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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:28:33 | 只看该作者
Lesson 1
May I use the telephone ?
     本课将学习如何客气,委婉地向别人借东西。这一课我们将重点学习由情态动词‘may’ 引导的句型 ‘May I use…?’课文里的故事情节也涉及到了要尊敬老人,可切合实际,教育学生树立尊敬老人,尊敬老师的美德。
1.        语言目标:
1)        学会使用May I use …? 句型向别人借东西。
2)        学会使用礼貌用语,向别人 表示感谢的句型Thank you。 以及表示“ 不客气” 的句型。
2.        情感目标:
May I use your telephone?  Who will you ring up? I want to …
2. 会说会用会写这些单词  may, use, want to, card, IP card,birthday.
3. 理解并且会用情态动词 may.
4.会说并且会用常见单词  certainly, really, must, forget.
教师准备a telephone,an ID card,use a telephone等图片。
1.        热身(Warming up)
  A:Li Dong, what’s the matter with you ? What are you looking for?
   B : I can’t find my colour pencils. So I can’t do my Art homework.
   A: You can borrow one from Li Shan.
   B : That’s a good idea. May I use your colour pencils?
   C: Here you are.
   B: Thank you.
   C: Wow! What a beautiful picture! May I take a look at your picture?
   B: Of course. Here you are.
   C: Thank you.
   B: You’re welcome.
2 . 新课展示(New Presentation)
1)教师让学生拿出他们准备好的贺卡,选出一张,问同学们: What’s this? 引出单词 card。教师在黑板上写出单词,并用红色粉笔标出字母ar和音标,让学生明白大多时候字母ar在一起的发音。教师还可以举出例子,car,hard等。
        教师告诉同学们生活中我们会有各种各样的卡片,例如,birthday card(生日贺卡),ID card (身份证)等。然后老师把一张电话卡藏在背后,让同学们猜那会是 一张什么卡,从而引出单词 IP card (电话卡)
        I have an IP card.
  2) When can we use an IP card?  When we want to give a call.
      教师出示座机电话的图片telephone,告诉他们这个单词只是指家里的座机,还可以简单说成phone。而我们经常用的手机是mobile phone。教师用手势做出打电话的动作,引导学生去猜 What is she doing? She is using a mobile phone. 教师向同学们讲解打电话有好几种表达法:
        give a phone  \  give a call  \  ring up \            
May I give you a phone\call?
        May I ring you up?
        Certainly, you can use it.
3) Look at the picture. What does the boy want to do?
   He wants to use the telephone.
  教师在黑板上写出重点句型: May I use your telephone?
  教师走到一个学生面前,指着他的钢笔问:May I use your pen? 学生应允,教师表示感谢—thank you. 从而让学生明白 May I use your …? 是 表示向别人借用东西的句子,语气很委婉。让学生去向别人借东西来操练句型。 教师还可以让学生向自己借东西,可以并且以 Certainly. 或 Sorry, please don’t. 来作答,让学生明白这个句型有两种答法。 肯定的   Certainly.   否定的, Sorry, please don’t.
  出示不同的实物: May I use your Science book?  Certainly.
      May I use your moble phone?  Sorry, please don’t. It’s power off.
4) Look at the picture . What is the girl doing?
                     She is using a telephone.
                     Who will she ring up?
                     She’ll ring up her mother.
     教师出示小女孩打电话的图片,让学生们来猜她会打电话给谁,引出短语 “ring up”, 复习一般将来时态的句型.
      Who will the girl ring up?
       She’ll ring up…

