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发表于 2011-12-6 14:38:24 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


_________学校   _____班级    姓名:__________   得分:______
Listening part (42%)
1. Listen and link. 听录音,将图片和姓名连线。(10%)

2. Listen and circle. 听音,圈出句子中包含的单词。(12%)
(1) Saturday  Sunday                (4) computer  favourite
(2) vegetables  watermelons           (5) science  strict
(3) English  onion                   (6) nice  smart
3. Listen and fill. 听对话,填充表格中的横线。(10%)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
fries ________
and chips
__________ hamburger _______
With beans ______
mink coke rice _______
juice rice rice
4. Listen , number and draw. 听音、标号,并补全图画。(10%)

Writing part (58%)
5. Complete and explain the words. 补全单词并写出中文意思。(10%)
str__ct (       )    __ctive (       )   comp__ter  (      )
th__ __sday (   )    s__turday (     )   sc__ence   (      )
m__tton (       )    c__bb__ge (     )   h__ __lthy (      )  
fr__sh  (       )
6.Read and link.读单词,连线。(10%)
   today           星期一        fish             青豆
   Sunday          星期二        eggplant         猪肉
   Friday          今天          pork             鱼
   Monday          星期五        green beans      土豆
   Tuesday         星期日        potato           茄子
7.Arrange the words.整理成句。(10%)
   (1) teacher  your  English  Who’s  ?

   (2) do  have  What  Thursdays  on  you  ?

   (3) TV  watch  on  I  Saturdays .

   (4) have  What  you  lunch  for  Mondays  on  do  ?

   (5) your  What’s  fruit  favourite  ?

8. Read and fill. 读对话,选择句子补全对话。(10%)
Girl: hello, Mr …?
MAN: Call me john.
Girl: (1) ____________.
MAN: No, call me Mr Watt. Wait is my family name.
Girl: What!? How funny!
MAN: Oh, my family name is W-A-T-T, not W-H-A-T.
Girl: Now I see. Mr Watt, are you a new teacher in our school?
MAN: Yes, (2)________________.
Girl: Great! I love English very much.       (3)________________.
MAN: Glad to know that.
Girl: Oh, look, it’s 11 clock. (4)______________.
MAN: So I am hungry. (5)___________________?
Girl: It’s near the library. Follow me. This way, please.
A. It’s time for lunch    B. Hello, Mr John   C. Where is the canteen
D. I often read English   E. I am an English teacher  F. Are you hungry
9. Read and judge. 阅读,判断,口头回答划线部分。(8%)
    Hello. My name is Gordon. I am a student in Willow School. I get up at 6:30 and go to school at 7 o’clock in the morning. We have three classes in the morning and one in the afternoon. How many classes do you have on Monday?
On Monday, we have P.E and art. I can draw beautiful pictures. Can you?
I love Tuesday. On Tuesday, I have Science is fun. And our Science teacher is very funny. But my favourite class is computer. What about you?
We have three English classes every week, on Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Our English teacher comes from the USA. He is tall and strong. He likes sports. We boys sometimes play football with him. Is your English teacher tall?
My father and mother are not at home on Thursday, so I have lunch at school. The food at my school is so yummy. Do you have lunch at school?
(  ) (1) There are six classes in one day.
(  ) (2) Gordon has no English class on Friday.
(  ) (3) Gordon likes science and computer.
(  ) (4) The food in Gordon’s school is good.

10. Read and spell. 读短文,将括号中的字母排列成正确的单词,写在横线上。 (10%)
Good morning. My (mean) is Peter. I am (riteneth) years old. I am at scholl now.
My school is not very (gib), but it’s very beautiful. There are many trees and flowers in the (ereng) school garden.
I like sports and often do sports with my friends. But it’s too hot (yotad), so I am at (mohe).I play (retucomp) games at home. We have a (slaml) dog at dog at home. It’s (nowrb). It has two lovely eyes and two long ears. I call it Rabbit.
My house is very nice. My mummy cleans it every day, so the (roflo) is very clean and I don’t wear slippers at home. But my mother doesn’t like it.
___________  ___________  ___________  ___________  ___________
___________  ___________  ___________  ___________  ___________

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 楼主| 发表于 2011-12-6 14:39:06 | 只看该作者
PEP人教版小学五年级上学期英语期中考试试卷.rar (474.89 KB, 下载次数: 9140)

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