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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:25:43 | 只看该作者

Lesson 8 : Again,Please!
一、教学目标 :
1、知识目标:能听、说、读、写单词bathroom,bathtub,dishes,kitchen,living room,refrigerator,room,shower,sink,stove,toilet,clean,dirty,cook,dry,make,wash,mine,yours.  掌握句子What time is it? It’s….
二、         教学重难点:
掌握本课红单词,红句子,mine 和yours的用法,能灵活运用表示时间的说法 “What time is it? It’s…?”
1. Greeting.
2. Class opening and review.
A. Review the words of the rooms
bathroom, bathtub, dishes, kitchen, living room, refrigerator, shower, sink, stove, toilet
1)      Use the cards, let children say the words as quickly as they can.
2)      Use a game to practice the words.(one student describe the things, the other student guess them.
3)      Pay attention to the pronunciation of  “kitchen and chicken”. I use a chant to practice, “chicken, chicken, chicken, chicken in the kitchen. Chicken is meat, kitchen is a room.”
B. Review “clean, dirty, dry and wet” Comparative the words, remember the opposites. We can use sentences to show the words. Example: These dishes are clean, they are dry. Those bowls are dirty, they are wet.
C. Review” cook , make, wash” Do the actions to show the verbs, use sentences to show the verbs. Examples: a  room, you can wash your hands.(bathroom); a room, you can cook.(kitchen); a  room, you can sleep.(bedroom); a room, you can watch TV.(living room).
D. “mine” and “yours”   my + n=mine; your + n =yours. Example: This is my book, that is yours. Your toothbrush is red, Mine is green.
E. What time is it? = What’s the time?  It’s…          7:00   seven o’clock
                                               8:10    eight  ten
                                               9:30    half past nine
                                               10:50   ten to eleven
F. Sing a song of “Goodbye” to close the class.
G. Homework: Draw your bedroom or living room. Talk about your picture to the class.
bathroom, bathtub, dishes, kitchen, living room, refrigerator, shower, sink, stove, toilet
clean, dirty, dry,wet
cook , make, wash
What time is it? = What’s the time?  It’s…

Lesson 9:On the School Bus
知识目标:1.学习并掌握always, sometimes, usually, never等表示频度的词汇。
2. 掌握四会词汇:dry/ wet  ; boots  umbrella
难点:频度副词:always  usually  sometimes  never的理解和运用。
四、课堂教学资源 :        Word Supermarket
always: at all time      usually: most often     
sometimes: not often     never: at no time
2.复习常用短语:(eat breakfast  watch TV  go to the park  take showers …可以出示卡片,进行复习)
T:In this morning , I eat braekfast at 6:00 .
T: (指名让学生回答)What do you eat for breakfast ?
S1: I like noodles , I eat noodles for breakfast .
3.Key Concepts
(1)Always / usually /sometimes / never的教学。
教师利用Danny  Jenny  Steven  LiMing 一周吃早餐的图表学习单词:
        Sunday        Monday        Tuesday        Wednesday        Thursday        Friday        Saturday
Danny        donut        donut        donut        donut        donut        donut        donut
Jenny                 sandwich        sandwich         sandwich                 sandwich        sandwich
Steven        soup                                    soup                  
T: From Sunday to Saturday ,Danny eats a donut every day .He always eats
  donuts for breakfast .(教师放慢速度,并板书这句话)
板书:He always eats  breakfast .
T: A-L-W-A-Y-S  always . Follow me ,please.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:25:47 | 只看该作者

always       usually     sometimes      never
T:What does Jenny eat for breakfast ?
S: She eats a sandwich for breakfast.
T: Yes ,She usually eats a sandwich for breakfast . She usually eats breakfast.
T: (带领学生认读单词并板书) usually
T: Does Steven always eat breakfast ?
S: No .
T: Yes, He sometimes eats breakfast .
Toes LiMing eat breakfast everyday ?
S: No.
T: Yes , He never eats breakfast .But we will always eat breakfast ,That’s good for you .(板书单词,同时渗透德育教育)
name        do homework        Watch TV         Walk to school        Wear dresses