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:28:37 | 只看该作者

     老师要强调ring up 的读音。
5)   教师出示生日卡片,引出单词birthday, 教师将单词展示在黑板上,并区分出音节,通过音节来帮助学生识记单词,birth | |,day |  |在教授单词的过程中,教师可以引申更多与birthday有关的短语,引导学生说说自己过生日时都做些什么,eat birthcake, sing birthday song,ect. 教师还可以问问班里谁都知道自己爸爸妈妈的生日,如果爸爸妈妈过生日,你会怎么做? 教师用What do you want to do on your dad’s or mum’s birthday? 引导学生用I want to…来回答。教师和学生,学生与学生之间可以互问互答。
What do you want to do on your Mum’s birthday?
I want to send her a birthday card.
I want to buy a birthday cake for her.
     从而让学生理解 want to 的意思是‘想要做什么事情’,也能培养学生体贴关心自己的爸爸妈妈的好品德。
3. 小结:
在英语中有委婉语气的概念,但我们想要向别人借东西时,要有事要有求与别人时,就应该用特定的委婉语气来表达。在英语中最常见的就是 May I …? 的表达法。肯定回答是certainly\ Yes,please. 否定回答则为 Sorry, please don’t.
4. 巩固活动:
    1) 操练 May I …?的句型,教师给学生设定不同的场景,让学生根据场景来操练此句型。
     A: 一个下雨天,想要借用别人的雨伞。
     A: Excuse me, may I borrow your umbrella?
     B:  Yes, please.
     B: 在教室里,想要借用别人的语文书。
     A:Excuse me. May I use your Chinese book? I forgot mine at home.
     B: Sorry, please don’t. I had lent it to my friend.
     C: 想要借用别人的手表。
     A: Excuse me. May I use your watch?
     B:  Certasinly. You can use it.
      把学生分成若干个小组,每个小组有相同的人数,在规定的时间里,学生进行句子接龙游戏,学生A问学生B 借东西,学生B向学生C借用东西,用May I use…?的句型来完成游戏。哪个组最先完成,用最少的时间,哪个组就是赢家, 教师给予一定的奖励。
2)播放 Listen and read 的录音,听并跟读。
3)播放Learn to say 部分的录音,学生听并且跟读,在巩固单词读音的同时,也复习了意思。
4) Let’s practise (Ⅰ) 学会向别人借用东西的一般常用句型,尤其是礼貌用语 May I use…? 的用法,并能对自己借东西的原因进行简单解释。 I forgot …
5)Let’s practise(Ⅱ) 根据场景来自编对话。注意要提醒学生礼貌用语, 例如 Excuse me, thank you, you’re welcome.
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Lesson 2  
       May I speak to Li Shan, please?
   本课将学习如何用英语打电话,由于东西方文化的差异,西方人在电话中并不相互称呼‘你我,’而是采用this, that 称呼自己和对方。尤其是在接通电话后互相介绍对方时的不同表达法。This is…\That is … speaking. 以及打电话时的一些礼貌用语。
   3)继续学习句型May I…?
   2. 情感目标:
1)        会说会用会拼单词send presents, speak, flowers, Teachers’  Day
2)        会说会用常用电话用语 May I speak to…, please?
This is … speaking.
Today is Teachers’ Day.
Let’s send a present to our teacher.
What about some beautiful flowers?
      3)  让学生能够理解在电话中进行自我介绍时,要用“This is…’或者 “That is …”来指代自己和对方。
1.热身(Warming up)
A: Good morning.
B: Good morning.
A: May I speak to C, please?
B: Sorry, he’s not available. He is on the conference. May I take a message?
A: Yes, please. Can you ask him to call me when he finishes?
B: Sure. Thanks.
A: You are welcome.
2 . 新课展示(New Presentation)

