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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-21 11:05:51 | 只看该作者

Step one:Warm up
1﹑Free ttalk
2﹑Do actions
Step two: Presentation
1 、Let’s learn
(1)、T: Are you tired? Oh, yes. I’m tired. And I’m very thirsty. Can I drink some water, please?
  S: Yes.
  T: Oh, my dear, the water is too hot! Please touch it. Is it hot? Ss touch it and repeat: Yes, it’s hot.
(2)、Ss pass it one by one and say ”cold”.
2、Teach the word “cold、warm、cool in same way.
3、Teach the word “Weather”
Look, It’s cold, It’s cool, it’s warm and it’s hot. Oh, what’s the weather like today? Is it cold? Is it…?
Do you know “weather”? What is weather?
Read the word together.        修改意见
程        Step three: Extension and Consolidation
1、Guessing game
2、Find friends
3、Chanting Race
Step one: Warm up  
1﹑Sing “My clothes
2﹑Free talk .
Step two : Presentation
1﹑Let’s talk
(1)、Play VCD for weather report then ask:” How many cities? What are they? What’s the weather like in …today?
(2)、T: Today  is warm day .Can I wear a coat today? Help Ss answer:” No, you can’t.
    T: Can I wear a sweater today?  Help Students answer: ”No, you can’t”.
(3)、T: Can I wear a shirt today?  Help Students answer: Yes, .you can.”
(5)、Play record for Let’s talk, students read after tape.
(6)、Role play
2、Good to know.
Step three: Extension and Consolidation       

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-21 11:05:56 | 只看该作者
第 三 课 时
Step one :Warm up
1﹑Listen and chant
2、Ss show their mini paper clothes and sing My clothes individually.
3、Circle the words and spell them.
T        S        H        I        R        T        S
W        U        K        E        B        W        W
O        W        P        I        D        H        E
EM        H        X        Z        R        I        A
J        A        C        K        E        T        T
E        T        H        I        S        E        E
B        L        U        E        S        L        R
Step two: Presentation
1、Get the group members’ mini paper clothes together. Divide them into some parts, such as ”shoes”,” jeans”, ”socks”, ”pants”….Ss choose the mini paper clothes from above.
Ask and answer .
2、The four skill words.
(1)、Ss take turns to do the activity like “t a s pan “—pants and pick out the corresponding mini paper clothes to adorn their finger puppets.
(2)、Spell the words and  try to find their similar feature “-s”. Then talk about why we don’t use their single forms.                     
3、Read the dialogue and answer the following questions:
What’s the weather like today? What are they going to do?  What’s the Zoom looking for?  Where are they?
4、Act out the dialogue.
Step three: Extension and Consolidation
1、Do exercise 2 on the Activity Book
2、Copy the words and sentences on the Activity Book.
第 四 课 时
Step one: Warm up
1、Let’s sing  ”Thunder”
2、Let’s chant
3、Chanting Race
Step two: Presentation
1、Teach the word “windy”
(1)、teacher stick the picture of snow beside Beijing and ask:” What’s the weather like in Bei jing?
(2)、Read the words after teacher.
2、Teach the words ”sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy in same way.
Rainy, rainy , it’s rainy in London.
Open up your umbrella, Open up your umbrella.
Snowy, snowy, it’s snowy in Moscow.
Put on your boots, Put on your boots.
Cloudy, cloudy, it’s cloudy in Sydney.
Take your raincoat, Take your raincoat.
Sunny, sunny, it’s sunny in Singapore.
Put on your sunglasses, Put on your sunglasses.       

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-21 11:06:04 | 只看该作者

3 、Let’s do
(1)        、Listen say and do
(2)        、Listen and do
(3)        、Look and say                  
6、Task time
Step three: Extension and Consolidation
第 五 课 时
Step one : Warm up
1、Sing a song :Thunder
2、Let’s do
3、Free talk
Step two : Presentation
1、        Teacher show pictures of four different cities.
T: Can you tell me, where it is? What’s the weather like in…?
2、Let’s chant
(1)        、Let the students write down the words about cities.
(2)        、Say the sentence pattern: What’s the weather like in Beijing? It’s sunny in Beijing.
(3)        、Competition: Invite 4 or 5 children to say the sentences one by one. The last one is the winner.
3、 Game: What are you doing?
4Presentation the text.
(1)        、Watch the VCD.
(2)        、(2)Ask some questions
(3)        、Listen to the tape
Step three: Extension and Consolidation
1、Act out the text
2、Let’s check       

程        第 六 课 时
Step one :Warm up
1、Sing a song :Thunder
2、Play a jigsaw puzzle
3、Let’s find out
               , it’s sunny. Let’s fly a kite.
               , it’s rainy. Let’s read a book.
               , it’s cloudy .Let’s play football.
                ,it’s snowy. Let’s make a snowman.
Step two : Presentation
1、It’s       and
2、Write the words.
3、Teach the sentence :Is it…?
4、Teacher point to the picture and say: Look, this is a mountain. It’s high .Let’s go and climb it. wait. What’s the weather like there? Let’s listen.
5、Play record.
Step three: Extension and Consolidation
1、Story time
2、Finish the Activity Book       

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-21 11:06:13 | 只看该作者

学生能听说认读Let’s learn 、Let’s talk部分的单词和句型

能听说读写Read and write 部分的单词和句型


编写者:李文有        执教者:        执教时间:   年   月   日  
课题        Unit 5、My clothes
教学目标        1.        Make the students describe the size of clothes and shoes.:It’s expensive/colourful.
2.        Ss can answer the question.How much is it?
3.         Learn the words and sentences in Part A,B.
4.        Sing the song: The Coat in the window.
教学难点        Get the pupils to describe their clothes  in their own words.

