1、通过学习韵文《The Cat`s Got the Measles》培养幼儿学习英语的兴趣;
2、引导幼儿学习英文单词“Measles ”的正确发音;
VCD《The Cat`s Got the Measles》、医生的装备(白大褂、听诊器、药品)、小猫的装备(衣服、纱巾、贴纸)、小猫,猴子、头饰各一个、大图(大脸猫)、红色的磁铁(细菌)、单词大卡片 (mailman,fightfighter,cook,doctor)各一套,各不同形状的即时贴纸若干,韵文图谱、
1、与孩子们打招呼,做一做口语练习。例如:T:Good morning boys and girls, can you tell me what weather like is today? And how do you feel today?引导孩子反问老师:How do you feel ,Miss Wu?(咳,咳,I feel sick, I want to send for the doctor.)
2、复习有关职业的名称。事先将职业的卡片反扣在黑板上,让孩子猜一猜所学过的职业名称,引导孩子说出各职业的英语名称,念一念有关职业的数来宝,如I `m a waiter ,please, please, please; I `m a cook, cook, cook; I `m doctor, hear, hear; I `m a firefighter, fire, fire, fire; I `m a mailman, mailman, mailmail。I `m a nurse, 澎刺~~~~啊------例如:We send for the doctor,Mmmm…where is the doctor, no,he is a mailman,做一做mailman的数来宝,以此类推,翻出其他职业的图片并说一说各自的数来宝,直接找出doctor.接下来,老师穿上白大褂,让孩子说出老师所扮演的职业的名称,老师再向孩子说明医生的工作情况。例如:look , what do I do?(doctor)right,I `m a doctor, if you got the sick(ke..ke..) and I know what to do.(摆弄一下医生的医疗设备,并看看坐在位置上的孩子有没有不舒服)
小猫出场并喵喵叫( 疲倦、痛苦),这时老师问小猫:“嗯,who is coming ?Hello, Cat ,what `s matter with you?” (焦虑心疼) 小猫很疲倦的样子说:“ 咳,咳,I`ve got the measles.”这时老师掀开小猫的纱巾,“啊,measles,the cat`s got the measles. (焦虑心疼)”老师指着贴上红点点的猫咪,让幼儿猜猜猫咪怎么啦,顺着孩子的答案介绍“measles”,带孩子学习单词“measles”.这时,老师再问一问孩子小猫怎么了。引导孩子说出The cat`s got the measles.例如:What `s matter with the cat? The cat is sick. The cat`s got the measles.”老师再给小猫进行治疗(夸张些)。Don`t worry, I know what to do
出示“大脸猫”,带读单词“measles”,边念边往图片上贴红色的“measles”.这时,老师也往自己身上贴上measles, 引导孩子说Miss Wu `s got the measles,再请能念出单词“measles”的孩子上来, 老师再将measles 贴在他的身上,问其他的小朋友,and**`s got the measles.引导小朋友说出“谁谁 `s got the measles.”给猫贴上磁铁,并大声念出来.例如:let`s play the game--- who`s got the measles? Who want to try? Measles ,measles, who`s got the measles. (引导孩子跟念)这时医生再给他进行治疗。(活动两遍)
3、游戏活动:Where is the doctor?将所有职业的卡片反扣在黑板上,让小朋友来当生病的孩子,让他找到医生的卡片,才能得到治疗。(老师可以示范做一遍寻找医生的过程)引导幼儿说出生病时要找医生,再适时复述孩子的话。例如:who`s got the measles? (请上扮演生病的孩子并给他贴上measles)**,what`s the matter with you?(I `ve got the measles)Whatever shall we do(send for the doctor) ,let`s look for the doctor翻开图片直到找出doctor?(注意引导坐在位置上的孩子也一起说)找到医生后,医生说:I know what to do. **, have some medicine Mmm….the measles have gone.(2次)
出示韵文图谱,第一遍让孩子听老师念韵文,例如:I read the chant《The Cat`s Got the Measles》for you ,listen…, 第二遍请小朋友起立跟着老师一句一句念韵文并做动作,let`s learn the chant《The Cat`s Got the Measles》,read after me第三遍播放CD,请幼儿跟老师一起边念边做动作。Let`s follow the type.very good ,the class is over.