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:28:43 | 只看该作者

Hello! May I speak to …,please?
1)教师在教室里随便拿起学生的文具或其他东西,问学生: May I use your book\pencil\ruler? 学生能够准确回答: Yes, please.
然后由学生之间进行互问互答,老师引导学生向朋友借用手机,引导学生 “ May I speak to…?” 教师出示两个人谈话的图片,教授单词“speak”, 尤其是单词的发音,字母 ea  |i:| . 教师在教授单词的过程中,可以把意义相近的talk, speak, say一起进行区分。
talk:    表示和某人进行谈话,比较随便。
speak:   比较正式的说法。
say:   一般指向别人阐述自己的观点。
在打电话时,要和某人说话,我们一般要说成 speak to somebody。
2) Hello! This is … speaking.  Is that …speaking?
  Yes. This is … speaking.
教师先向同学们解释中国人和外国人打电话时的不同。中国人在打电话时通常会介绍: 我是… 你是… 吗? 但是外国人不一样,他们不会在电话里说 I’m …  Are you …? 因为这样给人的感觉是 不太礼貌。
外国人通常用 “This is… speaking”  “Is that … speaking?”
在学生了解了这些知识后,教师可以组织学生去玩一个接龙的游戏。教师将全班同学分成两组,玩打电话的游戏,第一组的一个同学拿起玩具电话和选择第二组的一个同学进行对话: Hello! This is … speaking. May I speak to …? 被选到的同学必须迅速站起来接上对话: Hello! This is … speaking. 然后再往下面进行。如果有人接不上对话或是反应不上来,就要为他们的组扣上一分。这个游戏不但可以激发起学生说英语的兴趣,还可以在操练的过程中,熟练电话用语。
   3) Teachers’ Day
教师拿出一个日历,问学生: What’s this? 学生回答:It’s a calender.  教师指着上面的9月10日的日期,问学生: What’s the date?   引导学生说出日期: It’s September 10th.  教师继续询问: Do you know what day it is today?  It’s Teachers’ Day. 今天是教师节。
  儿童节                Children’ s Day
  妇女节                Women’s Day
  母亲节                 Mother’s Day
4)  Let’s send our teacher a present.
  教师出示学生向老师送鲜花的图片,教授单词 ‘send’ (送,寄)  教师在黑板上写出短语   send somebody something. 教师可以引导学生说出更多的短语:  send you a present  (送你一份礼物)
send her some flowers  (送她一些花)
send him a birthday card  (送他一张生日贺卡)
Let’s send her some flowers.
Let’s send him a birthday card.
句型 “Let’s …”的句型,此句型常用来表示 “提议”,跟动词原形连用表示“让我们干什么事情”。
例如: Let’s sing together.
     Let’s begin now.
      Let’s go.
3. 小结:
  本节课我们继续学习了打电话时的常用语,尤其是介绍自己的时候,要用 ‘This is …’ ‘That is …’ 同时我们还学习了一些节日的说法。以及个别常用语。
4. 巩固活动:
  1) 操练句型May I speak to…?  This is …speaking.  这个环节的句型操练可以继续用前面的游戏,可以把学生分成男生和女生两组。
  2)操练句型 Tomorrow is Teacher’s Day. Let’s send our teacher a present.
Tomorrow is Chilren’s Day. Let’s sing and dance.
Tomorrow is Mother’s Day. Let’s send our mothers some flowers.
Tomorrow is Thanks Giving day. Let’s say ‘thank you’to all our friends.
3) 播放录音 listen and read ,听并且跟读。
4)  Let’s practise(Ⅰ)
A:Generally speaking, in this exercise we should according to the following orders:
(1)        greetings
(2)        introduction
(3)        talking about the affairs
B:Hello! Is that Linda speaking?
A:Yes. Who’s that?
B:Zhao Yu speaking. Miss White is ill in bed. Let’s go to see her tomorrow afternoon.
A:OK. Shall we send her some flowers?
B:Good idea! See you tomorrow.
A:See you.
5) Let’s practise(Ⅱ)
  A:This is an English joke. Here ‘what’and ‘Watt’has the same sound. So does ‘Knott’and ‘not’. As a result both of the men misunderstand each other. For reading this joke, we can further review the special expression when we phone others.
   这是一个英文故事,在这个故事里,‘what’和‘Watt’有一样的发音,同样‘Knott’和 ‘not’也是。结果导致两个人都互相误解对方了。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:28:49 | 只看该作者