教学准备        Tape and recorder, stickers and word cards.
程        Period 1
Step1. warm-up
1.        sing a song. My coat.
2.        Greeting
T: Good morning/afternoon! How are you?Are you happy?
  What’s the weather like today?
  Can I wear my T-shirt?
Step 2.Presentation.
1.T:show out some clothes and shoes.
   Can I wear this jacket? No ,you don’t.
   Can I wear the skirt.?Yes .you can .
   Is it pretty./colourful?
2. read the new words: pretty colourful .(beautiful)
3.        T:Oh It’s hot today. I want to buy a new skirt. Let’s go to the shop.(a picture of colourful.) How much is it? Oh ,it’s expensive/cheap.
4.        read the new words: expensive cheap.
5.        Play a game” expensive or cheap”  Look at some new things : bag 20  sweater 100…….(>50 expensive  <50 cheap)
6.        Let’s chant.
a.        Listen to the chant.
b.        Say out : What do you hear.?
c.        Read the chant one by one.
Step 3. Practice .
  Act out the chant .
Step 4. Consolidation
1.        copy the new words
2.        read the chant.at home.

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-21 11:06:21 | 只看该作者

程        Period 2
Step1. warm-up
1.        Let’s chant
2.        Let’s do.
3.        learn the song “The coat in the window ”
Step 2. Presentation.
Let’s talk
(1)        T: Excuse me /Hello ,How much is your shirt?
S: It’s …….
T: Is it expensive.?
S: Yes ,but it’s pretty/colourful.
(2)        Look ,listen and do.
a.        Look at the picture and try to make some questions.
b.        Listen to the tape .and read.
c.        Activity.:Higher or lower
S1 How much is this…..
S2 It’s 50 yuan.
S1 Lower !Lower!
S3 It’s 30 yuan .
  Higher! Higher!
S4  It’s 40 yuan .Yes.
(3)        Pair work

Name         Clothes        Price        Expensive        Cheap
Amy        Dress        99yuan        √       
Ask a student in your group to say out .
(4)        T: I am very cold .I want to buy a warm clothes .but I have not much money .Now you can act in your group.
(5)        Learn the song.
(6)        Good to know .:  T introduce the defferent size in China and In west country.
Work :
Do some exercise in the workbook.

Period 3.
Step 1.warm-up
1.        review some animals and big small long short
2.        Let’s chant
Step 2. Presentation.
Read and write
1.        T; I like this shirt.It’s colourful,but it’s small.
What about this one?It’s good ,but it’s too big.
This one ?It’s nice ,It fits me well .Do you like this shirt?Yes
    T It’s pretty. But it doesn’t fit you ,It’s too long.        T

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-21 11:06:27 | 只看该作者
2.        practise : S1 This shirt is …..but it’s too……
3.        act out the dialogue.
4.        read the words. And spell them

1.        T: Now zoom is happy,He has a job.He sells clothes.Here comes  Miss goat.Listen.
2.        Listen to the tape and try to answer the questions
3.        read the story and act out.
1.        do some exercise on the workbook.
2.        copy the new words:big small.long short

Step1 warm-up
1.        Let’s sing”The coat in the window.”
2.        act out the song
Ss: Can I help you?  S:Yes How much is it now?
3.        Let’s do
Let’s learn.
1.        take out the picture.and describe the picture simply.make Ss to know the meaning .
2.        T: What can you see in the picture?
3.        Play a game.
a.        Show me /Touch your ……..
b.        Guess : I have a pair of …..,where are they?
c.        Count the number.
4.        read it .
5.        Ss try to make a dialogue.
Step 3 Consolidation
1.        sing the song
2.        do exercises

1.        Greeting
2.        sing and chant.
1.Show out some shoes of mine in five .
T; Hello everyone.Look! My sandals /sneakers/boots are too small.I need a new pair of ……Let’s go shopping.
2. T: Here are two pairs of sneakers .Which pair is mine ?This pair or that pair/Please guess. I take size 37sneakers.This pair or that pair?  What size do you wear?

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-2-21 11:06:35 | 只看该作者

3.        practise: What size do you wear?How much are they?
4.        Guess the price   use the own shoes or clothes
5.        Look at the VCD and answer the question.
6.        read the dialogue.
7.        do the “Let’s check

Period 6
Step 1. warm-up
1.        sing the song of “Mother ‘s clothes”
2.        T: What size of  your father?
Step 2.Presentation.
Read and write.
1.        How many apples does zoom want to buy?How much are they?
2.        count the number(注意复数)
3.        T: How much is it?   How much are they?比较两者的不同。
4.        make a dialogue .in the group.
明确O 的发音。总结元音字母a e I o u  的发音,并完成练习。

编写者:李文有        执教者:        执教时间:   年   月   日  
课题        Unit 6.Shopping         共6课时
教学目标        5.        Make Ss to know some animals and vegetables  at the farm:goat lamb horse donkey tomatoes potatoes.
6.        Can use the sentences:Are they…./How many….?
7.        Can write the new words and sentences well
教学准备        Tape and recorder, stickers and word cards.

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