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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:32:28 | 只看该作者
                   Unit12    Christmas
                                  Period 1
Teaching targets.
1.The target of knowledge:
1)Learn these new words: Christmas tree,decorations,stocking,etc
2)Understand and retell the story  
3)Can understand and introduce the western traditional festival--Christmas
4) To cultivate the pupils’ patriotism, to promote their culture knowleage ,to filter their interesting of learning English
2.The targets of skills:
To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively
Main points : Understand and repeat the text
Difficult point: Performance  
Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record,objects,etc
Teaching Process:
Step 1 Warming up
2.Sing a song:Happy new year
Step2  Presentation and drill
1.Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words and sentence pattern:
T: Hello,boys and girls,I’m very happy today,a new friend is coming ,look
Give the music:A Merry Christmas!Ask a pupil to act as Santa Claus,teacher greet with him
T: Hello, Santa Claus  Nice to meet you!
Snta: Nice to meet you ,too!
(Stop the music)
Help the pupils to know :Santa Claus!(Father Christmas)
2.Put on the Christmas map
T:Now ,I’m Santa,hello,boy and girls ,nice to meet you !
Ss: Hello,Santa,nice to meet you too!

Learn to say the words: Christmas tree(card),stocking,presents
3.Listen and repeat Part A
4.Pair work:read the dialogue with partners
Step3 Fast reading and listening
1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question
T: Just now we learned something zbout Christmas,do you want know more about it? Please read the text as quickly as you can and answer the following questions:
Whis Father Christmas?
What do people do during Christmas?
2 .Listen and imitation,require the pupils to master the difficult sentences
Step4 Intensive reading
Help the pupils to understand the sentence patterns
1)Reading the dialogue carefully
2)Finish Part C(Pair work)
Step5 Consolidation
Act out the dialogue , choose a pupil to act as a narrator
Homework: Listen and repeat the text
Period  2
Teaching targets.
1)Can sing the song: A Merry Christmas
2)To improve the interesting of learning English through performace
3)Can understand the festival culture of traditional festival
Main points : Sing the song
Difficult point: Retell the text
Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record
Teaching Process:
Step 1 Warming up
2.Sing a song
3.Use the cards to go over the words
4.Game—Little actor
Step2  Presentation and drill
1 .  Part E
Listen to the tape
Learn to sing the song
Listen and sing
Link the words to sentences
Step4 Consolidation
3)Homework: Listen and tell a story with the simple future tense
Period  3
Christmas Party

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:32:33 | 只看该作者

Unit13   I’m as happy as a bird
                                      Period 1
Teaching targets.
1.The target of knowledge:
1)Learn these new words:carry,clever,underdtand,difficult,friendly
2)Understand and retell the story  
3)Can use the sentence pattern:  as…as
2.The targets of skills:
To perceive the comparative degree of adjective:
To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively
Main points :  Retell the story
Difficult point: the structure:as..as
Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record, picture etc
Teaching Process:
Step 1 Warming up
2.Sing a song
3.Free talk
Step2  Presentation and drill
Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words and sentence pattern:
1)T brings some books in the hand,and the books looks like too heavy to light
T: Oh, the books are so heavy that I can’t carry it.Who can carry for me?Who can help me?
S1et me help you .
T: Thank you ,you are so  friendly      
Write the words:carry ,friendly on the Bb,lead reading
2)Show some English readings
T: S2,please read this story for us.
S2:Sorry,I can’t read the story.
T: It doesn’t matter ,this book is too difficult.
Write down the word,explain the meaning and lead reading
T: Who can read it?
S3: Let me have a try.

