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发表于 2013-11-2 11:10:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
初中英语教师听课随笔 引言:金秋十月,吴兴区英语研训中心在湖州十一中碧浪校区举行了初一英语高效课堂推广研讨会,我校一行15个一线教师参加了此次活动。我们听取了两节初一的高效课,下午又听取了有关有效作业设计的论坛,其中我校杨碧莺老师代表我们初一备课组做了有关有效作业的讲座。下面是我对其中十一中蒋老师的课堂听课记录及简要点评,跟大家一起分享,不当之处希望指正和共同探讨学习,以求得共同的进步。

课题: Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? Section A(3a-4)


Step 1 Warming up

T:Good morning,everyone. Do you know me ?

Ss: No.

T:  Let’s make friends, OK?

(The teacher helps the students to answer: That sounds good. And write the sentence on the blackboard. The teacher then walk to different students and ask their names and meet them )

T: Hello. May I have your name ?

S: My name is … .My Chinese name is ….

T: Hi, ….Nice to meet you .Let’s make friends.

S: That souds good.

点评:蒋老师虽是东道主,但也是借班上课。课前利用认识新同学并和他们交朋友的方式,引出本课重点句型“That sounds good. ” ,很适合新初一的学生。学生也能马上领会老师的意图,配合得很好。但有一个细节,当蒋老师问起第一个学生的名字时,学生回答了她的英文名,又补充了中文名,但蒋老师却用了孩子的中文名和学生打招呼,这很显然不符合英语课的要求。这说明教师对课堂的灵活应变能力还需加强。或许可能蒋老师没有听清楚孩子的英文名,才导致她用了中文名。但此时是说者无意,听者有意了。

Step 2 Watch a movie

T: Class, do you like sports?


T: Let’s watch a video . OK?

Ss: That sounds good .

After watching the video, ask the students to say the sentence “Let’s play sports.”

点评:教师较成功有效地引出并新的句型“That sounds great/nice/wonderful. ”    ,但是教师可以视学生掌握情况进行适当的扩充,以满足程度好的学生的需求。

Step 3 Chant

T: That souds good .Do you have these ? Let’s chant.

P_______,  p________. I like
B_______ , b________ .You like
V________, v________. She likes
T______, t_____.He likes  
S______, s_____They like
Sports, sports. We like sports !

点评:蒋老师所采用的chant 形式比较新颖,而且充分利用了chant 的内容,让学生拼出单词,又有图片做辅助,学生能较快地拼出该单词,真实而又有效。平时我们教师采用的chant 形式往往只是起到一个活跃课堂气氛、激发学生兴趣的作用,而没有充分挖掘chant的内容,因此也就没有起到象这堂课的效果了。

Step 4 Free Talk

T: I like sports. I have a ping-pong ball, but I don’t have a tennis ball. What about you? (Ask differet students, get them to say the sentence structure : I have a …and …,but I don’t have a …)

S1: I have a…, but I don’t have…

S2: I have a …,but I don’t have a….

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-11-2 11:11:02 | 只看该作者
点评:蒋老师的每一次师生互动和生生互动,学生的涉及面很广,再加上班级人数在30人左右,因此几乎做到了人人有机会在课堂上回答和发言,展示他们的英语水平。大部分学生的语音语调比较准确、声音响亮,说明该班级的英语老师和蒋老师本身语言素质较好,而且也看得出教师也在努力模仿该教材的语音语调。因此我们教师要求学生做到的,我们教师应该先做到。在以上这一环节中,蒋老师的一个细节给在座听课的老师印象非常深刻。当她听到最后一个发言的学生说I have a basketball,but I don’t have a soccer ball 时,老师顺时接上一句 Let’s play basketball after class, OK? 刚开始学生并没有领会教师的意图,但是蒋老师还是很有耐心地一遍又一遍的重复她的话语,学生终于说出 That sounds good . 在很多时候我们英语老师的耐心有限,在学生没有及时领会老师的意图或不理解时,老师往往会代替学生回答。蒋老师的做法很值得我们学习和保持。

Step 4 Fill in the blanks

T: Bob and Jim want to play sports. Let’s see what sport do they want play .Fill in the conversation betwwen them .

The students then fill in the blanks, the teacher gets two students to read and check the answer. Then the students read together . After that the teacher gets the students to role play the conversation without the words.


Step 5 Pairwork

The teacher gives the students some pictures and gets the students to practice in pairs.


Step 6.Join a club

Many students like sports . Now lets join sports clubs .We have many clubs. Which club do you want to join? This time the teacher get the students to practice the new structure “I want to join the …club.” After that the teacher again get students to practice conversations again. In this step the students practice the new structure “Let’s join the…club ”.

Step 7 Introduce yourself to your coach( 教练 )

After the conversation practice ,the teacher gets the students to say a short passage with the words and structures learned in this lesson.


Step 8 Homework

1. Finish the writing to the coach .( For students you can )

2. Workbook 2  P19-20  ( all the students)

3. Read 3a by yourself . (all the students)




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