



楼主: admin
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-20 01:14:22 | 只看该作者

1. T: 他们现在怎么会在打篮球呢?Because classes are over. 因为现在放学了。
(带读单词class, over,教句子 Classes are over. = School is over.)
T: Classes are over. So it is now after school. 所以现在是放学以后了。(带读,教,揭题)
T: Look, who’s coming?
  Oh, he’s Gao Shan. What is he doing?
Let’s listen!
  (播放U7 A引言部分)

2. T: Now, can you answer my question: What is Gao Shan doing?
  T: He’s looking for Wang Bing. (PPT⑦出示,带读look for, 教)
Then where is Wang Bing and what is he doing? 那么王兵在哪儿,他在做什么?高山又是怎么知道的呢?Let’s watch the cartoon. 让我们一起来看动画吧! (播放金太阳U7A第一部分)
   T: Gao Shan is looking for Wang Bing. 高山正在寻找王兵,他去向谁询问了呢?Yes, she’s asking Miss Li. Now, let’s try to answer. 现在请你根据课文内容,试着回答回答。

Q1. Is Wang Bing helping Miss Li in the office?
Q2. Where is Wang Bing?
Q3. Are they playing basketball?
T: Perhaps they are. (稍停顿,点击出示正确答案,Perhaps they are playing basketball的缩略形式)
T: So what will Gao Shan do? 高山准备做什么呢?
  He says ‘I’ll go and join them.’ (稍停顿,点击出示正确答案,带读,教)

但是,最终高山有没有加入王兵他们呢?在去寻找王兵的路上,他遇见了谁呢?最后高山去了哪儿? Let’s go on watching. 让我们接着看下去。(播放金太阳U7A第二部分 )

5. T: Now let’s do some true or false questions. (PPT⑨出示问题,稍停顿,出示正确答案)
No.1  Gao Shan meets Nancy on the way.                 (F)
No.2  Helen is going to the playground, too                (T)
No.3  Su Hai and Su Yang are in the library.                (T)
No.4  Su Hai and Su Yang are studying in the library.         (F)
No.5  Go Shan is going to the library at last(最后).           (T)

4. T: Good! Now let’s listen and repeat. 现在让我们来跟读课文。请同学们把书打开,翻到第52页,Are you ready? Let’s begin. (PPT⑩出示课文内容,放录音学生跟读,每句停顿,与拍摄学生示范数句后,要求现场教师带领学生完成。)

5. T: Please read the text. 请你自己也来读一读课文吧!注意本课的生词词组和我们新学的句型哦!

(本步骤设计说明:本部分教师先引出时间,学习词组classes are over,after school,揭示主题;然后通过引出人物高山,制造悬念:他在做什么?自然进入课文学习。先整体观看录像,弄清高山在做什么,然后分层次学习,把全文分成两部分,帮助学生理清文章思路,理解大意。由于文中多次出现的现在进行时一般疑问句这一难点,已经在第一部分中突破,因此学生理解这篇文章应该是水到渠成。)


T: OK, now let’s do some exercise. 现在,让我们来做一些练习,考考你对课文的理解如何。
Fill in the blanks according to the text.
It is three o’clock in the afternoon. C______ are o_____. Gao Shan i__ l________ f____ Wang Bing. Miss Li says, ‘Wang Bing and Mike are p________ b________ in the playground’. Gao Shan will go and j_____ them.
On the way, Gao Shan meets Helen. Helen is g____ to the l________. Su Hai and Su Yang a___ c_______ the library. Gao Shan will go to the library, too.

T: 请你根据课文内容来填空,注意单词的正确形式哦。填好以后,请你先和同桌讨论一下,看看完成的如何。Ready? Go!  (小组活动)

T: Now, let’s check the answers. Are you right? 你做对了吗?
  Congratulations! 祝贺你!
免费下载绿色圃中小学教育网Http://Www.lsPjy.Com 课件|教案|试卷|无需注册
T: 同学们,今天我们一起学习了高山和他的同伴放学以后正在做些什么,希望同学们认真复习课文,我们下节课再见。Goodbye, children!