T: You are very clever,I feel very happy,and I think I am as happy as a bird,do you understand?
Write down the words on the Bb:clever,understand ,happy as a bird
Write down the sentence pattern,learn to say
2.Listen and repeat
Step3 Fast reading and listening
1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question
T: One day ,the children were free,Where did they go?What did they do?Please read the story quickly and see what the story is about?
2 .Listen and imitation,require the pupils to master the difficult sentences
Step4 Intensive reading
Read the story again,discuss the following questions:
Where were the children?
What was Dongdong doing?
What did he want to do?
Did they need any help?Why?
Did Dongdong speak to Peter?
How did Dondong feel ? What kind of person do you think of Dongdong?
Help the pupils to understand the sentence patterns
Reading the dialogue carefully
Listen and repeat
Step5 Consolidation
Retell the story,according to the following form:
Dongdong Carry books The old man Not as strong as
Get the book The young girl Not as tall as
Understand the book Peter Not as clever as
Homework: Listen and repeat the text  
          Tell the story for your family
Period  2
Teaching targets.
1)Can master and perform the structure:as…as
Aprove the situation,to improve the pupils’ ability of perform and arrange the language , to filter the pupils’ aspirations of learning English
Main points : Can master and perform the structure:as…as
Difficult point: Describle the things and persons with the comparative degree  
Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record
Teaching Process:
Step 1 Warming up
Retell PartA
Game –Guess,guess,guess
S1:Is she a girl                 Ss:Yes,you are right
S2: Is she tall?                  Ss:No,no,no
S3: Is she short?                Ss:Yes.
S4: Is she thin?                 Ss:Yes.
S5: Is she beautiful?             Ss:Yes.
S6:She is as happy as a bird.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:32:37 | 只看该作者


Step2  Presentation and drill
1 .  Part D
Pair work, ask the pupils to discuss
T: Read the description carefully,discuss and find out how tall each child is.
2.Finish the exercises
Step4 Practice
Situation:  The first day of the new term , how did you feel?What did you help your teacher and classmates do? Did you show your writing tools?
Please make a dialogue with your partners ,then act it out
3)Homework:  Make sentences with “as…as”

Period  3
Teaching targets.
1)Can understand the new words: camel,fox,lion,bull,brave
2)Can use the adjectives:brave,clever,happy,strong,angry,quiet
3)Can write the sentences with”as…as”
Main points : Can write the sentences with”as…as”
Difficult point: Choose the references to compare things
Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record etc
Teaching Process:
Step 1 Warming up
2. Warming up
T: I can run, I can run as fast as a rabbit.
  I can climb, I can climb as quickly as a monkey
  I can jump , I can jump as far as a kangaroo
  I can swim ,  I  can swim as freely as a fish
Step2 Presentation and drill
T: Do you like animals, what’s your favorite animal?Why?
Requires the pupils to talk about theirs favorite animal.
Teacher writes down the adjectives  
T: My favorite animals are samels(shows the pictures)they are brave,they can live in t
T: Do you like fox?(show the picture ) Foxes are very clever
2. Finish the puzzle (Part E)
Step3 Practice
Game—Little Doctor
Requires the pupils to say the animals’ names
Eg: The foxes are very clever
   The camels are very tall.
  The horses are very strong.
  The lions are very brave.

2.Finish part F
1)Ask the pupils to investigate what’s your friends’ favorite animal
3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue
Unit14   A fairy tale
                                                   Period 1
Teaching targets.
1.The target of knowledge:
1)Learn these new words: wolf,hide,hunter,afraid,pick
2)Understand and retell the fairy tale
3) Can understand and introduce some classic fairy tales.
2.The targets of skills:
To master the four-skill words
To improve the ability of performing language comprehensively
Main points : To master the four-skill words
Difficult point: can retell the fairy tale
Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record, picture etc
Teaching Process:
Step 1 Warming up
2.Sing a song
3.Free talk

