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人教版新目标九年级英语下册Unit14 Have you packed yet课课练习题堂堂清答案

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       这套人教版新目标九年级英语下册Unit14 Have you packed yet课课练习题堂堂清答案免费下载为绿色圃中小学教育网整理,所有试卷与中学教材大纲同步,本站试卷供大家免费使用下载打印。

九年英语Unit14. Have you packed yet ?  
Section A
1. ----Have you p      everything for the trip yet ?  -----Not yet .
2. The farmer lives alone on the f       .
3. Would you mind w      the plants ?
4. Please c       out the room . It’s too dirty .
5. -----Have you fed the cat ?   -----Yes , I have a        fed her .
1. Don’t          (feed ) animals when you visit the zoo .
2. The table is dirty . My mother is          (clean ) it .
3. I        (do ) it hours ago .
4. Mr Lee        ( be ) to America three times .
5. ----Where is Miss Wu ? ----She          ( go ) to England on business .
III .单项选择
(   )1.I have          the book everywhere ,but I can’t          it .
       A. found ; find    B. looked for ; find  C. found ; look for  D. looked for ; looked for
(   )2. ----            has Mr Brown been in the USA ?
         ----Since two years ago .
       A. When         B. How long       C. How many times  D.How soon
(   )3. ----Have you finished your homework          ?
         ----Not         . I’ll need another hour .
       A. already ; already  B. yet ; yet ;    C. ever ; yet      D. ever.; already
(   )4. He has        finished the task , hasn’t he ?
       A. already         B. yet          C. never        D. not
(   )5. Our math teacher           in our school for 20 years and he        here
when he was 23years old .
A. has taught ; has come                           B. taught ; comes
C. taught ; came                                  D. has taught ; came
(   ) 6.The boy was feeding the monkey         a banana .
     A. on            B. in            C.    at        D.    to
(   ) 7. ----- Have you eaten your breakfast ?
       -----           .I had rice and fish this morning .
     A. Yes , I have .    B. No ,I haven’t   C. Yes , I do     D. No , I don’t
(   ) 8.         those lights , please . Don’t use so much energy .
     A. Take  off      B.   Put on      C.   Turn off    D.   Turn  on
(   ) 9. He hasn’t finished         this book yet .
     A. to  read       B.   reading     C.   read       D.    reads
(   ) 10. ----Have you        your homework yet ?
        ----Yes . I        it an hour ago .
     A. have done ; do  B. done ; did     C. done ; done     D.  did ; have done

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-11 15:02:03 | 只看该作者
九年英语Unit14. Have you packed yet.rar (14.16 KB, 下载次数: 2918)


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 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-11 15:02:08 | 只看该作者

九年英语Unit14. Have you packed yet ?   
Section B
(   ) 1. Have you       Mr Yang , a very popular teacher ?
A. listened           B. heard of       C. heard from      D. heard
(   ) 2. Have you finished reading the book ? I’d like to     to the library .
      A. return back it      B. give it back    C. return it back     D. give back it
(   ) 3. His grandpa        for two days .
      A. has been dead     B. was dead       C. has died        D. died
(   ) 4. When I get there , they have started         football .
      A. plays            B. playing        C. play           D. played
(   ) 5. ----       have you been here ?
       ----For about two years .
      A. How            B. What          C. How long       D. How far
(   ) 6. ----Do you like Shanghai ?
       ----Yeah. I        there many times .
      A. go              B. went           C. will be        D. have been
(   ) 7. ----Can you catch what I said ?
       ----Sorry , I can        understand it .
      A. almost          B. hardly          C. nearly         D. never
(   ) 8. There ______ great changes in our country since 1979.
           A. have been    B. were        C. has been    D. are
(   ) 9. He _______ to Wuhan in 1990 and ______ there for 15 years.
A. went , has been                          B. has been , has gone
C. has gone , has been                       D. went , has gone
(   ) 10.She’s put her car in the garage,____she?
     A.  is           B. has            C.  isn’t         D. hasn’t
II. 选词填空
listen      hear

1. Something is wrong with the old woman’s ears . She can’t         anything .
2. Children should        to the teacher carefully .

a number of  , the number of

3.             the students in this class is forty-eight .
4.             students have gone abroad .
5.             people are in the dinning hall .

win      beat
6. I played chess with my father yesterday , but my father          me .
7. Have you ever          an award of any kind ?