第三部分:说 明

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-20 01:14:26 | 只看该作者

5A Unit7  教学方案

第一部分  简要提示

一、年级:5年级                          二、单元:Unit7
三、课题:After school                      四、课型:新授课
1. 掌握单词、词组newspaper, picture book, magazine, chess, card, yo-yo, play with,
2. 巩固掌握现在进行时的一般疑问句:
              Am I ____ing?         Yes, you are. / No, you aren’t.
Are you ____ing?       Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
              Is he/she ____ing?       Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t.
              Are they ____ing?       Yes, they are. / No they aren’t.
七、重点难点:1. 现在进行时一般疑问句的正确运用。

第二部分  教学过程

T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. 上节课,我们一起学习了课文 After school. Do you remember? 你还记得吗?
1.         What is Gao Shan doing?
2.         Where is Wang Bing and what is he doing?
3.   Where is Helen going?
4   Are Su Hai and Su Yang studying in the library?
5.   Where is Gao Shan going at last(最后)?
T: 同学们,你们回答得怎样?

T: 通过上节课的学习,我们知道了Gao Shan和他的几位同学放学以后正在做什么,今天,让我们再来看看其他同学放学后正在做什么吧。
1. T: Look! What is the boy doing?
    Let me tell you. He’s reading a newspaper. (带读,教)
2. T: 拿卡片 Now look at this picture. What is the girl doing? Is she reading a newspaper, too? No, she isn’t. She’s reading a magazine. (带读,教)
3. T: And then look at this boy. He is reading, too. 他也在看书。What is he reading? Guess! Is he reading a newspaper? No! Is he reading a magazine? No! Look! He’s reading a picture book.
4. T: Now look at these students. They are all playing. What are they playing? Let’s go and have a look.
What are they playing? Look! They are playing chess.
What are they playing? Are they playing chess, too? No. Look! They are playing cards.
How about this boy? What is he playing? Is he playing a basketball? Look! Let’s have a look! Oh, he’s playing with a yo-yo.
5. T: How about this picture. They are playing, too. This time, are they playing chess?
    Look! They’re playing cards.

3. T: 今天我们学习了很多关于放学后活动的词组,你都记住了吗?Now, let’s review them. 请跟录音朗读。
4. T: Good! Now, let’s play a guessing game. 现在,让我们来轻松一下,做一个游戏。请你根据提示猜猜画面中的人物正在做什么。Look, who is she? She’s Nancy. What is she doing? Can you guess?       
Is she reading a newspaper?
Is she reading a storybook?
T: 揭示正确答案 Nancy is reading a magazine.
T: Now look at Jim. What is he doing? Can you guess? T: 揭示正确答案 Jim is making a model plane.
(同法) Mike and David are playing with a yo-yo.


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-20 01:14:30 | 只看该作者

1. T: Now, boys and girls. Look at this picture. (PPT11) Ben and Jim are talking. What are they saying? Do you know? Let’s read together. (PPT出示句型,齐读)
  —— Is he sitting on a football?
  —— No, he’s not. He’s sitting on a basketball.
2. Now can you talk about the other pictures like this? 请你仿照例子和同桌一起表演一下其它几幅图吧。You can start!
picture2:  —— Are they playing cards?
         —— No, they aren’t. They are playing chess.
picture3:  —— Are they playing with yo-yos?
         —— No, they aren’t. They are jogging.
picture4:  —— Is she buying a storybook?
         —— No, she isn’t. She’s buying a picture book.
picture5:  —— Is he making a model plane?
         —— No, he isn’t. He’s making a kite.
picture6:  —— Is she reading a newspaper?
         —— No, she isn’t. She’s reading a magazine.
T: Good! 我想你一定也是这么说的,对吗?
3. T: 完成了口头操练,下面让我们再来进行一下书面训练吧。请同学们打开书,翻到第56页,完成D部分的练习。让我们来比一比,谁做得又快又准确。赶快开始吧!
T: Finished? Good! Now let’s check the answers. (PPT17-20出示图片和答案)
  T: Good job!


