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发表于 2008-9-25 07:54:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
前天说华尔街的失业,今天就说说找工作。在国外,雇主有时会要求申请者做aptitude tests,也就是能力测试。所谓“能力”包括了“numerical aptitude”(数字能力)、“verbal aptitude”(词语能力)、“abstract reasoning ability”(抽象推理能力)、“spatial ability”(空间能力)、“technical ability”(技术能力)等。在每一种能力之下分别测试一些“子能力”,比如“数字能力”之下包括了“numerical computation”(数字计算)、“numerical estimation”(数字估算)、“numerical reasoning”(数据推理);“词语能力”下面包括了“spelling”(拼写)、“word meaning”(词义)、“word relationships”(相关词汇)、“comprehension”(理解)、“critical reasoning”(关键推理)等。这些题目本身并不难,但是量大,测试者要在很短时间内回答很多问题。比如“数字能力”测试题超过100道,要在60分钟内完成,而“词语能力”测试题近200道,也要在一个小时内完成。下面把各类能力测试题目中各选一个,供各位参考,看看自己能不能应对类似这样的能力测试(没有全部翻译,顺便也测试一下英语水平吧)。

I. 数字能力测试:

(1)Numerical computation:

17+47=7+ ?

A. 55 B. 57  C. 65  D. 67 E. 35


(2)Numerical estimation:

Which number is nearest to the right answer?


A.650  B. 550  C. 580  D. 590 E. 600


(3)Numerical reasoning

Identify the missing number at the end of series

3, 11, 19, 27,

A. 33, B. 35,  C. 37,  D.  39, E. 41


II. 词语能力测试

(1)Verbal spelling

A. Tommorrow B. Tomorrow  C. Tomorow D. Tommorow

答案: B

(2)Word meaning

Which word does not have a similar meaning to except 以下哪个词没有相近的词义

A. bar B. accept C. exclude, D. ban


(3)Verbal ability word relationship

Medicine is to illness as law is to… 药品与疾病的关系犹如法律与...

A. anarchy; B. discipline, C. treason, D. etiquette


(4)Verbal ability comprehension

已知:The refectory opens at 6:30 am, to serve breakfast which must be ordered by 9:30am. Lunch is served between 11:45 am and 2:30 pm. Dinner is served between 6pm and 8:30pm.

Question: You can order lunch at 9:45am(某饭厅早6点半开门供应早餐,早餐订餐必须在9点半之前。午餐在11点45到2点半。晚餐供应在6点到8点半之间。问题:9点45可订午餐)

A. True, B. False, C. Can’t say


(5)Critical reasoning 关键推理

已知:There are 900 bottles to be filled. Jim and Molly working independently but at the same time take 30 minutes to fill the bottles. How long should it take Molly working by herself to fill the bottles. (900个瓶子需要灌装,Jim与Molly分别但同时工作,一共半个小时可以灌满。如果Molly单独工作需要多少时间灌满?)

Statement 1: Molly fills half as many bottles as Jim 已知条件1:Molly灌瓶的数量只有Jim的一半。
Statement 2: Jim would take 45 minutes to by him self.已知条件2:Jim单独工作需要45分钟灌满。

Which of the above statements make it possible to answer the question? 以上两个条件哪一个是回答问题的充分条件?

A. Statement 1 alone is sufficient, Statement 2 alone is not sufficient.条件1充分,条件2不充分。
B. Statement 2 alone is sufficient, Statement 1 alone is not sufficient.条件2充分,条件1不充分。
C. Both statements together are sufficient, but neither alone is sufficient两个条件加起来充分,但是单独使用不充分。
D. Each statement alone is sufficient 两个已知条件单独使用都足以回答问题。
E. Statements 1 and 2 together are not sufficient.两个条件加起来也不充分。


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