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Module 4 Unit 2 Working the land优秀教案教学设计

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Module 4 Unit 2 Working the land优秀教案教学设计
发布者: 吴文禹
       设计主题:Module 4 Unit 2 Working the land

姓 名: 吴文禹
学   校:福建省邵武第四中学
性   别:男
职   称:中学壹级
教   龄:24



Module 4 Unit 2 Working the land 阅读教学


根据第二语言学得和习得理论以及包天仁教授独创的英语“四位一体”教学法理论和实践,结合当前课改理念,针对阅读课“Working the land”, 利用教学资源媒体,运用任务型教学(Task-based teaching mode)把这节课设计成“P—T---P”自主学习立体模式:(Pre—task—Task---Post-task)。Pre—task即在读前(Pre—reading),在老师指导下,引导学生通过自主学习,完成预定任务。Task即在课堂上以individual wok,pair work,group work,class work活动形式,通过Fast reading和Intensive reading,让学生感知、体验、讨论、实践、合作与探究等方式,首先让学生达到对课文的文字理解和对课文的中心大意、段落层次有一个基本的理解。Post-task即Post-reading,通过对文字信息加工的组织化及精加工来全面理解课文的脉络、思想内涵,并用自己的英语重新诠释课文,最后实现预定的教学目标。在这个过程中,首先,面向全体学生,关注学生情感,营造宽松、民主和谐的教学氛围,充分发挥学生自主学习能力和学生的主体作用;其次,既要关注学习结果,又要关注学习过程,同时也强调学生是各类评价活动的积极参与者和合作者,体现评价的主体、评价对象和形式的多样化。


本单元的中心话题是“农业”,内容涉及我国著名杂交水稻专家袁隆平的贡献、化肥对土地耕作的影响以及开展有机生态耕种等。本节(本单元的第一课时)完成“热身”(Warming up)、“读前”(Pre-reading)、“阅读”(Reading)、“理解”(Comprehending)四个部分.。“热身”(Warming up)部分围绕有关农业、农村和农作物种植的内容设计三组问题,让学生进行讨论,相互交流他们对农业劳动的已有认识或经验。“读前”(Pre-reading)部分设计三个问题。第一个问题是让学生看图和世界卫生组织的统计数据,并思考反映出来的问题?第二个问题让学生思考:如果明天突然没有了水稻将会发生什么?第三个问题让学生通过本单元阅读文章的标题和图片猜测本篇文章的大意。以上三个递进式问题设计,力图激发学生已有的知识和经验,发挥学生的想象力来更好理解课文,同时,也可激发学生的同情心和人道主义精神。“阅读”(Reading)部分介绍中国著名的农业科学家袁隆平和他的巨大贡献。全文四个部分。第一段介绍袁隆平的外表和他的成就。第二段介绍他的生平。第三段介绍他的高尚品质。第四段介绍他的梦想。“理解”(Comprehending)部分设计了四个练习,主要帮助学生更好理解阅读课文的内容。练习1是填表,要求学生根据课文内容完成表格,检查学生对袁隆平生平的了解。练习2是释义题,要求学生运用不同的语法结构和词汇改写练习中的五个句子,保持句意不变。练习3是问答题,检查学生对课文的深层理解。练习4是小组讨论。要求学生针对课文中的主人公袁隆平这个人物展开讨论,并发表自己的感想。在讨论过程中可使学生学到一种淡薄名利、无私奉献的高尚品质及热爱人民和为人民不断进取的精神,进而树立正确的人生观和世界观。


