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新目标(Go for it)版英语九年级全册Unit 11单元测试试题及答案

发表于 2013-5-17 00:37:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
      此套新目标(Go for it)版英语九年级全册Unit 11单元测试试题及答案由绿色圃中小学教育网整理,所有试卷与九年级英语人教新目标(Go for it)版教材大纲同步,试卷供大家免费使用下载打印,转载前请注明出处
Unit 11   Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?
话题 Getting around 问路
功能项目 Ask for information politely询问信息
词汇 1.escalator自动楼梯2.drugstore杂货店3. restroom厕所公共4. furniture家具 5. department部门 6. store商店 7. shampoo洗发香波 8. advantage优势 9.  disadvantage劣势 10. staff工作人员11. safe安全12. fresh新鲜的13. fascinating迷人14. delicious可口的15. convenient便利
短语 1. exchange money兑换钱2. on the second floor在二楼3. turn left左转4. next to靠近5. between … and…在……中间6. hang out闲逛7. take a right右拐8. dress up打扮9. take a vacation度假10. ask for请求11. depend on依靠12. on the other hand另一方面13. look for寻找14. as well as也,又 15. spend … doing花(钱、时间)做某事
句型 1. --Excuse me. Could you tell me where I can buy some stamps?请问在哪里能买到邮票。
--Yes. There’s  a post office on Center Street.中心大街有邮局。
2. --Can you tell me how to get to bank? 请问去银行怎么走?
--Yes. Go straight ahead. The bank is on your left. /It is between… and …. /It’s next to …. 一直向前走,在左边有个银行。/....
语法要点 Indirect speech间接引语

The girl asked the teacher________.
A.what does the museum looks like
B.what did the museum look like
C.what the museum looks like
D.what the museum looked like
—Do you remember _____ he came?
—Yes,I do. He came by car.
  A.how  B.when C.that  D.if
答案:A 本题主要考查宾语从句中的引导词。首先从整体考虑,分析上下句提供的信息,只分析第一句四个选项都正确,但答语表示“来”的方式。根据上下句句意,分析选项,how表示方式,引导的宾语从句,从而确定答案为A。
Many girls like _____ skirts in spring
A. wearing B. dressing C. putting on D. dressing up
答案:A本题主要考查动词wear,dress及put on, dress up的用法辨析。首先分析各选项的含义,wear,dress,put on, dress up都有“穿衣”的意思,wear是及物动词,意思是“穿着:戴或穿在身上作为遮蔽、装饰或保护”,后接衣物等,表示一种状态;dress是及物动词,表示:给…穿衣;穿衣,后接人物;dress up意思是“打扮,穿上盛装”,指欧美人在化装舞会或演戏时穿特 殊服装; put on意思是“穿衣服;穿上”,表示“穿衣”的动作。逐项分析得出正确答案为A。
一、根据句意和首字母提示填空,完成下列句子。 (10分)
1. He didn’t make any m___ in today’s English exam.
2. Could you p______ me with information about student exchange programs?
3. Many visitors enjoy spending a  few hours walking t__________ the history museum.
4. The boy is old enough to d__________ himself.

