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人教新目标版英语九年级全册单元测试英语Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad精选测试题含答案

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      此套人教新目标版英语九年级全册单元测试英语Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad精选测试题含答案由绿色圃中小学教育网整理,所有试卷与九年级英语人教新目标(Go for it)版教材大纲同步,试卷供大家免费使用下载打印,转载前请注明出处
Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad
话题 Feelings 情感
功能项目 Talk about how things affect you. 谈论一些事件对你的影响。
词汇 1. lighting光线2. mysterious神秘3. tense紧张4. silky柔软光滑5. owner所有者 6. product产品7. knowledge知识8. shiny耀眼的9. cream奶油10. toothpaste牙膏11. skin皮肤12. endangered危害13. uncomfortable不舒服14. useful有用的
短语 1. for instance例如2. keep out使在外3. after all毕竟4. to start with首先5. aim at瞄准
句型 1. make /s +sb.+infinitive
2. make /s +sb.+ adjective
3. so tha t
4. spend +time / money +doing sth.
语法要点 1. make /s +sb.+infinitive
2. make /s +sb.+ adj ective

例1 The heavy snowstorm made the mountain climbers __________ halfway.
A. stop B. to stop C. stopping D. stopped                                               (05 上海)
【解题思路】该题首先分析make的用法,是一般动词还是使役动词。如果是使役动词就可以套用本单元make的用法了。通过分析本题的意思,make是使役动词,套用make / s +sb.+infinitive,故应选A。
例2 Now more and more city adults ____ their leisure time _____ to improve themselves at school or college.
A. spend, trying B. spend, to try
C. take, trying D. take, to try
【解题思路】答案A 本题主要考查 “spend… doing与take… to  do”的用法 及区别。“spend… doing与take… to do”都表示花时间做某事,spend的主语是人,后接时间、金钱与V-ing或介词on连用,take的主语是事物,后接时间与动词不定式连用。 综合分析句子结构和各选项,得出答案A。
例3 Li Lei is trying his best to learn English well ______________ he can know more about the world. (选词填空:grow up, fall asleep, take off, at the end of, so that)                         05 江苏南京)                                 
【解题思路】本题首先分析Li Lei is trying his best to learn English well和 he can know more about the world 这两句话的关系。根据这个关系确定选哪个短语。通过分析知,这两句话之间存在目的关系,he can know more about the world 是目的状语,so that 连接目的状语从句,故选so that。
-- What is your a____in life?
-- I want to be a lawyer.
一、单项选择 (20分)
1. ______ her ______ me very angry.
A. Waiting, make  B. Waiting for, make   
C. Wait for, makes  D. Waiting for, makes
2. Loud music always makes us ___________.
A. want dance   B. to want dance   
C. want to dance   D. to want to dance
3. As students, we are supposed to spend more time _________ .
A. study  B. studied  C. studying  D. to study
4. The dish looks good, but when I eat it, it ________very terrible
A. tastes B. smell C. look D. sounds
5. --- Mom, I want to buy this dictionary. It is good but not too_______.
--- Let me see… It is really a useful dictionary. And the price is _______. OK, I will buy it for you.
A. high, low  B. expensive, cheap  
C. high, cheap  D. expensive, low
6. Jim would rather_________ to school.
A. walking      B. walks       C. to walk        D. walk
7. _____ do you  feel______ the increasing population?
A. What, about   B. How, like   
C. How, about    D. What, of
8. I’d ______ stay at home ____ ___ go to the cinema.
A. better, than    B. sooner, rather  
C. rather, than  D. like, than
9. Her teacher was annoyed ____ Tom because he made a lot of mistakes in the English test paper.
  A. at    B. with    C. in     D. for
10. The children were made ____ homework first.
   A. do    B. to do    C. did    D. doing
11. I really don’t like the sweater but I have to _______ like it.
A. want  B. pretend  C. want to  D. pretend to
12. It ________ him half an hour to drive home every day]
A. costs   B. spends   C. takes   D. uses
13. Usually soft colors make people __________.
A. relaxing B. relaxed C. exciting D. excit ed
14. _____ giving a gift _______ you feel easy?