Lesson 3
Just a moment, please!
   1) 继续学习打电话的常用语。This is … speaking. Is that …speaking? Wait a moment.
   2)  学习帮助别人转接电话。Is …in? Sorry, wait a moment.
   3)  会说会用会拼会写这些单词和短语:call, do some washing, wait, a CD.
  4)掌握现在进行时态的含义,表达方法和正确运用。 She is doing some washing.  Who is calli能够?
   1. 掌握怎样询问电话中的对方以及给别人转接电话时的常用语,例如,Is that …speaking? \ Wait a moment. She is not in.
   2. 理解现在进行时态所表达的时现在正在进行的动作。
教师准备玩具电话,以及本课的单词卡片, wait, call, wait, a CD.
1. 热身( Warming up)
  1) 教师和学生一起来唱上节课所学的歌曲  Let’s sing together
  2) 教师和学生做几组TPR 活动,来复习以前学过的短语。为后面学习现在进行时态做铺垫。
T: Good morning, class.
Ss:  Morning, teacher.
T:   Are you happy today?
Ss:  Yes, we are very happy.
T:  OK. I’m happy ,too. Let’splay a guessing game. Are you ready?
Ss: Yes. We are ready.
T does the action and Ss guess what it is.
  Draw a picture, sweep the floor, water the flowers, read some books, play the piano, play the computer game…
2 . 新课展示(New Presentation)
1)  教师向学生做出打电话的动作,让同学们猜是什么单词。从而引出单词  phone. 教师出示卡片---call,告诉同学们这两个单词意思相同,而且它们都有两个词性,名词和动词。 我们经常可以说:
I’ll give you a phone.
I’ll give you a call.
  I’ll phone you.
I’ll call you.
2) 在打电话时,我们经常会遇到想要找的人没有接电话,而是别人接的电话,我们应该学会给别人转接电话。
教师让学生听课文录音一遍,要求学生学完以后,能够回答提出来的问题:Where is this telephone from ?  Who does Wang Nan want to speak in the phone?  Who answered the telephone?What is Helen doing? Is she reading?
This telephone is from Wang Nan.
Wang Fang wants to speak to Helen.
Linda answered the telephone.
教师让学生再听一遍课文录音,听听Linda 在转接电话时
     Is Helen in?
     Yes, but wait a moment. She is busy.
   这部分内容是本课的重点内容。介词in的原意是在…里面,在这里它还有‘在家‘的意思。其反义词则为’out’, 例如,
    She is in today.  Is she in today?
    He is out today.
     当我们给别人转接电话,经常要说这样一个短语 wait a moment或者a moment,please. 或者 hold on ,please. 这几个短语可用于多种情况下,例如,在餐厅点菜,服务员经常会给我们说。
  3)教师让学生再听第三遍录音,并且要求学生找出课文中所有加上了-ing 的单词或是短语。
     Speaking;  calling;   doing some washing
教师将这几个动词展示在黑板上,用红笔勾出-ing 部分,先领读这几个短语,让学生掌握-ing 动词的发音。然后教师向学生解释现在进行时态的含义,表达方法和正确运用。
   现在进行时态是指在现在正在发生的动作和事情,它的构成是系动词-am, is, are和动词-ing(现在分词)组合起来。经常和now, at this moment等表示现在时间的状语连用。
    I am reading a book.
    She is doing her homework.
   He is speaking to you.
   You are playing computer games.
   We are singing and dancing.
   They are running.
通过句子,教师给学生总结出动词加-ing的规则。末尾有不发音‘e’的去掉’e‘加-ing,以辅音字母结尾的重音在第一个音节上的单音节单词要双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ing. 其它的就可以直接加-ing。
3. 小结:
4.        巩固活动:

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:28:53 | 只看该作者

4)  Let’s practise(1)
   A: In this practice, we should know the meanings of several words and phrases.  ‘Just a moment, in, that’s OK.’ Here when we have to hold the telephone, we can see ‘wait a moment.’ So ‘just a moment’ eaquals to ‘wait a moment.’ The adverb ‘in’ means ‘at home’.  So here we can use ‘She’s out’or ‘She went out.’  ‘That’s OK’ means ‘It doesn’t matter’.
做这道题时,我们首先要明白很多单词和短语的含义。‘Just a moment,相当于‘wait a moment.’ ‘ not in’相当于out,‘That’s OK’相当于‘It doesn’t matter’
5)  Let’s practise(2)
   A: In this exercise, firstly when should be clear about the content of the telephone message. We know this message is from Jack to Linda at half past ten on June 21st. Jack wants Linda to do some shopping with him that afternoon. He need Linda to call back.
   Kate: Hello?
   Jack: Hello! Is Linda there?
   Kate: No, this is Kate. Just a moment.
        Sorry, she’s out.
   Jack: Oh. I want to go shopping with her this afternoon. Could you ask her to call me back when she comes back?
   Kate: OK. No problem.
   Jack: Thanks.
   Kate: You’re welcome.

Lesson 4
Where are they?
  本课我们要重点掌握Where is\are…的正确使用,能够正确理解on,under,over there和in等方位介词的含义,并准确适用这些方位介词来表达物体所处的位置。
  1.  学习询问某人某物的位置,并能用含有介词短语的句子来进行准确回答。Where are \is …? They are …\It is…
  2.  继续学习现在进行时态,能够更加熟练使用现在进行时态来表达正在进行的动作。
  3.  会说会用会读会写以下单词和短语:swing, slide, seesaw, where, over there, on, under, behind, in.
1.        掌握询问某人或某物的位置的句型,Where is \are …?
2.        能够正确理解on, in ,under, behind, over there等方位介词的含义,并能够准确使用这些方位介词来表达物体所处的位置。
1.热身(Warming up)
T: Good morning, class.
Ss: Good morning, teacher.
T: What day is it today?
Ss: It’s Monday.
T: What’s the date?
Ss: It’s Sep, 26th.
T: Do you know what holiday we will have soon?
Ss: The National Day is coming.
T: Do you have any plan for your holiday? Where will you go?
S1: I’ll go to Xi’an to visit the Terra-cotta Warriors.
S2:I’ll go to may home town Sichuan Province to see my grandparents.
S3: I’ll  go to the Zoo to see the animals with my family.
T:Mary. Linda , Mike and Tom will have a good holiday, too.
  Can you guess what they will do this holiday?
教师根据学生的答案引出新课,引到学生说出正确答案。 They will go to the park to play in the holiday.

