



楼主: admin
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-21 01:47:25 | 只看该作者

教学反思与 建 议            本课继续学习过去式,在复习动词过去式时可让学生用动词组成短语或句子以加强巩固;然后新词的学习再从动词到短语再到整个句子,由易到难,逐步加深理解,再通过多种形式操练词句,水到渠成,有助于记忆。还应加强对动词过去式的复习与记忆。新的动词短语要巩固。以便作业时好完成。
        上课时间        月   日   第   节        授课教师       

年 级        五年级        学 科        英 语        备课时间        月   日
课 题        Unit 4 Making Phone Calls Lesson7
主备教师                参与教师          
教 学 目 标        1.知识目标:  A、speak. Mid-Autumn Day
           B、Sentences: May I speak to…, please?Speaking.
2.能力目标:A、能运用“Hello. This is…”May I speak to …, please?”Speaking.等打电话的固定用语。
重点、难点        掌握May I speak to…,please?Speaking.等用语与人打电话,联系Mid-Autumn Day等节日加以拓展运用。
资 源 准 备        CAI课件、单词卡片  

教  学  过  程        资源应用
2、Sing a song:“Our school will shine.”
StepⅡ Revision:
    1. Review some words.
    2.Look and answer. What time is it?  It’s … o’clock.
3.Time, time, have a good time.
     Chant: Did you have a good time?
StepⅢ Presentation:
1.T: Did you have a good time on Oct 3rd?
  Show some pictures of Mid—Autumn Day.
  We have dinner on Mid—Autumn Day.
2.导入课题:Unit4 Making Phone Calls Lesson7
T:Today Chen Ling is inviting her friend to have dinner together. Do you know why? Now they are making a phone call.
That’s our new lesson.
Unit4 Making Phone Calls Lesson7 (打电话)
3. Look and listen.
Listen again, then underline the answers:
a.Who is Chen Ling calling to?
b.What time do they have dinner together?
c. Why do they have dinner together?
4.New words and new sentences:
(1) They’ll have dinner together, because tomorrow’s Mid—Autumn Day.引出新词:Mid—Autumn Day
Repeat the word. 小组操练单词。  
(2) On Mid-Autumn Day, we enjoy the moon and eat the moon cakes.
出示月亮和月饼图片,学习moon, moon cake
(3) They’re making a phone call. What does Chen Ling say? Do you remember? 
让学生判断是I’m Chen Ling or This is Chen Ling.
假如你打电话如何自我介绍:Hello. This is ….
(4)出示句子:May I speak to Peter,please? Speaking.
教学单词speak speak to…
字母组合ea发音与单词eat比较,spell and say.
4、Play a passing game.
5、Learn to say
(1)Listen and repeat.
(3)Repeat again, then read in roles.
Step Ⅳ Practice:
    1、Act it out.
2、Have a race:
显示四幅学生所学节日图片(Children’s Day, New Year’s Day, Christmas Day,Mid—Autumn Day ), 提供相应打电话句子及部分单词,四小组竞赛,填充单词以形成完整对话。  
3、Work in pairs.  展示汇报,对话表演。
Step Ⅴ Summary
Step Ⅶ Homework
    1.Listen and repeat the text.
3.运用所学的句型 Hello. This is…
May I speak to …,please? Speaking与家人、朋友打电话.
Unit4 Making Phone Calls
Hello. This is….
May I speak to…, please?
Speaking.                Mid—Autumn Day
                 moon cake       


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-21 01:47:30 | 只看该作者


教学反思与 建 议        创设情境让学生积极参与语言实践,效果良好。活动的开展学生参与面广,关注到个体差异,设计了传电话游戏活动,充分调动学生积极性,让学生自主进行语言的表达。本课的新句型,学生掌握得很好。单词教学可适当注意高年级学生对单词的书写记忆。我运用语音渗透教学法,单词记得较快。
        上课时间        月   日  第  节        授课教师       