T: 本节课中,我们一起学习了许多after school的活动,让我们再来复习一下。请你认真看好屏幕,快速回答我的问题。准备好了吗?Let’s begin! 图片闪动,师问生答。

T: 同学们,今天学习的知识你都掌握了吗?希望你在课后认真复习,并和你的好朋友一起积极操练。我们下节课再见。Bye!
第三部分:说 明

Unit7  教学方案

第一部分  简要提示

一、年级:5年级                          二、单元:Unit7
三、课题:After school                      四、课型:新授课
1. 掌握单词词组food, cry, laugh, game, run after …
2. 能熟练掌握现在进行时的一般疑问句,并会正确运用。
3. 能看懂E部分小故事,并会用英语讲述这个故事。
4. 了解字母i在单词中的读音。
5.  会读小诗In the evening。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-20 01:14:35 | 只看该作者

第二部分  教学过程
T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again.
T: First, let’s play an interesting guessing game. 首先,让我们来做一个有趣的猜谜游戏,请你根据人物所在的地点,猜猜他们正在做什么。
the 1st one: Jim is in the classroom. What is he doing? Guess!
Is he cleaning the windows? Is he reading a magazine? Oh, he’s playing with a yo-yo. 你猜对了吗?
T: 公布答案。the 2nd one: Su Hai is in the study. What is she doing? Guess! Is she doing her homework? Is she reading a newspaper? Look! She’s sweeping the floor.
the 3rd one: We are in the garden. What are we doing? Guess! Are you playing on the swing? Are you playing cards? Oh, look, they’re playing cards. 你猜对了吗?
the 4th one: Ben and his friend are in the sitting-room. What are they doing? Guess! Are they watching TV? Are they playing cards, too? Oh, look! They are playing chess.


1. T: Do you like this game? 同学们,你们喜欢这个游戏吗?其实啊,我们自己也可以来做一做这个游戏。先来看看本和他的朋友们是如何做这个游戏的吧。 (PPT②显示F部分内容) Please read after me.
2. T: 好了,现在就请你也来玩一玩这个游戏吧!

1. T: OK. So much for the game. 游戏我们先做到这里,如果有你兴趣,还可以在课后和同学继续玩。Now, it is story time. 又到了同学们最喜爱的故事时间了。今天Connie又给同学们带来了什么故事呢?First, let’s watch the cartoon. Please watch and think: What’s in the story? 请边看边思考:故事里都有些谁呢?
(播放金太阳U7 story一遍)
2. T: Do you like this story? What’s in the story?
T: Yes, there’s a dog, a mouse and a cat. 老师根据这个故事,画了六幅连环画,现在这六幅画的顺序被打乱了,你能把它们重新排列好吗?比比谁的速度最快。Go!
T: 公布正确顺序。
T: Now let’s look at them one by one.
T: the 1st one: Look! What is the dog doing?
T: Yes, it’s running. And it’s running after the mouse. (点击出示句子,带读词组,教)
T: the 2nd one: Now, where is the little mouse?
T: Yes, it’s sitting under the bed.
T: the 3rd one: Is the dog sitting under the bed, too? What is it doing?
T: It’s jumping on the bed.
T: the 4th one: What is the mouse doing now?
T: Oh, it’s eating the dog’s food. (带读,教)
  T: the 5th one: Oh, poor dog! What is the dog doing now?
  T: Look! It is crying. (带读,教)
  T: How about the mouse?
  T: It’s laughing. (带读,教)
  T: the 6th one: What is the mouse doing now?
  T: Look! It’s dancing on the dog’s head now.
3. T: Now, boys and girls. Can you tell this story? 你们能来讲讲这个有趣的故事吗?请同学们两人一小组,来个讲故事接力吧!先来看看这两位同学是如何表演的。

T: 表演完了故事,我们该来练习语音了。Now, let’s read these four words. (PPT出示F部分四个单词)
2. T: Now please read after me. (教师带读five, kite, like, tiger)
3. T: Right! 这里字母i的发音是 / ai/  
  我们把这四个词放到一个句子里,你来读读看。Now read after me.
4. T: Good! 除了这四个单词,你还能想到哪些单词,其中也有字母i发/ ai /的呢?你可以和同伴一起讨论讨论。(同桌讨论半分钟)
  OK. 这里老师也给你们搜集了类似的单词,和你们想的一样吗?请你们读一读吧。(PPT⑤出示单词,学生读单词,半分钟)