A. Is, make   B. Does, make   
C. Does, making   D. Do, making
15. Ex cuse me, could you help me? I don’t know _________ exchange money.
A. how to  B. how   C. how can   D. how can I
16. I think these sunglasses make me look ______. What do you think?
A. mysterious   B. relax   C. hungry   D. safe
17. Sara told us eating too much pizza _____ her sick..
A. let   B. make   C. want   D. made
18. I am sorry that I have kept you _____ me so long.
A. waiting B. waiting for C. to wait D. to wait for
19. What were you doing ___________ nine and eleven yesterday?
A. from   B. at   C. among   D. between
20. Could you tell me when _____________?
A. does the train leave    B. will the train leave
C. the train has left       D. the train leaves
21. The Blue Lagoon ________(服务) customers well.
22.Books give us k__________ and make us clever and helpful.
23. The cake t_________ delicious. Would you pass me one more?
24. I need a pair of warm trousers to keep o____ cold.
25. The map m_______ me, so I went the wrong way.
26. Many advertisements are a_________ specifically at teenagers, so you have to be careful.
27. Money is a_______ in some situations.
28. It’s very important to choose a p_______ time to visit friends.
29.  This kind of shampoo can make your hair s___________ than before.
30. Working hard at English can l__________ to a good job.
31. Students of physics will find the book very ______(use).
32. Our teacher told us that the moon ______(move)around the earth.
33. The students are ______ (confuse) about the ______ (confuse) problem.
34. I felt _____________ (embarrass) when everyone looked at me.
35. Sunglasses are used for _____ (keep) out the sun.
36. It’s ________ (truth) that some ads can be useful.
37. When prices are listed, we can go to the store with the __________ (low) price.
38. I had forgotten to bring my homework, that made me _____________ (annoy) with myself.
39. We can learn a lot from _______ (science) studies.
40. I’m considering _____ (study) in Beijing or Shanghai.
四、补全句子。 (20分)
41. 她说响亮的音乐让她紧张。
She said that ______ music _______ her ______.
42. 毕竟,我还记得她的生日。
___________, I remembered her birthday last month.
43. 学生应该学会如何学习,否则会觉得压力太大。
  Students should learn __________, or they will __________.
44. 同潘长江相比,  赵本山很高。
  __________________, Zhao Benshan is very tall.
45. 那天我起的很早以便能赶上第一班火车。
  That day I got up early _______________________.
46. 我买这台电脑刚好花了7000元人民币。
I _____ 7000 yuan RMB _______ this computer.
47. 他说的话让我感觉难过,但我还是假装什么也没有听到。
What he said made me _________ _, but I _______ hear ______.
48. 下雨天我宁愿呆在家里看书。
  I _____________ stay at home to read books on rainy days.
49. 这个消息如此让我高兴,以至于我跳了起来。
  The news made me _____________ happy __________ I jumped.
50. 有时候,广告会引导你买些根本不需要的东西。
  At times, some ads can __________ you ________ buy something you don’t need at all.
五、完型填空 (10分)
    Fouad sits in the café, listening to the sad music playing on an old recorder. The song seems to go on forever. Fouad thinks it’s (51)_________, but he doesn’t want to hear it now. It’s too sad for him. It makes him (52)________ his uncle in Egypt who he hasn’t seen for many years now.
    Fouad’s father died a few months ago. After that, Fouad found that there were so many things that(53) ________ had wanted to ask his father, but had never asked. He realized that he knew (54)_______ about it’s own family, and decided to try and find out more about the place where his father had(55) _______ up.
    He has now spent a couple days (56)_________ around Jerusalem with an old, torn photograph in his hand. The photograph shows the whole (57)____________, his grandparents standing (58)_________ at the center of a group of four children in front of a house on a busy street. Next to the (59)_________ there seems to be a garden with what look like olive trees in it. Fouad,  though, can’t find an ywhere in this modern Jerusalem that looks much like the street or the house where the photograph was taken. He feels sadder than the sad song playing in the café, thinking now that he might never (60)___________ the place where his father had been born.
    The singer keeps on singing her sad, sad song, and Fouad decides to go back home. He pays a few dollars and then goes out onto the street.