语言知识目标(Knowledge Congnition):理解、内化、运用本课时中的21个生词和15个新旧词组,更好地扫除听读障碍,以及相关句型(it作形式宾语的用法和倍数的表达)和语法(动词—ing形式作主语和宾语的用法)。语言技能目标(Language Competence):对《土地耕种》这篇文章进行阅读,积极思考,达到强化语言意识,积累语言经验的目的,全面提升综合语言运用能力。学习策略目标(Learning Strategy):自主与合作的学习策略;让学生进一步使用恰当的阅读方法与技能,如快读(fast reading)、精读(intensive reading)、猜测词义(word-guessing)、释义(paraphrasing)和归纳(summarizing)的能力,来把握课文的内容并获取信息、处理信息,进行有效小组合作与交际策略;资源媒体策略运用。情感态度目标(Emotion & Value Cultivation):了解袁隆平的科研成果,以及他的杂交水稻技术对我国乃至世界其他国家的巨大贡献,学习他的科研精神和不计较名利、踏踏实实的生活态度。文化意识目标(Culture awareness):了解农业耕种和农民采取各种方法进行土地的有机耕种,并认识有机耕种的益处,提高绿色农业的意识。


教学重点: (1) .学生掌握本篇文章中的单词、词组以及重要表达
Master the new words ,phrases and useful expressions in the text。
(2) .学生掌握理解文章细节的阅读能力
Train the students’ability to understand the content of text in detail
(3) .学生在体验中与人合作的能力
Train the students’ability to cooperate with others。
教学难点:(1) .重要单词,如:sunburnt,struggle,decade,super,output,hunger,disturbing,expand,circulate,battle,rid,freedo-m,therefore,equip,grain,export,nationality,occupation
(2) .重要词组,如:
thanks to,lead a…life,would rather,graduate from,care about, be rich in,year by year,every two orthree years,rid of,be satisfied with, in the five dacades, devote …to,with the hope of,as a result,keep …free from
This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the same fields. Using his hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before.

(中文为主 + 所教学科目标语言)