(4)单词:boots  umbrella  dry  wet 的教学。
T: (教师可以接着上面的表格进行描述)
   After breakfast ,Jenny and LiMing  go to school, How do they go to shool ?
S: Walk to school
   Ride the bicycle
   By bus …(给学生一个猜猜的环节)
T: Yes , they walk to the bus stop, They go to school by bus , Look ,Here comes the schoolbus , and this is bus driver,Mr Scott.
   (教师用课件出示对应的画面及短语:bus stop  school bus  bus driver)
T: But it’s rainy ,They need boots and umbrellas.
   Look ,This is Jenny with her boots and umbrella on a rainy , She is dry .
  (用课件出示另一幅画面) Now ,Is she dry ?
S: No .
T: Yes , She is wet.This is Jenny without her boots and umbrella.
(在教师描述画面的过程中,教师可以让学生在情境中理解单词的意思,读两遍就可以了,之后在教师的操作下出现另一幅画面,让学生形象的感觉到dry ,wet 的意思,以及with 和without ,并且是两组反义词)
     学生自由结组, 完成调查。
Name        dohomework          watch TV        take a shower        Wash the dishes        …
Student 1                                             
Student 2                                             
(Ask the students to introduce their charts.)
4.Class closing
Lesson 9:On the School Bus

always  usually  sometimes  never

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:25:55 | 只看该作者

Lesson 10  LiMing Meets Jenny’s Class
1、知识技能:(1)复习第4册学过的重点句型:How are you ? How old are you ? Where do you live ? Nice to meet you! What’s your name ? 能根据具体的情况,进行问答。
重点:复习第4册学过的重点句型:How are you? How old are you ?Where do you live?
     Nice to meet you! What’s your name ?
   How are you today?
   Nice to meet you !
How is the weather?
2.Song: Sing an English song “In The Bathroom”
A: Hello, Nice to meet you !
B: Nice to Meet you ,too.
A: Where are you froom ?
B: I’m from Canada .
A: Oh, It’s far froom Beijing.
B: Yes .Do you like Canada .
A: Yes, It’s great .Would you tell me What’s your name ?
B: My name is ….I feel happy to see you. I think Beijing is very beautiful now.
A: Thanks , Welcome to Beijing .
B:Thanks ,You speak good English. …
4.Let the Ss ask and answer the questions .
T: Do you know who is this ? What is his name ?
T: Yes, Where is he from? (教师有必要让学生猜猜这句话的意思,之后可以引导学生说)
S: He is from Canada .
T: Where are you from ?
S: I’m from China .
T: What’s the name of your city? (这句话学生以前也很少接触,所以教师可以引导学生说)
S: My city is …
T:Where do you live?
S:I live in a house.
T: In this lesson ,LiMing wants to go to school in Canada. He wants to learn English .Now LiMing meets Jenny`s class .Can you guess what do they talk about?(practice the questions again .)
7. Student book: Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books .
Lesson 10  Li Ming Meets Jenny’s Class
     Where are you from ?  I’m from …

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:26:00 | 只看该作者

Lesson 11:Mr. Wood Teaches a Lesson
一、             教学目标:
1、             知识技能:(1)学生能够听、说、读、写单词:shape, circle, line , square , triangle,并能用英语进行表达。
(2)     学生能理解掌握temperature 这个单词,并实际做对话:What`s the temperature ? It is           。
2、             过程与方法:通过实际温度和图形的学习,学生能较容易的理解明白掌握单词和句子。
3、             情感态度:通过天气、温度的学习,激发学生热爱生活。
二、             教学重点:
学生能掌握四会单词:shape, circle, line , square , triangle。
并且能够运用句型 What`s the temperature ? It is          degree(s) .做对话。
三、             教学难点:
四、             教具准备:
(1)Class Opening and Review
a.Greeting :
Good morning ,everyone !…….
b. Review words :rainy, sunny , windy, cloudy ,snowy ,and sing” the weather song.(在这部分教师可以在黑板上画出这几个天气,然后让学生来说,这几幅图都是什么天气,这样不仅检查了学生对以前知识的掌握,同时有的差生也是一种巩固和提高。)
(2)New concepts
T : Now ,class .Do you want to go on a trip with me ?
S :                  .
T : I want to go on a trip eagerly . But I donot know the wheather and the temperature there . Can you help me ? Look . (教师出示课件,课件上是一副中国城市地图,分别标着每个城市的天气情况。由此引出本课的重点知识 What`s the temperature ? It is           degree(s). 这样引出比较自然,前后联系紧密。)
c.Demonstrate : “temperature”with a real thermometer .
T : How is the weather in Shanghai ?
S : It is                  .
T : What`s the temperature in Shanghai ?
S : It is    29     degrees .
(板书What`s the temperature ? It is           degree(s).安排适当的练习,通过练习学生初步掌握。)
Put the thermometer in a cup of cold water and then a cup of hot water .
eg. T :  The water is cold .
What`s the temperature ?
    S : It is        .
    T : It is        degrees . Say it ,please .
    T : The water is hot .
What`s the temperature ?
S : It is        degrees .
d. Lead the Ss to practice this dialogue :
S1: How is the weather ,today?
S2 :It is       .
S1 : What`s the temperature ?
S2 : It is        degree(s) .
e. Play the audiotape part 1 as the Ss follow.
f.Introduce :
T: Now,class . You know this is a thermometer . What does it look like ?
(Draw a line on the blackboard .)
S : 直线 。
T : Yes ! Line . Follow me . (板书 line .         )
T : (在画两条直线 ,变成一个三角形 。) Now, class . How many lines are there ?
S : Three lines .
T : What shape is it ? S :
T : Triangle . Follow me . (板书 triangle . )