5. The signs           says that you can’t p____ your car here.
6. Be careful! Put the secret letter in a s_______ place.
7. It’s more c_________ to take a taxi to the station than take a bus, but too expensive.
8. You can buy f______ fruit and vegetables in the supermarket.  
9.—What are some of the d______ of the web?
—You may waste your time playing games. Sometimes you may be cheated(受骗) online, etc.
10. You can take the e________ to the second floor and turn right. You can find it there.
11. _________ (teenage) want to go to the Watertown.
12. He got two ___ (Australia) stamps  from his friend.
13. The Yellow River is the _______ (two) longest river in China.
14. Alice asks me ___ (polite ) to put the things away.
15. The weather in Beijing is quite ___________ (difference) from that in Guangzhou.
三、单项选择  选出能填入各句中相应空白处的最佳答案。(15分)
16. He wanted to know ___________.
   A. if he speaks at the meeting
B. when t he meeting would start
   C. what he’s going to do at the meeting
D. where would the meeting be held
17. It is important for us to know how _______ requests politely.
   A. to make B. making C. make D. made
18. Can you tell me ____________?
A. how much does it cost B. how much it is
C. how much it costs D. Both B and C
19. Daming Lake is a good place __________fun.
   A. have B. having C. to have D. has
20. Can you please tell me where ____________ the post office?
A. to find B. can I find C. I can find out D. find  
21. Mr Tan makes the best noodles in town. They’re ___________.
A. sour B. delicious C. crispy D. salty
22. Do you know ________ there are any good restaurants _______ this block?
A. if, on B. how, on C. if, to D. where, to
23. I live next to Huapu supermarket. It’s very ____________.
A. beautiful B. clean C. delicious D. convenient
24. ---Do you know how to go the restrooms?
A. Yes, I can. B. I could.
C. Sure. D. I could tell you.
25. -- -Where is the bookstore?
   ---Take the elevator ______ the second floor and turn left. And the bookstore is ________ the furniture store and the drugstore.
    A. at, next to B. at, between        
C. to, between D. to, next to
26. There is a furniture store ___ Zhongshan Road.
   A. on B. in C. at D. from
27. It is important ______ computer in the society.
A. use B. to use C. using D. used to
28. The songs of the rock band sound ________.
   A. well B. good C. nicely D. badly
29. It is ________ better than that one.
   A. more B. many C. very D. even
30. Let him have a rest. He is ________ tired.
A. kind of B. bit of C. kind D. all kinds of
四、英汉互译  根据汉语提示完成各句。(10分)
31. We went to the mall because we wanted to ______ (闲逛) there.
32. After a day’s work , I just want to _______ (放松)
33. ---Could you tell me _____________ _____(你什么时候参观) the Bamboo Garden?     
---The day after tomorrow, I think.
34. The new park is a great p lace for the family to ______________________________ (度假);
35. The football match _________(依天气而定)here.
36. ___________________________(对不起打扰你了), but I hurt my leg badly.
37. _______________________ (他们在海滩散步中度过了许多美好时光) the beach during that holiday.
38. ________________________ (在第二个十字路口向左拐)and walk ahead for about 20 metres.
I often ___________________at the party.
  Though __________________________, she has a young heart.
五、句型转换  根据要求完成句子。(5分)
41. The boss asked Jenny, “Why are you always late for work?” (改为复合句)
The boss asked Jenny _____________________.
42. The clerk asked me, “Do you want to be a volunteer?” (合并为复 合句)
The clerk asked me ______________________ .
43. The reporter asked Yuan Longping, “How much money can you get from your research?” (改为复合句)
The reporter asked Yuan Longping __________ .
44. Richard asked Julian, “When does your mother spend her holiday every summer?” (改为复合句)
Richard asked Julian _______ ______________ .
45. I don’t know how I can get to the hospital.(改为简单句)
I don’t know ______________________.
六、选词填空  从方框中选择合适的单词填入下列句子中。(15分)
A. clean  B. mall  C. dictionaries  D. uncrowded  E. furniture  F. restaurant  G. delicious  
H. restroom  I. convenient  J. museum   K. money   L. shampoo
46. Can you tell me how I can go to the  _____ _____ ___ __ _____?
47. Do you know where I can buy some _____ _____ _____?
48. I think the subway is _____ _____ ______.
A. exchange some money B. get some medicine C. read some magazines D. make a telephone call E. buy shampoo
49. People can ______ in the library, and we can also_________________________ there.
50. People can _____ in the drugstore, and we can also______________________ there.
51. People can _____ in the post office, and we can also_____________________ there.
52. People can _____ in the bank, and we can also___________________ ______ there.
53. People can ____ in the department store, and we can also___________________ there.
(一)通读短文,从A、B、C、D中选择能填入文中空白处的最佳答案,使短文完整、通 顺。
I'm hav ing a great time in Hong Kong, _54_ I have to be honest and say that I  55  Shanghai. Still, it's a great place to  56  and I'm lucky to be here for my  57  English course. Some other students are learning Japanese. I might like to learn some too. I like to be a person who speaks different  58 .
    There is just so  59  to see and do in Hong Kong. Last night I went to a Chinese musical c oncert. Most of my friends like loud music that they can dance to. I prefer quiet, traditional music  60 the concert suited me just fine.  
    I love great concerts and restaurants. Before the concert we went for Italian  61  . There's lots of different kinds of food here. I don't know what to try next.
    My  host family is taking me over to an Indian film festival next weeken d. I'm not sure what to  62  because I've never seen an Indian film.  63  people say they're boring, others say they're great.
54. A. although B. because C. so D. but
55. A. like B. prefer C. enjoy D. want
56. A. visit B. eat C. drink D. look
57. A. a six month  B. a six-month  
C. six-month D. six-months
58. A. words B. songs C. languages D. sentences
59. A. much B. little C. few D. many
60. A. but  B. or  C. so   D. yet
61. A. food B. restaurant  C. film D. concert
62. A. like B. prefer  C. expect  D. try[
63. A. Some B. All  C. Every D. None of the 
Summer is the most (64)b___________ season in Flower Town.
In the morning, (65)t________ a walk in Venda Park (66)b_________ FIRST STREET and THIRD STREET. If you (67)e________ reading, there is a bookshop in the park. For (68)l_______ ___, have tasty hamburgers in the Gole’s .You can walk there from the park. It’s just on the (69)c__________ of MENTION ROAD and THI RD STREET. When the (70)w_________ gets hotter in the afternoon, go to the swimming pool on FOURTH STREET. It’s next to a café. In the evening, film fans move to SECOND STREET. David Stone Theatre has all (71)k________ of films
(72)W_________ to Flower Town in summer! We’re sure you can enjoy your (73)v__________ here.
    One day Mr Jackson took Paul to his favourite restaurant. It was a French restaurant. The waiter was from France. But he didn’t speak to them in French. “Would you like to see the menu?” he asked in a kind way. “Yes, please,” Mr Jackson said.
    The waiter gave them a menu each. They studied them. “You can spend only twenty-five dollars,” Mr Jackson told his son. The waiter asked Paul, “What would you like, young man?”
    “How much is the tomato soup?” Paul asked.
    “Six dollars,” the waiter said. “It’s very good.”
    “How much is the duck with orange?” Paul asked next.
    “Fifteen dollars,” the waiter said.
    “How much is the chocolate ice cream?”
    “Six dollars,” the waiter said.
    Paul added(加)it up quickly. Six plus fifteen plus six  is twenty-seven. He thought he could have the duck and the soup, or the duck and the ice cream. “I’ll have the duck and the chocolate ice cream, please,” he said to the waiter.
Paul said to his father, “My meal will c ost only twenty-one dollars. Can I keep the other four dollars? His father laughed, “No, Paul, ” he said. “Leave it for the wait er.”
74. How did the waiter speak to Paul and Mr Jackson?
A. In a rough way. B. In a friendly way.
C. In French. D. Slo wly.
75. What did Paul have for dinner?
A. The soup and the duck.
B. The duck and the ice cream.
C. The duck, the soup and the ice cream.
D. The soup and the ice cream.
76. How much did Paul’s meal cost?
A. $ 21  B. $ 24   C. $ 25  D. $ 27
77. What did Mr Jackson tell Paul to do with the other $ 4?
A. Keep it.     B. Give it back to him.
C. Spe nd it on something else. D. Give it to the waiter.
78. What does this passage tell us?
   A. Paul and  his father hate eating in restaurants.
   B. Mr Jackson’s favourite food is English food   C. Paul was careful not to spend more than $ 25 in the restaurant.
   D. Paul didn’t know what to choose from the menu.
六、 完成对话(5分)
A: Excuse me, sir.
B: (80) Sure.________________________________. At the end of the street you’ll find the cinema.
A: (81) ____________________________?
B: Sorry! There's no bus to go there.
A: (82)_____________________________________?
B: It’s about thirty minutes’ walk.
A: (83)________________________.
B: You’re welcome.
七、 书面表达(10分)
老师让同学们讨论网上购物 (Internet shopping) 的利(advantages)与弊(disadvantages),根据下列信息,请你代表你们组做个发言。
好处:方便(convenience),24小时营业,不用排队(queue with);不足:看不见物品,不能享受和朋友一 起购物的乐趣……
要求:1. 语言流畅,规范;2. 包含提示内容,并作适当发挥;3. 80 词左右。