步骤1(3m):Warming up(热身活动)即(Greeting & Lead-in(情景导入)
Greet the students as usual.
Task1: Free-talk on picture-linking (学生自由导入)
(1).Have you ever been to the countryside? What did you see or do there?
(2).Are you from a farmer’s family? What do you know about farming?
(3).Have you ever grown any plants? If so, what did you do to grow them? If not, what kind of plant would you like to try growing? How would you grow it?
设计意图:通过Pair work活动和PPT文本、课本教学媒体形式,让学生看课文中的两幅插图和课件中的一些简笔画,让学生从视觉上了解农村和农业劳动。相互提问和讨论,给来自城乡不同的学生提供一个学习和交流的机会的同时,也让城里和农村的学生面对面地、更多地了解农业和农村生活,了解中国农民的生活现状,提高学生对农业的认识,从而帮助他们深刻地理解本篇课文,理解农业科学家袁隆平的科学价值。
Task2(3m): Read the statistics and look at the picture and discuss and imagine the questions.
(1).What could you do to help hungry children in poor countries?
(2).What would you do if there was no rice to eat tomorrow?
(3).Who do you think is the greast hero for hungry people in the world?
设计意图:通过Individual work活动和PPT文本形式,让学生看课文“世界卫生组织“的统计数据和非洲饥饿儿童的图片,回答并想象PPT文本中的任务二的三个问题,引发学生对全世界人民温饱情况的思考,进而一步步的引导学生进一步熟悉本单元的话题,预测阅读内容,激发学生的阅读兴趣和学习欲望
1.Fast reading (快速阅读)
Task3(2m): Ask students to skim the reading passage and then answer the following questions:
①.Who became the first agricultural pioneer in the world in 1974 to grow rice that has a high output?
②.What are his achievements?
2.Intensive reading(精读)
Task4(3m): Allow students to read the passage craefully this time to understand the main idea of each paragraph and the important details, and then finish the following:
(1).Find out the main idea of each paragraph and match the following headings with the right paragraphs
Paragraph1             A. Dr Yuan’s dream
Paragraph2             B. Dr Yuan’s personality
Paragraph3             C. Dr Yuan’s  biography              
Paragraph4             D. Dr Yuan’s  appearance and his achievement
(2).Choose the best answere according to the text.
①.Dr Yuan Longping looks like__________
A. a scientist        B. a strong man     C. a farmer     D. a pioneer
②.What has he been doing for so many years?
A.He has been working in the rice field like other farmers
B.He has been doing research to raise the output of rice.
C.He has been managing a large farm.
D.He has been carrying out experiments in his lab.
③.Dr Yuan Longping ’s main achievement is that________________
A.he has helped other less-developed countries
B.he has earned a lot of money from his research
C.he has helped the United Nations to get rid of hunger in the world
D.he has greatly raised the production of rice
④.What is his attitude to money?
A.He tries his best to earn enough money.
B.He thinks that one should own a large sum of money in his life.
C.He does not value money very much.
D.He hates money and thinks it is nothing.
Task5(10m): Discuss and answer these questions based on your understanding of the passage.
(1) Why did Yuan Longping want to increase the rice output when he was young?
(2) Is Dr Yuan Longping more of a scientist or more of a farmer? Do you think he is a businessman ? Give your reasons.
(3) How would you describe Dr Yuan Longping`s personality? Use three or four adjectives.
(4) Dr Yuan was able to develop a successful agricultural product when thousands of other farmers could not .What do you think is the main reason for his success?
(5) Dr Yuan thinks that a person with too much money has more rather than fewer troubles. Do you agree or disagree ? Why?
(6) Dr Yuan develpoed super hybrid rice to help Chinese farmers and hungry people around the world. Can you think of any other major development that would make a great difference to world hunger? Write out your idea and then compare it with your partner.
设计意图:通过Individual work活动及课本、PPT文本教学媒体形式,即通过学生独立快速阅读和精读课文,培养学生的查读和细读能力,让学生初步掌握课文的中心大意、段落层次、及对课文整体脉络的理解和学生语言归纳概括能力,帮助学生完成Task3-4(PPT文本)。同时通过Group work和Class work的进一步活动,即通过小组交流和讨论,相互问答,对袁隆平这个人有一个大致了解,概貌性的了解,指导学生通过上下文,对于陌生的单词、短语和长、难句的表达方式及V+ing语法结构和句型进行大胆的分析、理解与猜测,完成Task5(课本第11页练习3)。
步骤4(13m): Post reading (读后讨论)
Task6(8m).Let students paraphrase these sentences from the reading passage (write the same meaning using different grammar structure and their own words).
(Show the following on the screen)
Example:Athough he is one of China`s most famous scientists,Yuan Longping considers
Himself a farmer.
→Yuan Longping thinks he is just a farmer ,even though he is one of the greatest scientist
in China.
(1)As a young man ,he saw the great nedd for increasing the rice output.
(2)At the time ,hunger was a disturbing problem inmany parts of the countryside.
(3)Using hie hybird rice, farmers are producing harvest twice as lager as before.
(4)Spending money on himslef or lending a comfortable life also means very little to him .
(5)Just dreaming for things, however, costsnothing.
Task7(5m): 2.Have students in groups of four take a group discussion and then report to the class.
Question :(1).What advantages and disadvantages do you see in Yuan Longping`life?
(2).Would you like to have a life like his? Why or why not ?
设计意图:通过Individual work 和 group work活动与PPT文本、课本和粉笔教学媒体形式,完成Task6(课本第11页练习2)和Task7(课本第11页练习4),即要求学生再细读课文或组织学生听录音或跟读模仿后,指导学生在英语学习中,对于同义词、同义词组、以及表达相同的语言结构、语法结构等进行不断积累和总结,这有助于培养学生今后的写作能力的提高;同时,在细读后,组织学生进行小组讨论、分析文中关于人物描写的表达方式,捕捉课文中人物的具体信息和细节,从而加深对课文脉络和重要细节的把握,以及对课文的全面而深入的领会,引导学生说出自己的理由,并给与适当的引导,从而使学生不仅受到人生态度的启发,也培养了学生阅读中的推理与归纳能力以及学生加工信息及利用信息来分析问题的能力。
步骤5(10m) Consolidation(课文巩固)
Task8(3m): Let students use the information in the passage to complete the following notes about Dr Yuan










