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仁爱版初二英语八年级上册Unit 1 Topic 3 Section B 教学设计Unit 1 Playing Sports Topic 3 The schoo

发表于 2013-9-23 10:24:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Ⅰ. Material analysis

      Section A and Section B 的内容整合,用三个课时上完。

本节课为单元第二课和第三课时,用两课时上完。主要活动为Section B 的1a和3a, 3b。

通过Kangkang 和 Michael相约去参加运动会,呈现了本课所要学的语法重点Future Tense with shall。相约中,依次呈现了:What shall we take? When shall we meet? Where shall we meet? 等功能性语言。对话中呈现了重点短语:take sth …, make it half past six等。本对话呈现了孩子们亲密无间的友情,旨在让学生在学会课本语言知识的同时,向Kangkang 和 Michael学习,善于表达自己的感情,在参加集体活动中提升同学间的友情。语音学习要求学生掌握两个辅音字母在一起第一个辅音字母的轻读现象;学生能正确认识元音在句中的弱读现象,并能正确朗读。

Ⅱ. Teaching aims

Knowledge aims:

1. 能正确认识两个辅音字母在一起第一个辅音字母的轻读现象;学生能正确认识朗读元音在句中的弱读现象,并能正确朗读发音。

2. 能听懂含有以下短语的英语对话或文章:

take sth. for…, make it half past six, catch up with, neck and neck, run into等。

3. 能正确地理解下列句子和短语,并能加以运用:

What shall me take?

When shall we meet?

take sth …,  make it+时间、地点或价钱。

4. 学生能正确理解并运用shall将来时,能运用shall进行写作。

Skill aims:

1. 能听懂相约见面的对话,能听懂对运动场景描述的文字材料。

2. 能用英语和同学朋友进行简单的约会对话,能用英语描述运动场景。

3. 能正确朗读介绍运动场景的对话或文章。

4. 能用shall将来时介绍自己或朋友在运动会中参加的项目。

Emotional aims:

通过学习Kangkang 和 Michael友好的对话内容,教会学生要善于表达自己的感情,在参加集体活动中提升同学间的友情。

Ⅲ. The key points and difficult points

Key points:

take sth…, catch up with, neck and neck, run into, run past the line, cross the line等短语的


Difficult points:


Ⅳ. Learning strategies

1. 培养学生提前预习的习惯。

2. 培养学生用已有信息补全信息的习惯。

Ⅴ. Teaching aids

Computer multimedia projector, phonetic cards, word cards

Everyday saying: All things are easy that are done easily. 做事乐意,诸事容易。

Ⅵ. Teaching procedures

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-23 10:24:39 | 只看该作者
Interaction pattern
Student activity
Teacher activity
(10 minutes)
1. The whole class work
2. The whole class work

3. The whole class

4. Individual
work and the whole class

5. The whole class work

6. The whole class

7. The whole
class work

1. Focus their attention
on the teacher.
2. Students sing with the

3. The whole class read
the interview “What
will you do in the
coming school sports meet?” in pairs.
4. Three volunteers
write their answers on
the blackboard. Others
read the correct
5. All the students should
be aware of the  
importance of taking
part in the school
sports meet.

6. Students try to understand
what the teacher says.

7. Students look at the
pictures and guess:
What are they talking

1. Greet students ready for
2. Looking flash “Song of
Health”. sung by
Fan Xiaoxuan.
3. Ask the whole class to
report their interview in

4. Check the homework.  
Teacher asks three students to write their homework
on the blackboard. Teacher checks quickly.
5. Lead to1a. Teacher
praises the three students for the fact that they will take part in the school
sports meet, encouraging more students to take part in the activity.
6. The teacher shows her/ his own regret “It’s a pity I can’t take part in the
school sports meet, but I am going to cheer you on. I shall come to the school sports meet. ”
7. Teacher asks the students to
look at picture in1aand guess what Kangkang and Michael are talking about.

(6 minutes)
1. The whole
class work

2. The whole
  class work

3. The whole
class work

4. The whole
class work

5. Some students’

6. The whole class

1. Students listen generally
and check the prediction.

2. Students listen carefully and finish 1b.

3. Students write down
the missing words,
paying more attention
to the causes.
4. Students fill in the
blanks that they
haven’t finished yet.
5. Four volunteers write
their answers on the
blackboard, while two write 1b and the other two write1c.
6. The whole class
checks the answers
with the teacher.