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:32:42 | 只看该作者

Step2  Presentation and drill
Lead in the new dialogue and learn the new words and sentence pattern:
1)T shows  the wall picture
T:  Boys and girls ,look at this picture!Do you know the girl’s name?
Help the pupils to answer :Her name is Little Red Riding Hood.(Lead reading)
T: Yes ,her name is Little Red Riding Hood,what’s she doing now?
S2:She is picking the flowers
Show the word card ,then lead reading
2)Show word cards
T: What do you know from this picture.?
Help the pupils to answer like this : She is very frightened.
T:You are right,she looks very afraid,what is she afraid of?
Show a picture of a wolf
T: Oh, a bad wolf,she is afraid of the wolf.
Write down the words, learn the wolf
3)Show a word card :hide
T : Little Red Riding Hood is going to visit her grandma,this is her grandma,Little Red Riding Hood is afraid of the wolf,and her grandma is afraid of the woof too,she is hiding in the cupboard.  
Write down the word on the Bb: hide
T: Are you afraid of the wolf?
Ss: Yes,we are.
T: But the hunter isn’t afraid of the wolf?Why?
Ss: He has a gun,he can shoot.
Learn to say the word
2.Listen and repeat
Practice the words
Game—Magic eye
Step3 Fast reading and listening
1.Read the dialogue quickly ,then answer the following question
T: Today we’ll learn Unit Thirteen ,first let’s read the text,and then answer my questions
Did th ewolf eat up Little Red Riding Hood?
Who saved grandma and Little Red Riding Hood?
2 .Listen and imitation,require the pupils to master the difficult sentences
Step4 Intensive reading
1.Read the story again
Help the pupils to understand the sentence patterns
Reading the dialogue carefully ,finish part C
Listen and repeat
Step5 Consolidation
Fill in the following form ,then choose some groups to act out
Time Once upon a time
Character Wolf,Little Red Riding Hood ,grandma,hunter
Reason Her mother asked her to bring some cakes to grandma
Course Met a wolf..ran..hid..put on..lay on the bed..arrived..went into..jumped out of …ran for help

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:32:47 | 只看该作者

Result  Shot..sat down..had tea and cakes
Homework: Listen and repeat the text  
          Copy the new words

Period  2
Teaching targets.
1)Can master and perform the structure:as…as
Aprove the situation,to improve the pupils’ ability of perform and arrange the language , to filter the pupils’ aspirations of learning English
Main points : Can master and perform the structure:as…as
Difficult point: Describle the things and persons with the comparative degree  
Teaching aids : cards, tape ,record
Teaching Process:
Step 1 Warming up
Retell PartA
Game –Guess,guess,guess
S1:Is she a girl                 Ss:Yes,you are right
S2: Is she tall?                  Ss:No,no,no
S3: Is she short?                Ss:Yes.
S4: Is she thin?                 Ss:Yes.
S5: Is she beautiful?             Ss:Yes.
S6:She is as happy as a bird.

Step2  Presentation and drill
1 .  Part D
Pair work, ask the pupils to discuss
T: Read the description carefully,discuss and find out how tall each child is.
2.Finish the exercises
Step4 Practice
Situation:  The first day of the new term , how did you feel?What did you help your teacher and classmates do? Did you show your writing tools?
Please make a dialogue with your partners ,then act it out
3)Homework:  Make sentences with “as…as”
Period  3
Teaching targets.
1)Can understand the new words: camel,fox,lion,bull,brave
2)Can use the adjectives:brave,clever,happy,strong,angry,quiet
3)Can write the sentences with”as…as”
Main points : Can write the sentences with”as…as”
Difficult point: Choose the references to compare things
Teaching aids : cards ,tape ,record etc
Teaching Process:
Step 1 Warming up
2. Warming up
T: I can run, I can run as fast as a rabbit.
  I can climb, I can climb as quickly as a monkey
  I can jump , I can jump as far as a kangaroo
  I can swim ,  I  can swim as freely as a fish
Step2 Presentation and drill
T: Do you like animals, what’s your favorite animal?Why?
Requires the pupils to talk about theirs favorite animal.
Teacher writes down the adjectives  
T: My favorite animals are samels(shows the pictures)they are brave,they can live in the desert,we call them “a boat of the desert”
T: Do you like fox?(show the picture ) Foxes are very clever
2. Finish the puzzle (Part E)
Step3 Practice
Game—Little Doctor
Requires the pupils to say the animals’ names
Eg: The foxes are very clever
   The camels are very tall.
  The horses are very strong.
  The lions are very brave.

2.Finish part F
1)Ask the pupils to investigate what’s your friends’ favorite animal
3)Homework: Listen and read the dialogue

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