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-20 01:14:39 | 只看该作者

1. T: 最后,让我们一起来学习一首小诗吧,诗歌的名字叫In the evening. First, let’s listen! (播放金太阳U7小诗)
2. T: 在这首小诗中,一家人在晚上都很忙碌。Where is father and what is he doing?
T: He’s cooking in the kitchen. (PPT13)
T: What about mother?
T: She’s doing some washing. (PPT14,带读,教)
T: Where is brother and what is he doing?
T: He’s playing in the garden. (PPT15)
T: How about sister?
T: Look, she’s doing some cleaning. (PPT16,带读,教)
T: What about the writer? 小作者本人在做什么呢?
T: Oh, he’s reading in the study. (PPT17)
  What a busy family! 多么忙碌的一家子啊!
3. T: Now, let’s read the rhyme. 请跟我读.
3. T: 下面,请你跟着动画, 再来读读这首小诗吧.

T: 在第7单元中,我们一起学习了如何询问别人正在做什么事,相信同学们在今后的学习生活中能很好地运用所学到的知识进行交流。Bye!

第三部分:说 明

5A Unit 8 教学方案

第一部分 简要提示

一、年级:5年级                                二、单元:Unit 8
三、课题:A camping trip                四、课型:新授课
五、教学内容:单元Part A
1. 掌握单词、词组children, hill, show, tent, tin,telescope, tin-opener, pot, stove, blanket, towel, a camping trip, a camping site, .
2.掌握句型: You have…
What do you/ they have? I/ We/ They have...
What does he/ she have? He/ She has ...
3. 能听得懂、会说、和会读日常交际用语和句型:It’s great! Let’s go and see. Look, ... and … are coming.
七、重点难点:1. 掌握单词词组
2.  What do you/ they have?
                                        You/ I/ We/ They  have...                                
What does he/ she have? He/ She has ...

第二部分 教学过程

1.        T: Hello, children. Nice to meet you. 同学们,很高兴见到你。I am your new teacher, Gillian!我是你们的新老师Gillian.
2.        T: Look, I have a book. I have some pencils. And I have a pencil box. (PPT2,教授带读have, I have)老师有这些文具用品,你们喜欢吗?你能来说说你有什么吗?What do you have? (带读)就请你和同桌用这两句话问一问,答一答吧。(稍停,学生说说自己的学习用品)
T: Good. 现在老师想知道你和小伙伴们都有些什么,Follow me, 可以问:What do you have?你们可以回答:We have…
T: I think you have some pencils, a pencil box and some books, too. 我想你也有许多文具用品。你有,you have.(带读教授)
3.  T: 刚才我们说了自己有哪些物品,现在来看看其他人有些什么吧?(PPT3点出人物)Who’s he? Yes, he’s Liu Tao?他有什么呢?我们可以这样问:What does he have?(带读教授)他有什么呢?He has a football.(带读教授)What does he have? He has a football.
T: (PPT4点出人物)Who’s she? Oh, she is Nancy. 她有什么呢?我们可以这样问:What does she have? (带读教授)她有一把椅子。我们可以这样回答:She has a chair. (带读教授)What does she have? She has a chair.
T: (PPT5点出人物)Who are they? They are Miss Li and Mr Green. 他们有什么,我们该怎么说?What do they have? (带读教授)他们有些水果和巧克力糖。可以说They have some fruit and some chocolates.
T: (PPT6呈现句子) 现在请同学们跟老师把这些句子再来读一读。
T: 明白了吗?赶快,练一练吧!

