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Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ?说课稿

发表于 2012-11-16 01:02:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ?说课稿                     
  教学内容:Go for it 八年级英语下册Unit 7 单元Section A 部分。其核心内容是“如何请求及表示歉意”。本部分始终围绕着这一主题安排了听、说、读、写的活动任务,让学生在这些环节中学会用更加礼貌的请求方式“Would you mind doing things ?”“Would you mind not doing things?” 以及表示歉意的回答—Sorry ,Not at all / I’ll do it right away 等。同时,本人将分两个课时完成。
3      教学目标:
根据“新课程标准”关于教学目标的要求,结合本单元的具体内容,在SECTION A部分,目标细分如下:
1.  语言知识
A、词汇---SECTION A部分新单词较少,主要掌握如下:
dish, yard, wear jeans, put on, get out of, in a minute.
B、语法---Would you mind doing sth
         Would you mind not doing sth
         复习could you please /could you /would you / have to 的用法
2.  学习策略
5.  能力目标: 指导学生在自主探究和任务型教学模式中,让学生学会用礼貌性的  英语请求及如何表示歉意.   学会更好的与他人沟通。这亦是素质教育的“以人为本”的目标体现。 三.单元重难点
Would you mind moving the bike ? No, not at all
Would you mind not playing baseball here ? Sorry , I’ll go and play in the park .
四、  学情分析及教学策略
本课话题来自学生的生活经历,在八年级上册UNIT 11学生已经学习了许多动词短语,为表达提供了语言基础。此外,学生已掌握了用祈使句和Can you…?/could you 及Could you please提出请求, 为本课的学习打下了铺垫。具有了学习本单元知识的认知前提,能自然的与本单元的话题衔接。但是,在语法上也就容易形成混淆。同时,本单元是关于礼貌性的话题,内容贴近生活,学生比较容易进入角色。因而,教师在课堂中应通过大量的生活场景图片来促使学生积极地参与,在任务型教学活动中,使学生有话想说,有话可说,在完成各项任务的过程中自主学习语言,提高他们综合运用语言的能力,学会更好地与他人沟通。使各层次的学生都有所收获。
五、  教学过程设计
Period 1
1.  Target language :
  : Mind yard dish :Cleaning the yard /playing baseball /turning down the music /getting up /doing the dishes /wearing jeans /getting out of the bathroom.
Key sentence: Would you mind moving your bike?
       I’ll do it right away.
       Would you mind not playing baseball here?
       Sorry. We’ll go and play in the park.
Ability goals:How to make request and Apologize
Learning Ability : Enable Ss to make request and apologize
Important and difficult points :  make request using would you mind +ving structure .
1.   Greeting and Warm-up  :
T :  Boys and girls , are you happy today ?
I’m very happy ,too. Because I helped my mother do chores this morning . What chores do you often do at home ?
S: We do the dishes / do the laundry / wash the clothes / make the bed and so on . (热身部分以简单的对话使学生说出各种家务活短语,为下一环节would you mind +ving 句型的操练做语言铺垫)
2.  Lead –in (With a picture )
(导入部分: 首先,出示一张客厅的图片,一一提问学生以下几个问题,Where is it ? What do you think of it ? What should we do ? 引导学生回答:It’s Bob’s living room. It’s very dirty .We should clean the room. 之后,让学生猜妈妈对B所说的话,猜的目的是使学生对以往所学的表示请求方式的一个回顾,更自然地引入本堂课的重点—礼貌性的请求他人做某事及歉意的表达。在图片展示时,告诉学生,would you mind +ving 是本节要学习的内容,提示would you mind 后面的动词要加ing。
3.  sweeping the floor   folding the clothes  making the bed  doing the laundry  doing the dishes  babysitting the sister .(之后,通过学生熟悉的短语操练Would you mind +ving 结构)
4.  T ask: now , let's look at some pictures , can you find what's matter  ? Ss : the music is too loud . She use the telephone too long .and so on(在学生对重点结构有一定的认知基础上,让学生对书本1A部分进行自由讨论。寻找问题,用目标语would you mind 请求解决。自由讨论是为完成1A的配图及1B的听力减轻难度。)
