 可以省略。 在转述别人的话时要注意人称一致
2.Did you say that you went to Mount Emei? 主句为过去时,从句要用过去相应时态
3.About where we are going for our holiday. 从句由特殊疑问句充当,连词由疑问词充当,语序要变回陈述句语序。
1.关于海南的一些信息:Different from other provinces, Hainan is the largest ocean island and the smallest land province in China. Although scenery in Hainan lacks the grandness of the Great Wall and the mystery of the Terror-Cotta Warriors, its natural beauty has gained a good reputation among the visitors and has been widely known around the world. People call it "the Oriental Hawaii".
When to go Hainan is an ideal place for you to be away from the cold winter. In January and February, the average temperature is 16 C to 24 C, and 25 C to 29 C is in July and August. The rainy seasons are from May to October. The best time to visit Hainan is between November and March the next year. I suggest those who are fond of swimming had better come to Hainan. It's an excellent swimming and bathing place all the year around, and far away from the crowded cities, it is your best choice for relaxation and entertainment.
2.关于娥眉山的一些信息:Leshan Giant Buddha, the largest stone sculpture of Buddha in the world, sits at the confluence of the Minjiang, Dadu and Qingyi rivers. According to records, the carving of this giant Buddha was begun in the in the first year of the reign of the Tang Emperor Tang Xuanzong (713 AD), and completed in the 19th year of Emperor Dezong (803 AD), a total of 90 years. Taking the shape of a Maitreya [see note below] he is depicted barefooted with drooping ears and has his hair arranged in a spiral topknot. His chest is exposed and his hands rest on his knees. Carved from the side of the Lingyun Hill, with his head level with the cliff top, the gigantic stone sculpture faces Mt. Emeishan, with the rivers flowing below his feet.
Travelling by train is the best.从而学习Jim‘s train ride .
1.More than = over
2. yet 可放于have done 中间或句子结尾
3. traveling by air 当主语,用了动名词
4. much, far 是比较级的修饰语; 表示:……得多
5. a rushed trip by air 匆匆忙忙做飞机旅行; rush v. 冲,奔跑;如:Don’t rush. He rushed to his home.?
6. have a wonderful train ride to Chengdu 他们到成都的火车之旅精彩极了。Have a train ride to somewhere坐火车到
7. went on to Mount Emei 继续到峨嵋山 go on to 表示继续到另一个地方作者: 网站工作室 时间: 2009-11-20 08:25
另一方面,如果乘飞机旅行的话,就要掌握以下用语:1.How to buy plane tickets
Could you tell me how much it costs to fly to Hainan ?
The price of a ticket from Beijing to Hainan is 1,000 yuan one-way .
Could you tell me if there is a flight in the morning on November 26th?
I‘ve never seen such a beautiful mountain in my life.
I‘ll show you my photos as soon as they came out .