51. A. funny    B. beautiful   C. no isy    D. sad
52. A. think of  B. know  C. hear of   D. dream
53. A. they    B.  it     C. he     D. she
54. A. little    B. much    C. some    D. none
55. A. started  B. grown  C. brought  D. kept
56. A. showing B. turning C. driving D. walking
57. A. people B. school C. family D. group
58. A. slowly B. carefully C. proudly D. quietly
59. A. house B. trees C. streets D. children
60. A. reach B. find C. leave D. enjoy
六、阅读理解 (10分)
    I’m a 16-year-old schoolboy. My name is Li Jun. I was born on May 9, 1989 in Dongying, Shandong Province, China. Now I live at 99 Yanyu Road, Dongying. The postal code is 257000. My ID number is 370522198905092110. You can call me at 0086-546-2142767. My fax number is 0086-546-2142830. You can also e-mail me at dylj@hotmail.com
    This summer, I’ll go abroad to improve my English. My parents and I searched the Internet and at last we decided to go to the International English Camp in the University of Toronto. I want to study in Canada neither too long nor too short, for about 20 days. I think that I’ll enjoy myself there and learn a lot.
International English Summer Camp
  Camp date (Please choose one of them and put a “√” in the box) (61)[来
□ 2-week camp da te July 21—August 13
□ 3-week camp date July 10—July 30
□ 4-week camp date July 3—July 30
  Student information
  Family name: Li         First name: Jun
  Birthday62)____________________     Nationality: (63)___________________
  ID No.: 370522198905092110  Sex: Male
  Student address
  Full address: 99 Yanyu Road           
Province: (64)___________
Country: China            Postal Code: 257000
  Fax: (65)___________ Phone: 0086-546-2142767
  E-mail: dylj@hotmail.com
  Contract Information
  Phone: 416-946-3853   Fax: 416-946-8050
  E-mail: study.English@utoronto.ca  
Web: www.lspjy.com
七、补全对话。根据对话情景用恰当的短语或句子填空,使之意思完整。(每空1分) (3分)
Boy: Excuse me, where did you go last night? Tina?
Girl: First we went to the Rockin’ Restaurant, but Amy  (66) __________________ , so we had to leave. She said that loud music made her tense.
Boy: That’s funny. Loud music always makes me want to dance.
Girl: Me too. So then we went to the Blue Lagoon. It was quiet and the food was great. (67)____________________________ .
Boy: Then did you go to the concert at the high school?
Girl: No, we decided to go to the cinema instead. We saw a sad movie Remember Me Forever. It was really a good movie, but it was  so sad that it made us cry.
Boy: Sad movies don’t make me cry. I really (68)____________________________. They just make me want to run awa y!
Girl: You sound  just like my brother!
Many young people like KFC foods. These days, in China we can see fewer people (69) __________ (eat) in KFC restaurants when w e walk past them. Because some of their foods were not safe. The danger (70) _________ (come) from Sudan I. If a person eats too much of it, he (71) ________(get) cancer. Scientists (72) ___________ (find) Sudan I in KFC’s foods and asked it to stop selling them. Sudan I is a red dye (染料). People use it (73)_________ (color) oils. But some people put it in foods (74) _________ (make) them l ook better. Now KFC restaurants (75)___________(sell) those foods again after scientists found no more Sudan I. If you ate some of those foods last week, don’t worry. There was very little Sudan I in them. It shouldn’t be a problem.
Products Slogans

2. 写一篇短文对其中几种产品及其广告发表一下自己的看法。(5分) Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad
话题 Feelings 情感
功能项目 Talk about how things affect you. 谈论一些事件对你的影响。
词汇 1. lighting光线2. mysterious神秘3. tense紧张4. silky柔软光滑5. owner所有者 6. product产品7. knowledge知识8. shiny耀眼的9. cream奶油10. toothpaste牙膏11. skin皮肤12. endangered危害13. uncomfortable不舒服14. useful有用的
短语 1. for instance例如2. keep out使在外3. after all毕竟4. to start with首先5. aim at瞄准
句型 1. make /s +sb.+infinitive
2. make /s +sb.+ adjective
3. so tha t
4. spend +time / money +doing sth.
语法要点 1. make /s +sb.+infinitive
2. make /s +sb.+ adj ective

例1 The heavy snowstorm made the mountain climbers __________ halfway.