年 级        五年级        学 科        英 语        备课时间          月   日
课 题        Unit 4  Making Phone Calls  Lesson8
主备教师                参与教师         
教 学 目 标        知识目标:1.Hold on, please.
          2.telephone, moon cake         
重点、难点        掌握单词telephone;   
资 源 准 备        Tape recorder, some cards and some pictures.
教  学  过  程        资源应用
1. Greetings.
2.Chant : Hello.
1. Review the words of verbs:
  am,is—was are—were    buy—bought   do—did
go—went  swim—swam  take—took   have—had
2. Make a phone call:
May I speak to …, please?
3. Mid—Autumn Day    4.板书课题:Lesson 8
Ⅲ. Presentation:
1. T: Yesterday is Mid—Autumn Day. Where did Peter go?
He went to Chen Ling’s house.
  He was at Chen Ling’s home.
2. T: What did they do?
  They had dinner together.
  They eat moon cakes.
3. T: They had a good time. So today Peter will phone to his other friends to talk about that.
4.板书课题:Lesson 8
Ⅳ.New Lesson
1.Look and listen.
2.Answer my questions:   
Who’s Peter calling to?   Who answer the phone first?
What does his mother say?
3. Teach: Hold on, please.
4. New word: telephone
  Phone, telephone, your telephone.
5.Read the dialogue.  What are they talking about?
6. Complete the sentences:
It was_________ Day.     I was at__________ home.
I had a ____________.
7. Repeat the dialogue, then read in roles.
    1.Look and say.
2. Make phone calls in groups.
3.Listen and circle.
4.Learn to write.
    1.Read the text.
2.Copy the words and sentences.
3.Activity Book Lesson 8.
板书设计:Unit 4  Making Phone Calls  Lesson8
May I speak to…, please?
Hold on, please.
Your telephone!       


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-21 01:47:35 | 只看该作者

教学反思与 建 议           本课继续深入学习打电话用语,以及运用过去式对过去事情的描述,第七课如果掌握好了,第八课就简单多了。导入新课时,我采用情境教学法,先打电话给A同学,要找B同学,很自然地就要引出新句子Hold on. Your telephone等词句并操练,利于学生自主学习掌握。
        上课时间        10月26日第4节        授课教师       

年 级        五年级        学 科        英 语        备课时间          月   日
课 题        Unit 5 Asking the Way  Lesson 9
主备教师                参与教师          
教 学 目 标        知识目标:1. left, right, turn left, turn right, go straight.
          2. Excuse me. Where is the……?Where are the…?
          3. Go straight. Then turn left. Thank you. You’re welcome.
重点、难点        能听懂会说Where is the…?Where are the…?
Go straight. Then turn left / turn right.
能准确运用句子Where is the……?与Where are the……?
资 源 准 备        Tape recorder, cards, some pictures.
教  学  过  程        资源应用
Step 1、Warming up
2.Chant. ‘Follow me’.
3.Sing a song.   
Step 2、Presentation and the new lesson
1.教学单词left, right
(1)由兔子舞音乐引出left, right。
(2)师呈现教学卡片,左手拿left , 右手拿right,让学生自己试着拼读。师再教学left, right.
( 3 ) Read and act.
( 4 ) 游戏:照镜子。
2.教学词组turn left, turn right, go straight.
(1) 师出示turn left,  turn right卡片并进行教学。
(2)课件播放turn left, turn right,各一遍,学生跟读go straight.两遍后,师出示卡片教go straight。
(3)Chant and do the actions:
Left, left, turn left;
Right, right, turn right;
Straight, straight, go straight.
(4) I do, you say .
(5) 游戏:优秀连长选拔赛。
(1) 揭示课题.
(2) 教学新课
(3) 阅读课文,找出不理解的地方,
学习句子“You’ll see it.”“Excuse me .”
(4) 跟读课文两遍。
(5) 分角色朗读对话。
Step 3.Consolidation
做P43 Ask and answer练习
2.游戏: 大家都来帮帮他。  
3.Sum up.   
4.Sing a song: Follow me
    1.Read the text.
2.Activity Book Lesson 5.       

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-21 01:47:40 | 只看该作者

教学反思与 建 议          揭示本课学习任务,能用英文问路、指路,能准确分辨方向。学习礼貌用语,文明待人。新词left, right的学习,通过动作反应,口令表达等简单的游戏,让学生对新词进行充分的操练,加深印象,学生掌握的不错,两个礼貌用语Excuse me .和You’re welcome发音较难,要求学生在日常生活中运用,营造英语环境,另外,对问句Where is the…?的复数形式Where are the…?的运用要加强比较巩固,部分学生运用起来有困难。
        上课时间        月  日  第   节        授课教师       

