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人教版新目标八年级下册英语Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived堂堂清课课练习题答案

发表于 2013-4-10 15:37:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
       这套人教版新目标八年级下册英语Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived堂堂清 课练习题答案免费下载为绿色圃中小学教育网整理,所有试卷与中学教材大纲同步,本站试卷供大家免费使用下载打印。

八年英语下Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived ?Section A一.根据首字母填词。 1.The boy often f           his father to run ,he is strong .2.  Yang Liwei has an e              to fly to space3. The girl is shy, she doesn’t like to meet s            people.4. My 70-year-old grandmother likes cooking in the k            .   5.My aunt b             a gift for me last weekend.二.完成对话。Reporter ; What        you        (do) When the UFO arrived ?Girl 1:I                 (stand) in front of the library.Reporter ;             you            (stand) there ,too?Boy 1: No, I                 (sleep) late .Reporter ; How about you?Woman1: I                (cook) dinner.Reporter ; What          you           (do)?Man1: I                (get) out of the shower.Reporter ; And you?Man2: I was cutting my hair.三.根据课文意思完成短文。Ted had a very unusual                 on Sunday . A UFO           while he was walking down the street at about ten o’clock in the morning.  The UFO          Ted and an alien got out of the          and walked down the center street.  Ted went after it to see where it was going .  At last he went to a souvenir shop .  He visited the Museum of  Flight           he had a look at the souvenirs. Ted called the TV station.四.用 when 和 while填空。 1. The boy was walking down the street         the UFO landed.2.         my mother was cooking ,I came back.        3. My friend was reading           I was writing.        4.Ted called the TV station         the alien was in the museum.5.My mother was sleeping          I left home.

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-10 15:37:20 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-10 15:37:24 | 只看该作者

八年英语下Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived ?

一.        选词填空。
climb, jump ,shout , run away , another ,get out of .
1. The kid often             the tree to pick up apples.
2.The thief          down from the bus and run away.
3.Tom              the bathroom when the UFO arrived.
4.Miss Wang was angry with the boy ,she      at him :“say sorry to me”.
5.The pen that you sold me doesn’t work ,could you please give me      
(   )1.While Linda            a newspaper at the train station, the dog ran away.
A. bought.    B.buying.    C. was buying.       D. buys.
(   )2. When Davy          his mother , she was shopping.
   A. saw          B. was seeing. C. sees.             D .seen.
(   )3. My mother didn’t think          cooking for me just now.
   A.about.       B.at.          C.over.             D.for.
(   )4. The station was           and Linda couldn’t see Davy anywhere.
   A. crowding.  B.crowd.     C. crowded.          D. uncrowded.
(   )5. The cat was too            to jump down.
   A. happy.        B scared.      C. bored.             D. excited.
Linda’s dog       Linda to New York last Saturday. The dog         Linda.When she was buying a newspaper at the train station. Linda was        and She looked for her dog everywhere. She       the police to help her to look for her dog .              the train station, she found that her dog was jumping and running with            dog .There was a police officer      them .The Police          their dog to help look for Linda’s dog and        Linda’dog.  Linda             them for their help.

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-10 15:37:30 | 只看该作者

八年英语下Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived ?
Self check
1. in front of                                    6. 着路                          
2. make a milk shake                             7. 沿着…走                     
3.talk on the phone                               8. 起飞                          
4.cut hair                                       9. 在车站外                     
5.the Museum of Flight                            10.听说                          
(   )1. We have fun in            (play) computer games.
A. to play.   B. play.       C. playing.      D. plays.
(   )2. Dr Martin Luther King’s murder             about thirty years ago.
A. happen.     B. happened.    C. take place.    D. took place.
(   )3. Not all events in history are as               as this.
A. terrible.     B. more terrible. C. terribler.      D.the most terrible.
(   )4. The cake is delicious, I want to have              piece.
A.another.      B.other.          C.the other.        D.others.
(   )5. The girl often follows her mother               .
A. go shopping                     B. to go shopping.
C. going shopping.                  D. goes shoping.      
1.My father             (read)newspapers while my mother was cooking dinner.
2. I was very surprised when it        (go) into a souvenir shop.
3. The sick woman              (kill) by a thief .
4. Most Chinese remember what they           (do) Yang Liwei became the first Chinese astronaut in space.
5.Alice is watching TV, she seems          (finish) doing her homework.

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-4-10 15:37:33 | 只看该作者

八年英语下Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived

一 1.follows.  2.experience.  3.strange.  4. kitchen.  5. bought.
二. 1.were  2.doing 3.was standing 4.was sleeping. 5.Were. 6.standing. 7. was cooking .8. were 9.doing . 10. was getting.
三.experience  arrived   surprised   UFO   after
四.1.when.  2. While/When. 3.while.4.while. 5. when.


一.1. climbs. 2. jumped. 3. was getting out of. 4. shouted. 5. another.
二.1.C.      2. A.      3. A.         4. C.         5. B.   
三. followed     left       worried    asked      Outside           
    another      next to    sent       found      thanked.
Self check

一. 1.在...的前面    2.制作一个牛奶昔     3.电话交谈     4.理发       5.飞行博物馆
    6.land on        7. walk down/up      8. take off    9.outside the station .  
    10.hear about.     
二. 1.C        2.D        3.A       4.A         5.B.
三. 1. was reading .  2.went 3. was killed 4. were doing 5.to finish

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