A. stop B. to stop C. stopping D. stopped                                               (05 上海)
【解题思路】该题首先分析make的用法,是一般动词还是使役动词。如果是使役动词就可以套用本单元make的用法了。通过分析本题的意思,make是使役动词,套用make / s +sb.+infinitive,故应选A。
例2 Now more and more city adults ____ their leisure time _____ to improve themselves at school or college.
A. spend, trying B. spend, to try
C. take, trying D. take, to try
【解题思路】答案A 本题主要考查 “spend… doing与take… to  do”的用法 及区别。“spend… doing与take… to do”都表示花时间做某事,spend的主语是人,后接时间、金钱与V-ing或介词on连用,take的主语是事物,后接时间与动词不定式连用。 综合分析句子结构和各选项,得出答案A。
例3 Li Lei is trying his best to learn English well ______________ he can know more about the world. (选词填空:grow up, fall asleep, take off, at the end of, so that)                         05 江苏南京)                                 
【解题思路】本题首先分析Li Lei is trying his best to learn English well和 he can know more about the world 这两句话的关系。根据这个关系确定选哪个短语。通过分析知,这两句话之间存在目的关系,he can know more about the world 是目的状语,so that 连接目的状语从句,故选so that。
-- What is your a____in life?
-- I want to be a lawyer.
一、单项选择 (20分)
1. ______ her ______ me very angry.
A. Waiting, make  B. Waiting for, make   
C. Wait for, makes  D. Waiting for, makes
2. Loud music always makes us ___________.
A. want dance   B. to want dance   
C. want to dance   D. to want to dance
3. As students, we are supposed to spend more time _________ .
A. study  B. studied  C. studying  D. to study
4. The dish looks good, but when I eat it, it ________very terrible
A. tastes B. smell C. look D. sounds
5. --- Mom, I want to buy this dictionary. It is good but not too_______.
--- Let me see… It is really a useful dictionary. And the price is _______. OK, I will buy it for you.
A. high, low  B. expensive, cheap  
C. high, cheap  D. expensive, low
6. Jim would rather_________ to school.
A. walking      B. walks       C. to walk        D. walk
7. _____ do you  feel______ the increasing population?
A. What, about   B. How, like   
C. How, about    D. What, of
8. I’d ______ stay at home ____ ___ go to the cinema.
A. better, than    B. sooner, rather  
C. rather, than  D. like, than
9. Her teacher was annoyed ____ Tom because he made a lot of mistakes in the English test paper.
  A. at    B. with    C. in     D. for
10. The children were made ____ homework first.
   A. do    B. to do    C. did    D. doing
11. I really don’t like the sweater but I have to _______ like it.
A. want  B. pretend  C. want to  D. pretend to
12. It ________ him half an hour to drive home every day]
A. costs   B. spends   C. takes   D. uses
13. Usually soft colors make people __________.
A. relaxing B. relaxed C. exciting D. excit ed
14. _____ giving a gift _______ you feel easy?
A. Is, make   B. Does, make   
C. Does, making   D. Do, making
15. Ex cuse me, could you help me? I don’t know _________ exchange money.
A. how to  B. how   C. how can   D. how can I
16. I think these sunglasses make me look ______. What do you think?
A. mysterious   B. relax   C. hungry   D. safe
17. Sara told us eating too much pizza _____ her sick..
A. let   B. make   C. want   D. made
18. I am sorry that I have kept you _____ me so long.
A. waiting B. waiting for C. to wait D. to wait for
19. What were you doing ___________ nine and eleven yesterday?
A. from   B. at   C. among   D. between
20. Could you tell me when _____________?
A. does the train leave    B. will the train leave
C. the train has left       D. the train leaves
21. The Blue Lagoon ________(服务) customers well.
22.Books give us k__________ and make us clever and helpful.