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-11 15:02:13 | 只看该作者

九年英语Unit14. Have you packed yet ?  
Self Check
I. 完成对话
A: What are they talking about ?
B: They’re 1.         about yesterday’s concert .
A: Oh , I watched it on TV .The New Ocean Waves had very good teamwork .
Didn’t you watch it ?
  B: 2.          , I didn’t . I did my homework and forgot the time . When I 3.         on the TV, it 4.          finished already .
  A: What a 5.         ! But I hear they will perform 6.            this evening .
  B: Can we watch it on TV ?
  A: 7.              . You’d better finish your homework earlier if you want to watch it . Remember , “ Work must come 8.         .”
  B: That’s a good 9.        .(Looking at his watch )
    Oh , there isn’t much time 10.          . I’d better hurry and finish my work .
II. 单项选择
(   )1.         she is over 40 ,           she looks young .
  A. Although ; but    B. But ; although   C. Although ;  /    D.  / ;although
(   )2. ----Could you tell us          ?
  ----For about two weeks .
  A. how soon you will be back .          B. how long you will be there .
  C. how soon are you going to be back     D. how long are you going to be away
(   )3. He has been away           .
  A. since a month   B. for a month    C. for a month ago   D. in a month
(   )4. ----Lucy ,         you        your ticket ?
  ----Not yet .
  A. did ; find       B. have ; found    C. has ; found      D. do ; find
(   )5. ----Do you know where the twins are ?
  ----Yes . They        Fuzhou .
  A. have gone to    B. have been to    C. have gone       D. went to
(   )6. ----When did you borrow the English storybook ?
  ----I borrowed it last week . I           it for a week .
  A. have bought    B. have kept       C. have borrowed  D. had
(   )7. They have never been to New York ,          ?
  A. have they      B. haven’t they     C. don’t they      D. do they
(   )8. ---- We can use QQ to communicate with each other online .
  ---- Good . Will you please show me         ?
  A. which to use   B. how to use it     C. what to use     D. where to use it
(   )9. ----How was your trip ?
  ----         . I hope I can go there again .
  A. Just so-so     B. Not very good    C . Nothing special  D. Wonderful
(   )10. Peter is busy         at school , but he never forgets         exercise every day .
  A. working ; doing   B. working ; to do  C. at work ; doing  D. to work ; working

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-11 15:02:16 | 只看该作者

九年英语Unit14. Have you packed yet ?
I. 根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。
1. Most Americans can h         speak Chinese .
2. I want to live in a small town in s        China .
3. I am too tired to walk a s         .
4. In the country more and more v         are getting rich .
5. I’m looking f            to hearing from my exchange student .
II. 单项选择
(   )1.         the rain , the farmers had a good harvest .
A. Thanks for    B. Thanks to      C. Because          D. Without
(   )2.         , we have never seen a comedy . Actually, I don’t like movies .
A. So far        B. For far        C. In far             D. Such far
(   )3.          soldiers and doctors have been in Wenchuan to help the people there .
A. Thousands of  B. Two thousands  C. Two housands of   D. Thousand of
(   )4. ----Have you seen the film Alice in Wonderful ?
  ----Yes .         wonderful film it is !
A. What         B. What a        C. How            D. How a
(   )5. It’s not easy for Trailwalkers to finish walking a         trail within 34 hours .
A. 100-kilometre  B. 100-kilometres  C. 100 kilometre     D. 100 kilometres
III. 补全对话, 有两个多余选项
A: Hi , Bill ! You’re reading the novel again .
B: Yes , Tom . I’ll never be tired of it .
A: 1.                     
B: Three times . Every time I read it , I can always learn something new .
A: Really ? 2.                        
B: Charles Dickens . I think he is a great English writer . What about you ?
A: 3.         He is also my favorite foreign writer . Please let me have a look at it .
B: OK , here you are! … What do you think of this novel ?
A: 4.        I haven’t seen such a novel for long . Where did you buy it ?
B: In the Rose Bookshop .
A: I don’t know where it is .5.         
B: No . Only 10 minutes’ walk from here , next to the People’s Cinema .
A: Oh , I see . I’m going there to get one , too . Thank you !
B: You’re welcome !

A.        How many times have you read it ?
B.        How long have you read it ?
C.        Is it far from here ?
D.        Who wrote it ?
E.        It’s wonderful !
F.        So do I .
G.        So am I .

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-11 15:02:20 | 只看该作者

Unit 14. Have you packed yet ? 堂堂清检测题答案

Section A:I    1. packed  2. farm   3. watering   4. clean     5. already
          II   1. feed    2. cleaning 3. did       4. has been  5. has gone
          III  1—5 B B B A D      6—10  A A C B B

SectionB:  I    1—5 B B A B C      6—10  D B A A D
          II   1. hear  2. listen   3. The number of  4. A number of  
               5. A number of    6. beat  7.   won

Self Check  I   1. talking  2. No  3.  turned  4. had  5. pity
6. again 7. Sure    8. first    9. idea   10. left
           II   1—5  C B B B A       6—10  B A B D B

Reading    I   1. hardly  2. southern   3 . step    4. villagers  5. forward
           II  1—5   B A A B A   
           III   A D F E C

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