5.  Match and listen  (1a-1b) . Then ask Ss to match and listen to 1a.
6.  Pair-work (在分角色读完四组对话后,学生两人一组编对话表演,在模仿的基础上,学生进一步的练习生活中如何请求他人做某事及表示歉意)。
5.  Listen number and match (2a—2b)
1)  show 5 pictures from 2A together, and ask Ss to make request using would you mind ? Then check their answers.
2)   listen and number the pictures. Next, listen again and match request with apologize.(在2A听力之前,先让学生对2A的5张图片讨论,说出恰当的请求方式,为该环节的听力做铺垫。
6.  Pair—work 以组对组或男对女的形式操练2A部分的对话。
7.  Task 1--- Your neighbor made lots of noises last night . Today , you want to tell him not to do again , so if you are Xiao ming , how to make request ? and how to say sorry as neighbor . Four Ss as a group will act out your dialogue  . Let’s see who is our best neighbor . (评价)(为了巩固学生对本堂课的重点( 请求及表示歉意)的掌握, 设计如下任务:小明隔壁搬来一家新邻居,但是,昨天晚上很吵,小明想上门提醒邻居。 如果你是小明,你会怎么说?那么,你是新邻居,你又会如何反应呢?最后让学生评出谁是我们的好邻居。
    Homework  : 108班要制定一份英文班规,请同学们用would you mind 开头列一份清单。
Period 2
Teaching goals:
How to make request in real life ?
1.  Lead-in  : What do you often do on weekends ?
If your parents is not in , What can you do for them ?
You help your parents do lots of things at home .
Now , let’s look some pictures from 3A and see what Larry do at home for his mother 。Then ask S to read the requirement . Enable Ss to understand what they should do . After checking the answers on the blank ,explain the using difference among  would you mind / could you please / have to。。(在学生回答以上问题后,让学生先谈论3A的5张图片,说出图片相关的短语,这是为了在书写留言过程中,为学困生扫除短语障碍。同时,在完成留言后,老师让学生归纳would you mind / could you please / have to在语气上的区别及不同形式的动词搭配。最后请几个同学读本组的作品,老师和其他同学一起点评。利用各种形式:师生互问互答、分组对话、看图说话等反复操练句型,尽量让学生脱口而出.通过这活动学习并掌握 feed the dog, cook dinner, go to the library/ return the book to the library,
do your homework Wash the dishes等短语.,充分调动了学生的积极性,吸引了全体学生的注意力
2. Pair-work   Try your best to make dialogues as many as possible using Would you , Could you , Have to
          ORDER : Turn down the music  wash the dishes  get up  babysit your little cousin (在3A的基础上,让学生分角色朗读对话,再用表格中的短语编对话表演。巩固对would you mind / could you please / have to的知识掌握)
3.  Task 2.  4-groupwork  反复操练和巩固应用:为了调动学生的积极性,老师宣布明天是学校开放日,届时会有很多外校教师和家长到校参观和听课。集体讨论在学校开放日,需要做哪些工作,并将所需要做的工作的内容列表,为下一步作准备。然后以小组为单位落实或分配所列 出的工作,最后在全班进行汇报,看那组工作细致。利用分组对话,以及回答问题、调查采访等不同方式操练巩固。使学生处于积极思维的状态之中,全方位、多角度地培养学生运用英语的能力。
make posters, clean the classroom, set up chairs in the classroom,
design the blackboard, welcome the peeople at the school gate,
hand out teaching plans or the books to the people.
Would you mind…? Could you please…? Please /Please not … You have to…        Can you please…?
4.  Homework :交待学生完成本课的配套练习册相关的练习题。
That’s all. Thank you!

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