1. Play1afor the students to check if they have guessed correctly.
2. Teacher lets the students
look through 1b, then
plays the recording again.
3. Teacher plays the recording
for the third time and asks students to finish1c, stop- ping when necessary.
4. Teacher asks students to
scan1ato check 1b and1c.
5. Check 1b and1c.Teacher
asks four students to write
their answers on the

6. Teacher checks the
answers when necessary.

(10 minutes)
1. The whole class

2. The whole class

3. The whole
class work

4. The whole class

5. The whole class
6. Pair work

7. The whole class

8. Pair work

9. Pair work

1. Students underline each
“shall” and read aloud
the sentences.

2. Students read1aand
answer each question.

3. Students read all the
sentences with “shall” aloud to guess the
function of “shall”.
4. Students read after the
recording sentence
by sentence, paying
attention to the
and intonation.
5. Students read to
follow the speed.
6. Students read in pairs.

7. Students look through 1d
and make sure they
know how to make a
new conversation.
8. Six members in a group
assign the message, and
each pair finishes one
conversation. Then
they write down
their conversation.
9. The pairs read their own
conversation, and then
read others’.
1. Teacher asks the students
to underline “shall” in
their books and find out
the subject.
2. Teacher writes some questions
on the blackboard:
What shall we take?
When shall we meet?
Where shall we meet?
Then teacher lets the
students find answers in1a.
3. Teacher lets students read
all the sentences with
“shall” aloud.

4. Teacher plays the recording
sentence by sentence.

5. Teacher plays the recording
without stopping.
6. Teacher organizes the students
to read1ain pairs.
7. Teacher asks the students
to look through 1d and
make up new conversations.

8. Teacher organizes students to work in pairs. Each
group makes three different
dialogues. Each pair writes
down their dialogue.

9. Teacher requires each pair
to read their conversations.
Then they exchange the papers
with another pair and read.
(12 minutes)
1. The whole class

2. The whole class
3. The whole class
4. The whole class

5. The whole class

6. Group work

7. Group work

8. Some students’

9. The whole class

10. The whole
class work

11. Pair work

12. The whole
class work
1. Students make sure what
they should do.

2. Students listen and finish
A in 2.
3. Students listen and finish
B in 2.
4. Students check their
answers. Two volunteers
write their answers on
the blackboard.
5. Students read, noticing
that /p/ is read as /b/, /t/ is
read as /d/ and /k/ is read
as /g/.
6. Students read one by one.

7. One group read /gr/ /fr/
/dr/ /tr/, the other group
read the corresponding  
8. Volunteers will read the phonemes and the words.

9. Students read after the
recording, correcting
their pronunciation.
10. Students only listen,
   noticing the weak form
of  the underlined
letters is pronounced
as / 9 /.
11. Member 1 reads then
member 2 checks, vice
12. Students try to imitate
the pronunciation and
intonation in 3b.
1. Teacher asks the students
to look through the pictures   
and statements in 2.
2. Teacher plays the recording
for the first time.
3. Teacher plays the recording
for the second time.
4. Teacher plays the recording
for the third time, then
checks the students’   
5. Teacher shows phonetic
cards to the students: /sp/
/st/ /sk/.

6. Teacher asks a group to
read the words containing  
/sp/ /st/ /sk/.
7. Teacher shows /gr/ /fr/ /dr/
/tr/ for two groups.

8. Teacher asks the students
to read the left words in
the same way.
9. Teacher plays the
recording of3a.

10. Teacher plays the
recording of 3b, asking
the students to pay attention
to the pronunciation of
the underlined letters.
11. Teacher asks the students
to read in pairs.

12. Teacher plays the recording
(7 minutes)
1. Pair work

2. The whole
class work

3. Individual
1. Three volunteer pairs
do the performance.
2. Students summarize
Section B with the
teacher by doing
exercises shown on
the screen.
3. Students do the following
(1) Memorize the
summary after class.
(2) Students finish
searching and writing
after class, and
prepare for the
reporting tomorrow.
(3) Students learn to
read vocabulary
with the help of
recording and the
phonetic symbols,
and read the
dialog after the
1. Teacher asks the students
to show the interview in 1d.  
2. Teacher shows the summary
to the students.
(1) Vocabulary.
(2) the structure: I/ We shall do…
3. Teacher assigns homework:
(1) Review the summary
after class.
(2) Search something
about Olympics and
write them down, then
report to the whole
class tomorrow.
(3) Prepare Section C after
Teaching Reflection
It’s hard for the students to read3aand 3b correctly. Teacher should provide more opportunities for the students to imitate.

Ⅶ. Blackboard design
Unit 1 Playing Sports
Topic 3 The school sports meet is coming.
Section B
What shall we take?                              
We’ll take our sports clothes and sports shoes.          run into
Shall I take my camera?                            run past the line
When / Where shall we meet?                       catch up with
Let’s make it half past six.                          neck and neck
The school sports meet is coming.                    cross the line

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