分享到:  QQ好友和群QQ好友和群 QQ空间QQ空间 腾讯微博腾讯微博 腾讯朋友腾讯朋友
收藏收藏 分享分享 顶 踩

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-17 00:37:22 | 只看该作者
新目标(Go for it)版英语九年级全册Unit 11单元测试试题及答案.rar (32.58 KB, 下载次数: 2817)

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-17 00:38:50 | 只看该作者
Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?
一、1. mistakes 2. provide 3. through 4. dress 5. park 6. safe 7. conven ient 8. fresh 9. disadvantages 10. escalator
二、11.  Teenagers 12. Australian 13. second 14. politely 15. different
三、16- 20 BADCA 21-25 BADCC 26-30 ABBDA
四、31. hang out 32. get relaxed 33. when you will visit/ to visit 34. take a vacation 35. depends on the weather
36. I am sorry to  trouble you 37. They spent many happy hours walking along
38. Turn to the left/ Turn left at the second crossing  39. drink some tea instead of coffee 40. she is no longer young  
41. why she was always late for work
42. if I wanted to be a volunteer
43. how much money he could get from his research
44. when Jolin’s mother spent her holiday every summer
45. how to get to the hospital
六、46. BFHJ 47. CEL 48. ADI 49-53(略)
四、54-58 ABACC 59-63 ACACA 
64. be autiful 65. take 66. between 67. enjoy 68. lunch 69. corner 70. weather 71. kinds 72. Welcome 73. visit
五、74-78 BBA DC
79. Could you tell me the way to the cinema?
80. Go along this street until you reach the fourth traffic lights. Then turn left.
81. Can I take a bus?
82. How long will it take me to walk there?
83. Thank you very much.
七、 One possible version
    Internet shopping is a new way of shopping. It offers a lot of advantages. The most important one is convenience. You can shop whenever you like as the on-line shops are open 24 hours a day, and you do not have to queue with others. Secondly it is often cheaper to buy goods through the Internet and it is also easy to find what you are looking for.
    There are some disadvantages too. You can not see the products or check their quality. Besides you can not enjoy walking around the shops and talking with your friends.

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