(由此引出square , circle (并且板书这两个单词。).把这几个图形组合成一个小房子的形状。 )
(在学完了circle, line , square , triangle这四个单词,教师可以这样引导出shape这个单词: circle is a shape. Line is a shape . square is a shape . triangle is a shape . All of them are shapes . 这样学生可以更好的理解,比直接告诉学生shape 的意思要好很多。,练习What is your favourite shape ? It is a        . )
g. Lead the Ss to read these new words .
i.  Play the audiotape part 3 and then answer the question :
What`s Danny`s favourite shape ?
His favourite shape is a                  .
g.Practice this dialogue in groups .
h.Play the audiotape and read , check up understanding .
Blackboard design:
Lesson 11:Mr. Wood Teaches a Lesson
What`s the temperature ?
It is        degrees .
line          circle
square         triangle

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:26:05 | 只看该作者

Lesson 12 : How Many Are There ?
一、         教学目标:
(1)      知识技能:学生能够理解名词的复数并能灵活掌握和运用
(2)      过程与方法:利用游戏复习和引入规则名词的复数,避免语法学习的枯燥。
(3)      情感态度:通过游戏的引入,激发学生的英语学习兴趣。
二、         教学重点:
(1)  a.Greeting :
Hello ,class !
How are you today ?
How is the weather ?
(2)  New concepts
   出示课件 T: Hi, class . What is this ? (一条直线)
            S:It is a line .
          T :Now ,is this a line  ?
          S :No , It is a pencil .
         T;Now, what are these ?
          S:They are pencils .
(从而引出规则单词变复数的形式,用同样的方法,复习正方形引出stamp .这样的形式不仅新颖而且同时可以复习上一课学过的知识,加强了课与课之间的连续性。)
b.Play a game : “WHANT`S WRONG” to
review nouns that form regular plurals . Here are some nouns that form regular plurals that the students already know : book, chair, girl , boy , desk , school , teacher , eraser , pencil , pen , marker , arm , ear , eye , leg , hand , finger , toe ,apple , banana , orange , stamp ……
出示课件 T:Hi , class . What is this ? (圆形)
            S: It is a circle .
          T :Now ,is this a circle  ?
          S : No, it is a dish .
         T;Now ,what are these ?
          S:They are dishes .
(从而引出规则单词变复数的形式,用同样的方法,复习三角形引出dresses .)
  Write “bus , box, watch”on the blackboard .
b.Tell Ss the word end in x ,s, sh , ch , they need to add “es” , and pronounce /iz/ . So :
dish --- dishes      bus --- buses
box --- boxes       watch---watches
T : There words get bigger with an es at the end .
T :Class .有多少人为灾区捐款捐物啊。 Only one man ,one woman and one child ?
S : No .
T : So many good –hearted men , women ,and children donate their things for the area .
  (引出 men , children , women .)
man ---men       woman --- women
child --- children
T : Here are some words you know .Do they get bigger with an s or an es ? No!
d. Play the audiotape and the Ss read these words after the tape .
e. Play “TIC-TAC-TOE” to practice regular and irregular plurals .
f .Do the exercise of activity book No1.
g. Listening :Activity Book  No. 2   and No 3.
六、Blackboard design:
Lesson 12 : How Many Are There ?
(1) pencil ---pencils    stamp---stamps
(2) dish --- dishes      bus --- buses
    box --- boxes       watch---watches
(3) man ---men       woman --- women
child --- children