Task9(7m): Ask some students to retell the story of Yuan Longing according to the above notes.
设计意图:通过Individual work 和group work活动与课本和PPT文本教学媒体形式完成Task8—9。Task8中的设计目的十分明确,通过填写这个表格,让学生对课文中的人物信息进行笔头归纳。Task9通过复述课文进一步检验学生对课文的理解和掌握,培养概括、口头表达能力。
步骤6(1m) Assignment(课后作业)
Task10:Go over the text and try to learn all the useful words and expressions in this heart.
Task11:Rewrite the text(150单词)


3. 描述袁隆平的生平、他的成就以及他的两个梦想。
编号   评价项目      是    否    具体情况     (在提示词上打勾)
1.你是否在课上自我评价中检查了语言知识?全面迅速 部分掌握 少量掌握 未掌握
2.你在课堂上是否精力集中? 很集中  集中 一般 有时集中
3.你在课堂上是否感到心情愉快? 很愉快愉快一般  有时愉快
6.你是否接受了与过去活动有关的阅读材料?教材评价手册 课外读物 练习册 测试题
7.你是否与同学一起评价课上的活动?积极主动评价 有时评价 偶尔评价
8.你是否愿意接受同学对自己的评价? 积极采纳 部分采纳 很少采纳
9.你是否能读懂课文大意? 全懂 大部分懂少部分懂 不懂
10.你是否能口、笔头复述课文? 完全能 少部分能 不能
11.你是否能结合自己生活经验,运用所学知识?能 差不多能不能
12. 互评与合作评价对你帮助大吗? 很大 大 一般无
13.你喜欢英语课的这种教学方式吗? 很喜欢  喜欢 不喜欢
1. The farmer prefers to _____his fields ______ weeds through a traditional method instead of using chemicals.
A.rid; of                         B. rid ;from
C.get rid ;of                      D .get rid of ; from
2.The old professor was _____the result of the experiment, promising he would award them.
A.familiar with         B.popular with
C.strict with           D. satisfied with
3.She would rather keep to what her husband said than______him angry.
A.make      B to make     C. making    D.made
4.The farmers introduced the super hybrid rice;______,the grain harvest was twice as larger as before.
A. meanwhile   B.therefore    C.otherwise   D.however
5.As it is raining heavily,Iwould rather _____at home than _____out with them.
A.stay; going    B.staying; going    C.staying; go   D.stay ;go
6.Evertthing is good with your composition except that it is a little bit short.Please ___it. I believe you can make it .
A.explore   B.express   C.expand   D.explain
7.This method makes _____possible to prevent wind or water from carrying away the soil.
A.it    B. that   C.which   D.them
8.You have to rid yourself _____the sadness.You know ,it is very bad for your health .
A.of   B.at   C. off   D with
9.He may not be at home ______leave him a note
A.If not   B. If so   C. If ever   D. If should
10.Who ______to New York ?
A.you suggest should be sent   B. you suggest is sent
C. do you suggeat be sent      D. do you suggest will be sent
1 _______(read)aloud in the reading room is a bad habit.
2. It `s a waste of time _____(argue ) with him.
3.Your _______(go ) there will help a lot .
4. She suggested _______(go ) to the Great Wall for the spring outing.
5.She has been playing all day instead of _____(get) on with her work .
6.I found it useless _______(discuss) about it .
7.The young trees will require____________ (look) after carefully.
8.This means ______(set ) out at once
9.Do you have any diffculty  (in) ________________(understand) spoken English?
10. Collecting stamps is his hobby, and __________(play) with his only son also gives him much pleasure.
Yuan Longping, who grows what is called 1._______ hybrid rice, was born into a poor farmer`s family in 1930. When he was young he found hunger was a 2_______ problem in many parts of the countryside.So he searched for a way to increase rice harvests without 3._______ the area of the fields. In 1974 ,he became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high 4._______. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.5._______his research, the UN has more tools in the 6._________to rid the world of hunger. Yuan Longping is quite 7._______with his life .He feels being famous gives him less 8.________ to do his research ,and he also cares little about money;9.________he gives millions of yuan to 10._____others for their research in agriculture.
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