年 级        五年级        学 科        英 语        备课时间           月   日
课 题        Unit 5 Asking the Way  Lesson 10
主备教师                参与教师       
教 学 目 标        知识目标:1. library, bank, get to
          2. How can I get to the… ? Go straight.
          3. It’s on the right. It’s on the left.
重点、难点          1.Words : library, bank,
2.  Sentences: How can I get to the … ?
It’s on the right. It’s on the left.
资 源 准 备        Tape recorder, some cards and some pictures.
教  学  过  程        资源应用
1. Greetings.
2. Sing a song  --- Follow me
3. Free talk.
1.Listen and do the actions.
2.Do and say:   
  Turn left.   Turn right.    Go straight.
3. Act it out.
A: Excuse me. Where is the zoo?
B: Go straight. Then turn left. You’ll see it.
A: Thank you.
B: You’re welcome.
4.T: Today we’ll go on learning how to ask the way.
板书课题:Lesson 10
Ⅲ.New Lesson:
1. Complete some words.
   sch__ __ l    p__ __k    t__y st__ __e    b__ __kst__re
2. Show a picture of library
T: These are all places. And in the bookstore, there are many books. Now look, here are many books, too. Do you know where is it?
   Teach the word ‘library’.
   Say the word quieter and quieter. (越念越小声)
3. T: We can put our money in this place. Guess where is it?
  Show the picture of a bank.
  Teach the word ‘bank’.  
Say this word as more times as you can.(一口气念单词)
4. New sentences.
a.Draw the lines. Look and ask:  Where is the bank?
  S: Go straight. Then turn left.
b.T:Yes. The bank is on the left.  ----‘on the left’
c. How can I get to the library?
  It’s on the right.
d.Practice on the left / right.
e.How can I get to the …?   It’s on the ….
f.Ask and answer in groups.
5. Learn to say.
(1) Listen and point.
(2) Listen and repeat.
(3) Answer my questions then say.
1. Act it out. (出示路线图,对话表演)
A: Excuse me. How can I get to the …?
B: Go straight. It’s on the ….
2. Listen and circle the right answer.
3. Learn to write.
    1.Read the text.
2.Copy the words and sentences.
3.Activity Book Lesson 10.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-21 01:47:51 | 只看该作者

教学反思与 建 议           本课继续学习如何问路和指路,通过复习地点词汇的,引出新词library,bank,用不同方式操练记忆,结合拼读规则记忆单词拼写,但library这一词用了较长时间掌握。on the left / right与Turn left / right.的意义,我是通过在黑板上画出图标来引导学生区别同时复习介词的不同用法,帮助学生理解掌握。
        上课时间        月  日   第  节        授课教师       

年 级        五年级        学 科        英 语        备课时间        月   日
课 题        Unit 6 Asking the Way (2) Lesson 11
主备教师                参与教师       
教 学 目 标        知识目标:1. How can I get to the … ?
          2. It’s far away . You can take a bus.
          3. Which bus? Bus No. 51.
重点、难点        能听懂会说It’s far away . You can take a bus.
能准确运用公交车的表达法问答Which bus? Bus No. 51.
资 源 准 备        Tape recorder, cards, some pictures.
教  学  过  程        资源应用
Step 1.  Warming up
1、Review: turn left, turn right ,go straight  (看词卡,说词并做动作)
2、Let’s review some words: bank , supermarket, bookstore, library, station…(单词抢答)
3、Let’s play a game: Dragon Game.(接龙游戏:教师出示表示地点的卡片,请一位学生升降调读词,该同学所在的组同学说句子:How can I get to the …?其它同学根据课件上图示说:Turn left. Turn left. It’s on the left.
4、Chant: How can I get to the zoo?
Step 2.  Presentation  
1.教学句型Which bus? Bus No. 8.
1)      由Chant引出Which bus? Bus No. 8.的教学。
2)      Guessing game.(教师告诉学生自己想去的地点,并提供两至三路车,请学生猜应该乘几路车可以到达,操练Which bus? Bus No….)
2)听第一遍录音回答问题:Where does the woman want to go?
3)听第二遍录音回答问题:How does she ask the way ?
T: How does she begin the question?
引出:How can I get to the train station ?
It’s far away.You can take a bus.
(利用卡片bike, plane, train替换操练)
   T: Beijing is very beautiful. I want to go to Beijing. How can I get there? What do you suggest?(教师说明自己想去的地点,请学生建议可以用哪种交通工具到达,练说It’s far away.You can take…)
T出示课文插图)She wants to go to the train station. She can take a bus. Which bus ?    S:Bus No. 51.
T:Where is the bus stop?    S:Turn right.
Step 3 Practice: Memory Game
S1: How can I get there?   Ss: You can take a bus.
S1: Which bus?  Ss: Bus No. …
Step 4 Summing-up
Step 5.Homework:
    1.Read the text.
2.Activity Book Lesson 11.       