23. The cake t_________ delicious. Would you pass me one more?
24. I need a pair of warm trousers to keep o____ cold.
25. The map m_______ me, so I went the wrong way.
26. Many advertisements are a_________ specifically at teenagers, so you have to be careful.
27. Money is a_______ in some situations.
28. It’s very important to choose a p_______ time to visit friends.
29.  This kind of shampoo can make your hair s___________ than before.
30. Working hard at English can l__________ to a good job.
31. Students of physics will find the book very ______(use).
32. Our teacher told us that the moon ______(move)around the earth.
33. The students are ______ (confuse) about the ______ (confuse) problem.
34. I felt _____________ (embarrass) when everyone looked at me.
35. Sunglasses are used for _____ (keep) out the sun.
36. It’s ________ (truth) that some ads can be useful.
37. When prices are listed, we can go to the store with the __________ (low) price.
38. I had forgotten to bring my homework, that made me _____________ (annoy) with myself.
39. We can learn a lot from _______ (science) studies.
40. I’m considering _____ (study) in Beijing or Shanghai.
四、补全句子。 (20分)
41. 她说响亮的音乐让她紧张。
She said that ______ music _______ her ______.
42. 毕竟,我还记得她的生日。
___________, I remembered her birthday last month.
43. 学生应该学会如何学习,否则会觉得压力太大。
  Students should learn __________, or they will __________.
44. 同潘长江相比,  赵本山很高。
  __________________, Zhao Benshan is very tall.
45. 那天我起的很早以便能赶上第一班火车。
  That day I got up early _______________________.
46. 我买这台电脑刚好花了7000元人民币。
I _____ 7000 yuan RMB _______ this computer.
47. 他说的话让我感觉难过,但我还是假装什么也没有听到。
What he said made me _________ _, but I _______ hear ______.
48. 下雨天我宁愿呆在家里看书。
  I _____________ stay at home to read books on rainy days.
49. 这个消息如此让我高兴,以至于我跳了起来。
  The news made me _____________ happy __________ I jumped.
50. 有时候,广告会引导你买些根本不需要的东西。
  At times, some ads can __________ you ________ buy something you don’t need at all.
五、完型填空 (10分)
    Fouad sits in the café, listening to the sad music playing on an old recorder. The song seems to go on forever. Fouad thinks it’s (51)_________, but he doesn’t want to hear it now. It’s too sad for him. It makes him (52)________ his uncle in Egypt who he hasn’t seen for many years now.
    Fouad’s father died a few months ago. After that, Fouad found that there were so many things that(53) ________ had wanted to ask his father, but had never asked. He realized that he knew (54)_______ about it’s own family, and decided to try and find out more about the place where his father had(55) _______ up.
    He has now spent a couple days (56)_________ around Jerusalem with an old, torn photograph in his hand. The photograph shows the whole (57)____________, his grandparents standing (58)_________ at the center of a group of four children in front of a house on a busy street. Next to the (59)_________ there seems to be a garden with what look like olive trees in it. Fouad,  though, can’t find an ywhere in this modern Jerusalem that looks much like the street or the house where the photograph was taken. He feels sadder than the sad song playing in the café, thinking now that he might never (60)___________ the place where his father had been born.
    The singer keeps on singing her sad, sad song, and Fouad decides to go back home. He pays a few dollars and then goes out onto the street.
51. A. funny    B. beautiful   C. no isy    D. sad
52. A. think of  B. know  C. hear of   D. dream
53. A. they    B.  it     C. he     D. she
54. A. little    B. much    C. some    D. none
55. A. started  B. grown  C. brought  D. kept
56. A. showing B. turning C. driving D. walking
57. A. people B. school C. family D. group
58. A. slowly B. carefully C. proudly D. quietly
59. A. house B. trees C. streets D. children
60. A. reach B. find C. leave D. enjoy
六、阅读理解 (10分)
    I’m a 16-year-old schoolboy. My name is Li Jun. I was born on May 9, 1989 in Dongying, Shandong Province, China. Now I live at 99 Yanyu Road, Dongying. The postal code is 257000. My ID number is 370522198905092110. You can call me at 0086-546-2142767. My fax number is 0086-546-2142830. You can also e-mail me at dylj@hotmail.com
    This summer, I’ll go abroad to improve my English. My parents and I searched the Internet and at last we decided to go to the International English Camp in the University of Toronto. I want to study in Canada neither too long nor too short, for about 20 days. I think that I’ll enjoy myself there and learn a lot.
