| 教师活动
| 预设学生行为
| 设计意图
Step 1:Warming up
| (1)Review the numbers from one to ten. (2)Three questions to ask: How many days are there in a week? What are they?Do you want to know how to say them in English? (3)Open your English book,turn to page86,read the new words after me.(Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday day tomorrow have on Moral Education Social Studies).
| 学生听不懂老师的英语提问,每个问题都要用汉语解释。1—10用英语表达,学生只能说出几个,其他的得在老师引导下一块儿回忆一块儿说。
| 看似简单的两个问题的提问,能活跃课堂氛围,激发同学们学习英语的好奇心。
Step2 resentation
| 1)I write the days on the blackboard and give a task for them: Look at these words carefully, and find the characteristics. 2) I ask the students how to speak?They could not remember all the days of the week, read after me again. 3) I check your memory. 4)Open your English book, and turn to page16,I give you one minitue, and tell me what can you see ? (学生听不懂的问题,老师要用汉语解释。)
| 老师边写学生边认读,发现有好几个都不记得,特别是Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursdayand Saturday. 学生观察单词,发现每个单词的首字母都要大写,都有相同的“day”。 这页有课程表而且不是像班级里张贴的那样,是英语课程表。这些单词如:Monday ,Tuesday, Friday and Sunday.我们刚学过。这里的同学们在做游戏,他们手中拿着星盘,一个转其他的猜星期几。
| 同学们带着任务观察老师书写单词,发现其相同之处,便于记忆单词。让学生自主探究发现规律,享受成功的乐趣。 反复读单词,通过多读刺激大脑记忆。 学生仔细阅读该页内容看出或猜猜所谈论的话题。提高学生观察能力和自学能力。
Step 3 ractice (语言练习)
| Sentences: 1) A:What day is it today? B:It’s Wednesday. 2) A:What do we/you have on Wednesday or one day of the week?(根据实际课程安排情况回答。) B:We have Chinese,math, English,art and labor. (强调We have+科目的完整回答。
| 开始还很难听懂老师的提问:What day is it today?当天是星期三,老师回答:It’s Wednesday.学生已学过这个单词就能猜出是星期三。也能猜出老师的问句:今天是星期几?老师接着边问边用手点当天课程,学生就明白问的是“今天上什么科目?”学生对科目的单词还熟悉,能较顺利地回答。
| 师生通过角色互换进行反复问答,使同学们由猜得出到能听懂两个问句的意思并能根据实际情况回答。
Step 4:Production (语言的实际应用)
| Please take out your works and do the exercises like Let’s play, let’s talk and group work. Let’s play(four in one group). Let’s talk(do with your deskmate or four in one group). Finish the first two work,you could express the day you like and tell the reason.
| 学生听不明白活动要求,老师走到学生中间指导。只有少数同学完成老师布置的课前任务:星盘和课表的制作。做对话练习,很多学生很茫然,老师得逐一做示范。
| 培养学生语言综合运用能力。至少两个同学做对话,培养他们的合作、互助精神,锻炼他们的胆量。
Step 5:Summary
| Sing a song: Seven Days of the Week I have got a question to ask you: What do we learn in this lesson?
| 1)What day is it today? 2)What do we have on Monday? 3)Talk about which day I like and the reason. 学生会用汉语总结但在老师引导下能基本使用英语回答。
| 老师自编的英文歌曲简单易学,让学生劳逸结合、放松心情,快乐记星期的单词。 通过让学生自己总结,老师加以补充,使他们对这堂课所学记忆深刻。老师对他们的答复表示认可,这样让他们对下节课仍充满期待。
Step 6:Homework
| 1、Write the new words we have learnt , copy the dialogue on P17-- Let’s talk and translation. 2、Finish the exercise.<<课堂作业>> 7至P9《课堂作业》和《课后巩固》练习。 3、Preview the PartB .
| 学生很有可能不注意星期几的七个单词的首字母要大写;抄写对话时首字母不大写;字母书写,印刷体和手写体不能很好区分;未能明白每句话的意思,注释不对或不写;只有少数同学能完成《课堂作业》的部分练习。
| 学生能听、说、认读但还得加强单词和句子的书写和理解,好记忆不如烂笔头。做练习可培养学生语言综合运用能力。尽量让学生养成课前预习的好习惯。
| Monday
| Tuesday(Tue.)
| Wednesday(Wed.)
| Thursday(Thu.)
| Friday(Fri.)
| 1
| MoralEducation
| Math
| Math
| Chinese
| Chinese
| 2
| Chinese
| Math
| Chinese
| Chinese
| Chinese
| 3
| Math
| Chinese
| English
| Math
| Math
| 4
| Chinese
| Chinese
| Math
| Math
| Math
| 5
| Math
| Music
| Art
| Computer
| Activity
| 6
| Science
| P.E.
| Labor
| P.E.
| A: What day is it today?
B:It’s/It is Wednesday.(可替换)
A:What do we/you have on Wednesdays?(可替换)
B:We have Chinese,math,English,art and labor on Wednesdays.
A:Which day do you like?
B:I like Tuesdays.Because we have music class.(可替换)