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-20 01:14:43 | 只看该作者

第二步 课文学习
1.        T: We know Mr Green has some fruit and Miss Li has some chocolates. 我们知道了老师们有一些水果和巧克力。Where are they now? 他们正在哪里呢?(PPT8呈现图片)
T: (PPT9) Look, they are here. They are at the camping site. 现在他们正在野营营地呢。(带读教授 camping site)They are having a camping trip.他们在野营呢。(带读教授 camping trip)
T: Who are at the camping site, too.谁也在野营营地呢?Let’s listen to the tape. 让我们来听一段录音吧。(PPT9播放前言)
T: 听完了,相信同学们应该有个大概的了解了。那么老师要提几个问题。Question1: Who are at the camping site?(稍停)Yes. They are the children and their teachers. (带读教授children)( PPT11,呈现答案)
Question2: What are they doing? (稍停)They are showing their things to each other.(带读教授show)(PPT12,呈现答案)
T: Great! 同学们回答完问题,应该可以把前言很好的读一遍了,现在就开始吧!(PPT13, 呈现前言)
2.        T: Good! What are the children talking about there? 那么孩子们都谈论了些什么呢?Let’s watch a video. 让我们先来看一段动画吧。(PPT14,播放动画)
(1)        T: 同学们,看完动画,我们知道孩子们都在谈论各自携带的物品。现在我们再来听听 Liu Tao and David 之间的对话。(PPT15出现人物)
T: Clear? 清楚了吧?那就来说说短文中的三个人物都带了些什么吧?
        What does Liu Tao have? (稍停) Yes, he has a tent. (图片,带读教授tent)
          What does David have? (稍停) Right, he has a chair.
        What does Nancy have? (稍停) Good. She has a chair, too.
        T: Well done! 同学们回答的都很不错。现在同学们打开书翻到60页,把David和Liu Tao之间的对话读一读吧。 (PPT16,17 呈现第一段文字)
(2)        T:我们知道了Liu Tao, David and Nancy有些什么。再来听听Helen and Yang Ling 之间的对话吧!(PPT18, 呈现图片)
T: What does Yang Ling have? (稍停) Right, she has a tin-opener. (图片,带读教授tin-opener)
What does Helen have? (稍停) Good. She has a tin of chicken and a tin of fish.(PPT18,出现词组,带读教授)
T: A tin of chicken and a tin of fish, 一个鸡肉罐头和一个鱼肉罐头。(教师带读)同学们,We know Yang Ling has a tin-opener and Helen has a tin of chicken and a tin of fish. What does Mike have? Mike 有些什么呢?请你再仔细听听录音。(PPT19,播放第二段录音)What does Mike have? (稍停) Yes, he has a pot and a stove. (图片,教师带读教授a pot and a stove)
T:我们都知道Yang Ling, Helen and Mike有些什么了。继续看书,说一说Helen和Yang Ling之间的对话。(PPT20,21, 显示第二段文字)
(3)        T: Wonderful! 孩子们都差不多到齐了,他们在说些什么,让我们来听一听吧!(PPT,播放第三段录音)
T: 都听懂了吧。让我们来做点练习,判断对错。(PPT,23,24)
1. Su Hai and Su Yang have
   two blankets and a telescope. True or false? (稍停)Yes, they are true. (图片,教师带读教授blanket, telescope)
2. Miss Li has a box of masks. True or false? (稍停)False! Because Miss Li has a box of chocolates.
        T: 那么现在就请同学们把书上这段对话朗读一遍。(PPT25,26, 出现文字)
3.  T: OK. Now please read after the tape.请同学们跟着录音把课文朗读一遍。
(PPT27-34, 出现课文内容)
4.  T:怎么样?会读了吧? Please open your books and turn to P60.就请同学们打开书,翻到60页,自己来读读课文。注意本课生词和句子。



T: The children and their teachers had a good time at the camping site. 孩子们和他们的老师在野营营地度过了愉快的时光。Now Mike is at home. He is talking to his parents about the things they had. Mike回到了家中正在向他的父母介绍各自携带的物品。Can you read and try to complete the passage? 请你读一读,并把短文补充完整。先来看看第一段。(学生完成练习)

T: 做好了吗?Now let’s check the answers. 让我们来校对一下答案。(PPT35,36, 呈现答案)让我们接着看第二段。

Liu Tao has a big tent and David has a chair. What does Nancy have? Ha ha! She has a chair, too. Helen has a tin of fish and a tin of chicken. Yang Ling has a tin-opener. The twins(双胞胎) have a telescope and two blankets. Our teachers have a box of chocolates and some fruit.