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-21 01:47:58 | 只看该作者

教学反思与 建 议           本节课通过复习地点的词引出station---train station,我再告诉学生我要去北京,问学生How can I get to Beijing?从而引出句型How can I get to the train station?It’s far away . You can take a bus.Which bus? Bus No. 31句型不难,学生掌握得较好,课文基本上能当堂背诵下来。.
        上课时间        月  日  第   节        授课教师       

年 级        五年级        学 科        英 语        备课时间        月   日
课 题        Unit 6 Asking the Way (2) Lesson 12
主备教师                参与教师         
教 学 目 标        知识目标:1. sorry, know, policeman, all the same
          2. How can I get to the train station ?
          3. You can ask the policeman.
     4. Which bus can I take ? Bus No.20.
重点、难点          1.Words : policeman, all the same
2.  Sentences: You can ask the policeman.
Which bus can I take ? Bus No.20.
资 源 准 备        Tape recorder, some cards and some pictures.
教  学  过  程        资源应用
2.(1)T: Now let's count from 1-20.
(2) T: Now I say No.8,you say No.9.I say No.1,you say No.2.
1.T:Now listen and do the actions.
Stand up! Sit down! Turn left. Turn right. Go straight.etc.
2.T: Now let's review some words.
You can read the words loudly and spell them.
教师出示单词卡片zoo, park, bank, train station,
3.chant:The zoo,the zoo, how can I get to the zoo?
The park, the park,how can I get to the park?
Look, I’ m here. I want to go to the train station. But I don’t know how to get to the train station. 揭示课题Unit 6 Asking the way Lesson 12
Ⅲ.New Lesson:
1.T: Open your books and turn to page 53.Listen to the tape carefully. Then tell me how to ask the way.
自编chant: Policeman, policeman, policeman,
you can ask the policeman.(板书)
2.Listen to the tape again and read after it.
3.Listen to the tape again. T:The policeman tells me to take a bus. Which bus can I take ? Can you tell me ?
板书Which bus can I take ? 并教读句型2-3遍,全班拍手读句子2遍,教师出示几路公共汽车,小组先回答,再请个别学生回答。)
4.Listen to the tape again and read after it.(第二自然段)老师提问,学生回答.教师带读,学生朗读。
5. Learn to say.
(1) Listen and repeat.
(2) Read in roles.
1. .Game:问路游戏(出示路线图,对话表演)
2. Do exercise 3 in page 55.
3. Do exercise 4 in page 56.
    1.Read the text.
2.Copy the words and sentences.
3.Activity Book Lesson 12.       

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-21 01:48:02 | 只看该作者

教学反思与 建 议        本课在上一课的基础上上得很轻松。句子How can I get to the train station ?的问答句学生基本都会背下来了。重点句型sorry,I don’t know通过向一个外地人问路引出,再引出You can ask the policeman.运用自编chant进行巩固。
        上课时间        月  日  第  节        授课教师       

年 级        五年级        学 科        英 语        备课时间        11月25日
课 题        Unit 7 Months of the Year Lesson 13
主备教师                参与教师       
教 学 目 标        知识目标:1. month, March, May, April, June
          2. What’s your favorite month?  March.
          3. When is your birthday?  My birthday is in …./ It’s in ….
重点、难点        单词:April May June
句型:When is your birthday?   My birthday is in….
资 源 准 备        Tape recorder, cards, some pictures.
教  学  过  程        资源应用
Step 1.  Warming up
    1.Sing a song.
2.Free talk.   
T: What day is today? How is the weather today?
    Do you have a Chinese class today? What’s your favorite subject?
3.复习学过节日名称,引出Women’s Day.
  Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Day, Children’s Day, Christmas Day
Step 2.  Presentation
1. Review days of a week.
2. T: What’s your favorite day?
T: Look,it’s a calendar. It’s one week. Two weeks. Three weeks. Four weeks. The four weeks make a month.
然后教学并操练单词month. 师指出“th” 字母组合的发音。接着,师一页一页边翻月历,边带领学生数一年有多少个月份。
3. 引出课题并板书 Unit 7 Months of the Year  Lesson 13
4.Learn the new words: March, May, April, June
a. 单词卡教学、操练、板书、书空
  ‘ar’ park, car, March;  ‘ay’ lay, play, May.  April与apple比较
b. Chant the words.
c. 快速反应,猜单词
5.New sentences.
     a. T: In these four months ,what’s your favorite month?
        Do you know what’s Miss Lin’s favorite month?(让生猜)
        My favorite month is March. (板书March) Do you know why?
        Because my birthday is in March.
(板书句子My birthday is in March.) 重点操练该句子。
b. Women’s Day is in March, too.
c. T: When is your birthday?  (问答操练)
     d. 当生回答My birthday is in……时,师补充说,O,it’s in……
Step 3Practice:
1.Ask and answer in pairs.
2. Learn the chant: The Cucoo
Step 4 Summing-up
Step 5.Homework:
    1.Read the text.
2.Activity Book Lesson 13.       

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