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:26:12 | 只看该作者

Lesson 13 : Always Do Your Homework !
表格,各种图形卡片 ,录音机和磁带
Step 1.Organizing the teaching
2.Sing an English song “In The Bathroom”
Step 2. Revision:
1. Play “True or False ” to review adverbs of frequency.
  a. I never brush  my  teeth.
  b. I always go to school.
  c. I sometimes play  computer.
  d. I usually  go to school by train .
2. Review shapes with a dill. Teacher shows the model of the shapes where the students can not see them and let the students guess.
Step 3.Key concepts:
1. Draw four shapes on the blackboard . Beside each shape ,write an adverb of frequency and say the sentence :        
Let`s put a triangle for always .   Let`s put a circle for usually .
Let`s put a square for sometimes .  Let`s put a line for never .
2.  chart
a. T: (shows a chart) Look! What’s this? It’s a chart. Teach  it and let the Ss remember it.
b. T: Mr.Wood make a chart. Let’s have a look.
3. Learn the text
a. Play the audiotape as the Ss follow in their books.
b. questions:
Does Li Ming always do his homework?
Does Li Ming always help his mother?
Does Steven always walk to school?
Why does Denny never wear dresses
c. Read the text in groups
4. Practice:
       a. Divide the class into small groups. Ask each group to make
charts like the students’book.
b. Find students to read their question and answer 。
Lesson 13 : Always Do Your Homework !
name        Do your homework        Help your mother        Walk to school        Wear dresses
  aways    ususlly    sometimes   never
Lesson 14   let’s Sing a New Song
1.学习新单词 : Bus driver , bus stop , school bus
2.复习单词 : airplane , bicycle , bus , cab ,car , train , truck
3.理解课文并编对话 .
磁带、录音机、 多媒体课件
Step 1.Class opening
a.Greeting : Good morning ,everyone !…….
b. Review words :rainy, sunny , windy, cloudy ,snowy ,and sing“ the weather song”.
c.        Review the transportation(课件出示图片,最后一个是公共汽车) .
Step 2.Key concepts
a.利用课件学习:bus driver,  bus stop, school bus.
b. The bus driver :“I want to drive quickly.”
Demonstrate I sing softly or loudly.
T: I want to sing loudly. LA! LA! LA!
T: I want to sing softly. La!La!
Write the  two sentens on the blackboard.lead students to  practice.
S: I want to sing loudly. LA!LA!LA!
S: I want to sing softly. La!La!
S:  ……
d. Introduce guitar / piano and play the guitar/ piano.
f.Play the audiotape Check for understanding and answer the question:
1.How about Danny ’s singing ?
g.Play the audiotape to learn the song .
“The Rain Song”
T: Today we learn a new song .first,what can you see in the picture?
Lesson 14   let’s Sing a New Song

I want to sing loudly. LA! LA! LA!
I want to sing softly. La!La!
play the guitar/ piano.
bus driver    bus stop    school bus

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-24 00:26:17 | 只看该作者

Lesson 15  Are You Ready for a Quiz ?
二、教学重点 、难点
Step 1 : Class opening and Review
1、Review and fill in the blank
我叫____是直线, 变个魔术给你看。 转一圈,变个圆, ______ ______就是圆。三条_____手拉手,变成一个_____。要变_____也不难, 四条_____肩并肩。
2、  写出下列各词的复数
    I _________him _________this ___________her ______
    watch _______child _______photo ________diary ______
    day________ foot________ book_______ dress ________
    tooth_______ sheep ______box_______ strawberry _____
3、Review the word of Unit 2
Step 2 : Presentation and practice
    1、Use the quiz in the students book as review .
    ⑴ This square is dry ! Yes or no ?
    ⑵ Li Ming has his boots and umbrella !
    ⑶ Jenny’s name always has a big “ J ” .
    ⑷ Danny sometimes wears gloves .
    ⑸ This school bus is wet .
    2、The students answer the questions .
    Answers :
1) No , the triangle is wet .
2) Yes , Li Ming has boots and umbrella .
3) Yes , Jenny’s name always has a big “ J ” .
4) No , Danny always wears gloves .
5) Yes , the school bus is wet .
3、Learn the story :
    “ Little Zeke and the triangles ”
1) Ask some questions .
Do you remember Little Zeke?
Who is Little Zeke?
Where does Little Zeke live?
I like circle, What’s Little Zeke’s favourite shape?
2) Listen to the tape to understand the story .
3) Answer in pairs .
What shapes does Emma find?
What does she find for a circle?
What does she find for a line?
What does she find for a square?
What shape does Little Zeke help her find?
What triangles does Little Zeke make?
4) Do the exercise
5) Role Play this story with the pictures
Step 3 Consolidation
1. Review what we have learnt in Unit 2 .
2. Do the activity book.
Lesson 15 Are you ready for a quiz?
          triangle           Little Zeke and the  Triangles

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