T: 学完了,怎么样?这节课的内容很多,请同学们课后认真复习,牢固掌握。我们下节课见。See you next class!

第三部分        说 明


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-20 01:14:48 | 只看该作者

5A Unit 8 教学方案

一、年级:5年级                                二、单元:Unit 8
三、课题:A camping trip                四、课型:新授课
五、教学内容:单元Part BCD
六、教学目标:        1. 进一步掌握单词:pot, towel,telescope, tin-opener, stove,
2. 进一步掌握句型:What do you/ they have?      
You/ I/ We/ They have...
What does he/ she have?
He/ She has...
七、重点难点:1. 单词识记
2. 掌握句型:What do you/ they have?
You/ I/ We/ They have...
What does he/ she have?
He/ She has....

第二部分 教学过程

1.        T: Boys and girls, nice to see you again. 同学们,很高兴又见面了。我们和小伙伴参加了一次野营活动,学会了表达某人有某物,还记得了吗?让我们再来看一遍动画吧。(PPT2, 播放动画)
1.        What does Liu Tao have?
           He has a big tent.
2.  What does Helen have?
           She has a chair.       
3.  What does Yang Ling have?
   She has a tin-opener.
T: 请同学们把三个问题和答案跟老师读一遍。(教师带读)
T: Good. Question 4.  What do Su Hai and Su Yang have?
                   They have two blankets and a telescope.(PPT4,出现问句,点出答案)
T: Now please read after me. 跟我读。
Question 5. What do Mr Green and Miss Li have?
Mr Green has some fruit and Miss Li has a box of chocolates.

B 部分

T: 在对话中,我们学习了一些野营所需的物品,现在就让我们来玩个游戏,比比谁的眼力好。
T: What’s this? (稍停) Yes, it’s a pot. Follow me, pot, pot.(同法出现单词stove, blanket, tin-opener, telescope)(PPT6-10,出现图片,教师带读)
T: Look, what’s that? Let me tell you. 让我来告诉你,a towel.(PPT11,带读教授towel)
   2.  T: 看来同学们的眼力都还不错。现在就让我们仔细听录音,读读这六个单词吧。(PPT12,呈现课文单词)
(二)C 部分
        1.         T: 我们刚才学习的这六个单词都是和野营有关,还记得野营怎么说吗?(稍停)Yes, a camping trip. My friends and I are going on a camping trip, too. (PPT13, 呈现图片)
        2.        T: 我和我的朋友们也要去野营啦。你们能来问问我们都有些什么物品吗?先来问问我吧? (稍停)Yes. What do you have? 我有什么呢?你能猜猜吗?(稍停)有同学答对了。I have a tin-opener and a towel. (教师带读答句,然后带读问句答句) (PPT14,呈现图片,点出句子)
T: Look, what a handsome boy. 瞧,多帅的一个男孩。他是我的朋友Tom. 想知道他有些什么呢?来问问我吧!(稍停)Good. What does he have?
Guess! 猜猜看!(稍停)Right. He has a telescope and a tent. (教师带读答句,然后带读问句答句)(PPT15,呈现图片,点出句子)
T: She’s my friend, Amy. 她有什么,你该怎么问我呢?(稍停) Yes. What does she have? 再请你来猜猜吧!(稍停)She has a blanket. (教师带读答句,然后带读问句答句)(PPT16,呈现图片,点出句子)
T: They are all my friends. 他们都是我的朋友。想知道他们有些什么,该怎么问呢?(稍停)Good! What do they have? They have a pot and a stove. (教师带读答句,然后带读问句答句)(PPT17,呈现图片,点出句子)
        3.        T: Well done. 同学们完成的都不错。Now please look at the picture. 请看图片。The children are showing their things to each other. 孩子们正在互相展示各自的物品。他们是怎么说的呢?让我们先来看看第一幅吧。(教师示范)剩下的几幅图就请你和同桌一起来说一说吧!请记住我们要用的句子是:You have … and I have… We have… and they have...(教师带读句型)Now, start.(PPT18, 出示C部分)

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