International English Summer Camp
  Camp date (Please choose one of them and put a “√” in the box) (61)[来
□ 2-week camp da te July 21—August 13
□ 3-week camp date July 10—July 30
□ 4-week camp date July 3—July 30
  Student information
  Family name: Li         First name: Jun
  Birthday62)____________________     Nationality: (63)___________________
  ID No.: 370522198905092110  Sex: Male
  Student address
  Full address: 99 Yanyu Road           
Province: (64)___________
Country: China            Postal Code: 257000
  Fax: (65)___________ Phone: 0086-546-2142767
  E-mail: dylj@hotmail.com
  Contract Information
  Phone: 416-946-3853   Fax: 416-946-8050
  E-mail: study.English@utoronto.ca  
Web: www.lspjy.com
七、补全对话。根据对话情景用恰当的短语或句子填空,使之意思完整。(每空1分) (3分)
Boy: Excuse me, where did you go last night? Tina?
Girl: First we went to the Rockin’ Restaurant, but Amy  (66) __________________ , so we had to leave. She said that loud music made her tense.
Boy: That’s funny. Loud music always makes me want to dance.
Girl: Me too. So then we went to the Blue Lagoon. It was quiet and the food was great. (67)____________________________ .
Boy: Then did you go to the concert at the high school?
Girl: No, we decided to go to the cinema instead. We saw a sad movie Remember Me Forever. It was really a good movie, but it was  so sad that it made us cry.
Boy: Sad movies don’t make me cry. I really (68)____________________________. They just make me want to run awa y!
Girl: You sound  just like my brother!
Many young people like KFC foods. These days, in China we can see fewer people (69) __________ (eat) in KFC restaurants when w e walk past them. Because some of their foods were not safe. The danger (70) _________ (come) from Sudan I. If a person eats too much of it, he (71) ________(get) cancer. Scientists (72) ___________ (find) Sudan I in KFC’s foods and asked it to stop selling them. Sudan I is a red dye (染料). People use it (73)_________ (color) oils. But some people put it in foods (74) _________ (make) them l ook better. Now KFC restaurants (75)___________(sell) those foods again after scientists found no more Sudan I. If you ate some of those foods last week, don’t worry. There was very little Sudan I in them. It shouldn’t be a problem.
Products Slogans

2. 写一篇短文对其中几种产品及其广告发表一下自己的看法。(5分)
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-17 00:33:43 | 只看该作者
人教新目标版英语九年级全册单元测试英语Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad精选测试题含.rar (28.47 KB, 下载次数: 2673)

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-5-17 00:34:01 | 只看该作者
Unit 13     Rainy days make me sad
一、1-5 D C C A D        6-10 D C C B B   11-15 D C B B A  16-20 A D  B D D
二、21. serves 22. knowledge 23. tastes 24. out 25. misled 26. aimed 27. acceptable 28. proper 29. shinier 30. lead
三、31. useful 32. moves 33. confused, confusing 34. embarrassed 35. keeping 36. true 37. lowest 38. annoyed 39. scientific 40. studying
四、41. loud, made, tense 42. After all 43. how to study, feel stressed out  44.Compared with/to Pan Changjiang
45. so that I could catch the first train 46. spent, on /paid, for  47. sad, pretended to, nothing  
48. would rather   49. so, that  50. lead, to
五、51-55 B A C A B  56-60 D  C C A B
六、61. 3-week camp   62. May 9, 1989   63. Chinese   64. Shandong Province   
65. 0086-546-2142830
七、66. didn’t like the music at all
67. We had a good time
68. don’t like sad movies
八、69.  eating 70. came 71 may get 72. found 73. to color 74. to make 75. sells
九、1. Starshine Toothpaste      Whiter than whiteK]
      Beauty Cream           For silky skin
      Lookout Sunglasses      For that mysterious look
      Easy Care Shampoo      For the shiniest hair ever
      Coca-Cola              Things go better with coke
2. One possible version:
Some advertisements tel l the truth and some don’t. For example, the Eas y Care Shampoo says it will give you the shiniest hair. But I tried it and it didn’t work. Lookout Sunglasses says it will give you a mysterious look. But they don’t even keep out the sun. Starshine toothpaste says whiter than white. But my friend tried it and it tasted terrible. On the other hand, some are good. For example, Beauty Cream says it’s for silky skin. I trie d it and it worked really well. It made my skin very soft.


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