2 . 新课展示(New Presentation)
教师出示本课课文挂图让学生来观察。教师可以询问:‘What can you see in the picture?  学生看图,并且根据图片内容进行回答。
S1:I can see Linda, Mary, Mike and Tom playing with some other children.
S2:I can see they are playing  in the park.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:28:57 | 只看该作者

教师引导学生学习公园里的玩具器械。教师出示滑滑梯的图片,教授单词  slide , 在教授过程中,教师要注意单词的纠音,字母 ‘I’的发音是 |ai|, 辅音字母‘sl’的组合发音是|sl|. 教师还可以从词义上对单词进行讲解。
“slide” 的本意是光滑的意思,是形容词的词性。它也可以引申成为名词,是滑滑梯的意思。
教师出示秋千的图片,教授单词 swings, 在教授单词时,教师要注意字母 ‘ng’的发音 。
同样的方法教授 跷跷板的单词,--- a seesaw.
2) 介词和介词短语的教授
T:Where is Linda and May?
Ss: They are on the swings.
T: Where are Li Dong and Zhao Yu?
Ss: They are on the slide.
教师讲解,on 是方位介词,表示某物在另一物体之上,但是‘on’是指在平面上垂直方向,在某物之上。而 ‘over’ 则是在空间里。
例如   on the wall.
       Over the river.
T: What are the other children doing under the tree?
Ss: They are playing under the tree.\
教师讲解, under也是方位介词,表示某物在另一物体之下。
The football is under the table.
教师出示单词卡片behind, 表示某物在另一物体之后,与学生互问互答。
T: Where is the girl?
Ss: She is behind the door.
教师用同样方法讲解in (在…里面).
The ball is in the box.
3) 句型学习   Where is \are …?
                  They are\ is…
当我们想要询问某人或某物的位置时,我们一般都要用到句型Where is \are …?  They are\ is…  主语是单数,则后面谓语系动词要用’is’, 同样主语是复数,谓语系动词则要用 ‘are’.
3. 小结:
当我们想要询问某物或某人的位置时,一般要用 ‘where’来询问,用介词 ‘on, in, under, behind’来回答。教师还可以补充 ‘next to, in front of, on the left of, on the right of’等介词短语。
4. 巩固活动:
1) 教师将全班同学分成两组,人数相同,每组学生都只有一分钟时间,每组选出一个小老师,这个小老师利用教室里的物品,来向其他同学做动作。其他同学根据动作来说句子。哪一组在规定时间内说的句子多,哪一组就是赢者。
S1 puts the ball on the desk.
S2: The ball is on the desk.
S1 puts the pencil on the book.
S3: The pencil is on the book.
S1 puts the ruler in the pencil-case.
S4: The ruler is in the pencil case.
S1 puts the pencil-case under the chair.
S5: The pencil-case is under the chair.
2)        教师播放课文录音,学生听并且跟读
3)        Do the exercises.
Pair work. Complete the sentences according to the pictures. ( Let’s practiseⅠ) 根据图片选择系动词。
主语是单数时,谓语系动词就用is, 主语是复数时,谓语系动词就要用 are.
Linda and Mary are on the swings.
The children are under the tree.
Li Shan is behind the door.
The little rabbit is in the hat.

Lesson 5
It’s next to the office building.
本课在复习前一课所学介词on, in, nder, behind的基础上,学习介词next to, near, in the middle of, 并通过学习句型 It’s next to the office building.来描述地点之间的方位关系。
1.学习如何询问建筑物和其他物品的方位,继续掌握一些方位介词的含义和使用。例如,next , near, in the middle of,
2.会说会用会写会拼以下方位名词,library, gym, office, building.
         Where is….?
         It’s next to the building.
         It’s near the gym.
         It’s in the middle of the library.
4.  能够会说会用以下表示地方的名词 computer room, music room, classroom, teacher’s office, park, gate.
1.能够更加熟练掌握并且准确运用句型  Where is …? 来询问建筑物或其他物品的准确方位。
2. 掌握 next to, near ,in the middle of等方位介词的准确使用。
1.热身(Warming up)

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