on the right lines
along the right lines
If someone is on the right lines or is proceeding along the right lines, they are behaving in a way which is likely to result in success. This expression is used in British English. On the right track means the same.
Sometimes all you really require is detached opinion and impartial advice, or even just a friendly voice to tell you that you are on the right lines.
We are, it seems, proceeding along roughly the right lines with government action encouraging more efficient engines, while keeping an eye on developing alternatives.
You can also use this expression to suggest that someone is almost, but not completely, managing to achieve the required result.
The treatment offered so far has been along the right lines, but not successful in curing the condition completely.
read between the lines
If you read between the lines, you understand what someone really means, or what is really happening in a situation, even though it is not stated openly.
If one reads between the lines of their public statements, one is left with the impression that they're just to through the and that the decision to go ahead with mining has already been made.
He was reluctant to go into details, but reading between the lines it appears that the Bank of England has vetoed any idea of a merger between British banks.
You can also talk about the message between the lines.
He didn't give a reason, but I sensed something between the lines.
Mr Major's speech seemed hostile to the idea of a single currency. Yet, between the lines, there was much to suggest that he is not against it for ever.