每一个学生在学习时都在执行某种策略。比如,我们在阅读一篇英语短文,我们像以往那样,在阅读刚刚开始的时候就注意到“语言点”,而且就开始记住它们。这就是我们在执行阅读的学习策略。不管这种策略是不是有利于我们对文段的整体理解,我们实际上在通过行动来执行既定策略。当我们认识到这种学习策略不利于阅读理解时,不可能立即丢掉这种策略,我们需要用新的行动来代替原来的行动。笔者所采用的这种方法注重的是要完成一个任务。从完成这个任务中来形成学习策略,是一个行动的过程。上网查资料以后,发现了教材上面的网址现在已经不能查到资料了,于是就改为TRAVEL CHINA GUIDE .COM 这个网址。事物是发展的,不是一成不变的,我们学习语言的人当然应该引起重视。以前查资料主要是书本,但是现在方法就很多了。所以对于以前的资源策略就要改变。而这种改变不是说说而已,必须自己行动。
6、要有连续性、持续性。 学英语是一个漫长的过程,走走停停便难有成就。比如烧开水,在烧到80度时停下来,等水冷了又烧,没烧开又停。如此周而复始,又费精力又费电,很难喝到水。学英语要一鼓作气。天天坚持,在完全忘记之前及时复习、加深印象,如此反复,直至形成永久性记忆。如果等到忘记了再来复习,就像又学新知识一样,那么,我们就永远是初学者,虽然在辛辛苦苦地烧开水,却难品味到其甘润。作者: 网站工作室 时间: 2009-11-20 08:25
另一方面学习策略也是一种体验的过程。比如:有了学习的行动,也就有了对学习的体验。因此,在我们进行学习活动时,就必定产生某种体验。比如,现在想改变自己的那种逐字逐句进行阅读的习惯,于是加快了阅读速度,忽略了语言细节,这显然是一种新的阅读行动,伴随着这种行动的是发生在内心的新体验。学生们在阅读LESSON 14 同以往的方法发生了很大的变化。更加注重的是体验 Travelling by train的快乐。无论那种学习方法有多么的好,必须自己体验。比如记忆单词的方法:一、结合记忆法 将比较生疏、不常用的单词放入一定的语言环境——句子中,结合句意来记忆单词。遇到此单词时,若词义忘记,则可通过回忆所在句子的意思来记忆单词。例如: critical adj. ①批评(性)的,吹毛求疵的 Idon't like people who are too critical about everything.我不喜欢对每件事都太吹毛疵的人,②紧要的,关键的;危急的 His condition is reported as being 据报告他的情况非常危急。通过此法来掌握词汇,既有助于记住单词本身的拼写、拼读,又可同时熟悉词的词义、词性、用法和搭配,比孤立地背记单词效果要好。 二、同类记忆法 将同类词汇收集在一起,同时背记。注意,同类词汇与同义词不同:同义词是指意思相同,而同类词是指基本属性相同、具体意义的层次,级别或范围不同的一类词汇。如headmaster和principal是同义词,都表示,“中小学校长”;president和chancellor是同义词,都表示“大专院校校长”。这两组词是同类词汇,都表示“校长”,但具体级别不同,所以两组词不是同义词。 再如bachelor(学士)、master(硕士),doctor (博士)三个词都表示学位授予的情况,但具体级别不同,所以这三个词也是一组同类词汇。 这样,将同类词汇放在一起记忆,当遇到其中一个词时,头脑中出现的就是一组词,效率大大提高了。 三、比较记忆法 把同义词或形似词放在一起,加以区别、说明来掌握单词的方法。记忆的过程是一组组,一对对单词同时记忆。这种记忆方法可以记住单词拼写的同时,还掌握了词与词的区别和各自特殊的用法,于是将平时极易混淆的单词清楚地区别开。例如:同义词admit和confess均表示"承认". ??但confess,含有"坦白"、"忏悔"的意思,而admit却无此意。admit除含有"承认"之意外,还含有"允许,接纳"的意思。acquire、inquire、require是三个形似词,拼写很相似,但意思却完全不同:acquire(取得,获得)。 inquire(打听,查询)、require(需要,要求,命令)。
通过文章的了解学习单词:On March 24, 2001, a large scale repair was launched by the government. It was the first maintenance since the Buddha had been added to the World Heritage List. The first stage concentrated on the treatment of the Buddha's head, shoulders, chest, and stomach. The repairs lasted for 36 days and cost over one million Yuan. The technicians mended the Buddha's coiled bun of hair, cleaned the face, cleared away trash and weeds from the body, removed an inappropriate cement coating, and repaired the damage with traditional materials. The second phase commenced on November 7, 2001, and is planned to be finished in August 2002. The second stage is focused on the improvement of the drainage system of the Buddha's body, protection against water concussion on the feet, and weatherproofing the whole statue.
而且我们学习课文中采取的生词也改变了方法,比如:scenery ;the beautiful scenery ;the beautiful scenery out of the window ;watching the beautiful scenery out of the window ;kept watching the beautiful scenery out of the window ;They kept watching the beautiful scenery out of the window 通过这种方法读单词效果就更好了。