| 教师活动
| 预设学生行为
| 设计意图
Step 1 Greetings and warming up
| Greet the students T: This morning we are going to learn English together. Please get ready for class. Now show me your two hands! Let’s count the numbers from one to ten. Just follow me! One, one XXX, two, two XXX… Do it as quickly as you can.
| The students greet and follow the teacher.
| 课前问候和热身让学生在轻松、愉快的气氛中集中注意力,促进学生眼、耳、口、手多种器官的动用,积极学习。
Step 2 Learning the new words of furniture
| 1. Make some pictures before class. Show them to students.Teach the words of furniture 2. Words games.
Teacher says it in Chinese
Teacher says the new words silently the students to guess the word.
| 1.The students read the new word together. 2.the students say it in English. The students guess the word.
| 课前收集本单元基本词汇的图片,让学生猜单词,学单词。为了避免学生学习单词枯燥的现象,采取大脑风暴的集体、分组、个人、男女生、不同声调、快慢速、升降调等读法和做口型游戏猜词法,让学生主动参与、激发学生学单词的激情和兴趣。
Step3 1a Match the words with the pictures
| 1. Ask students to read the words on the left of the illustration. 2. Check the answer.
| The students t do 1a.
| 让学生熟悉课本中常用指导语,并培养认真读题的好习惯。
Step 4 Learning the prepositions of place n, in, under.
| 1. Using some objects to learn the prepositions of place. Say the target language and do some action. 2.Play a game.(Teacher makes action .Teacher say it in English.
| 1.The students answer the questions and do as the teacher does. 2.Students say it in Enlgish. Students make action.
| 根据七年级学生的实际情况和认知水平,采用图片和肢体语言进行教学,通过“视觉辅助”活动,学生在脑海里形象地记住了这几个介词的用法,这样使教学内容由难到易、由抽象到直观、由枯燥到丰富。在课堂教学中,再一次激发学生的学习兴趣,保护学生学习的积极性,传授学习策略,培养学生学习的技能。
Step 5 1b(Listen and number [1—5] the things in the picture when you hear them.)
| 1.Point to the items in the illustration and ask the students to name each one. 2.Play the tapes twice. 3. Check the answers.
| 1. Students to name each one.
2.The students listen to the recording twice.
| 给学生两次机会,既能照顾到学习困难学生,又能培养学生从整体把握内容的能力。
Step 6 Practice the target language
| Show three pictures one by one.
| The students guess where it is.
| 模拟真实的对话场景,避免了为了练习而练习的枯燥。
Step 7 1c Pair work
| Ask the students to make conversations.
| The students make conversations and act it out in front of the class.
| 设计情景,找丢失的或藏起来的物品。学生好胜心理和集体荣誉感很强,通过竞赛的方式可以促进学生主动参与活动,巩固所学知识。
Step 8 Consolidation
| Check the answers.
| Group work. The students to do it.
| 课堂练习进一步巩固所学内容,还可以检测学生对本课知识的掌握情况,有利于学生对自己的语言错误和语言方面的不足有更清楚的认识。
Step 9 Summary
| 1. Get students to sum up what we have learned in this class.
2. Make a brief sum-up.
| The students sum up what we have learned
| 让学生自己做课堂总结,然后再由教师做综合陈述。
Step 10 Homework
| 1. Make conversations using what we’ve learned in this class.
2. Copy the new words.
| 七年级学生自觉性和学习能力还不稳定,需要课后作业帮助他们复习巩固
板书 设计 (需要一直留在黑板上主板书)
Blackboard design:
Unit 4 Where’s my backpack? in Where’s my backpack? Where’re my keys?
on It’s under the table. They’re on the dresser.
学生 学习活动评价设计